Forecast for an Economic Perfect Storm

Bang Man
by Bang Man

Your salary has just shrunk by 18%!
Or you could say the rest of the world just got an 18% “Grand Bargain” on your services!

Expect, a fast and furious economic Storm to be heading towards you.

The U.S. currency has lost about 18 percent in the past year.

On the way an economic Big BANG - an “epic tragedy” ;
Carlyle group, Bear Stearns and much more exciting US economic collapse news and dollar meltdown

Come to think about it, there is not much US has to sale these days
except may be for GUNS and wars.

LOOK here where “The American Dream” & “Iraq War” meets reality:


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Euro reached $1.57 today....

by . (not verified) on

This is in contrast with $1.4 few months ago. Dollar is becoming RIAL. Goodbye to both. Do we see $2 per Euro before summer?