Video About Mossadegh & kashani

by Behnam.sezavar

I watched this video based on my studies this video is 90% accurate ...what do u think ?





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How Carter et al

by sick of islamists (not verified) on

How Carter et al orchestrated the Velvet Revolution of 1978: A Must Read book:


The particular shape of the ruling classes in Iran has, for the past one thousand and one years at least, consisted of two major components. In Iran they are referred to as the ‘Shah’ and the ‘Shaykh’; the King and the Cleric.

For those less familiar with the history of Iran, it is instructive to know that the clergy were a most integral part of the ruling classes all the way until 1920s, when the founder of the Pahlavi Dynasty, Reza Shah, summarily stripped the mullahs of almost all their social institutions of power.

From that point on the clergy had to stay content with running the mosques for the most part. Even large land holdings of the organized clergy were confiscated. The Shah also used to bribe them with a monthly stipen for them to stay quiet. And as soon as he stopped 'subsidizing' them, that's when all hell broke loose!...and the rest is history.

Iranians have been enslaved by the mullahs and Sheikh much longer than any monarchy. Monarchies were mainly figureheads who had to appease/bribe the clergies to keep them docile.

America brought the Shahanshaykhi back to Iran because they have always known about the power of the clergies. It is best for pragmatic purposes for the West to have clergies rule the Iranian people and keep them ignorant and servile. Iranians need to be educated about this history of slavery. The clergies have manipulated and kept masses of Iranians in complete darkness for their own self-serving agenda. They use religion to keep the population obedient, subservient, and subjugated. If Iranians are ever to free themselves from the shackles of religious slavery, they have to understand what's been happening to them and at what cost.

Those zealous fanatic muslims, often brutal and murderous, who have taken Iranian hostage at a gun point with threats of barbaric violence.

True Iranians need to understand if they want to stay Iranian, they need to convert back to their roots. And that will take hard work to educate people on how corrupt the clergies have been and the tremendous damage they have done to Iran and true Iranians. A time will come when Iranians will realize that they have to choose between being Iranian or Islamist...This might take another half a century but it will happen. The longer the mullahs stay in power the sooner Iranians will be able to purge Islam out of their great nation. Educating Iranians about their history of slavery by the clergies is the first step toward emancipation from centuries of slavery under the yolk of powerful and cunning clergies.

Emancipation comes before democracy.

Around 200 Aryashahr residents in Tehran reacted angrily, after a girl who was stopped by the Islamic Guidance units for inappropriate Hejab, resisted arrest. The Guidance units started beating up the young girl when she started resisting arrest and their brutality stirred the crowds who came to the girl's rescue.

Islamic Guidance units, faced with angry protests, drove away from the scene in a hurry, forgetting to take one of their colleagues, who was duly set on by the angry protesters. As the crowds got bigger and bigger, they started shouting "Islamic Government, We don't want, we don't want" which can be clearly heard on the youtube clip.

Watch the people spontaneously shout "Islamic Government, We don't want, we don't want"

Watch this People are shouting "Islamic Government, We don't want, we don't want":



Re: IRI Show

by AnonymousX (not verified) on is an IRI front. Its job is to demonize Dr. Mosadegh (cleverly done in the tv show, and now used as propoganda in, demonize the shah, and demonize any other nationalistic entity, while depicting the clerics as good people.
This is Irannegah's job. When the IRI falls, anyone involved in this and similar sites should be found and brought to trial, no matter what the cost may be.

Ali P.

Which 90%?

by Ali P. on


 The cast depicted the physical characteristics of the personalities well, except for Kashani( the Shah seems at least 10 years older than he actually was, too). In this videos, Kashani seems very distinguished, and his voice ( I KNOW I heard it from Daie jaan sarhang in "Daie jaan Napoleon") is calming. In reality, he was a feisty old man, who cursed often.

  Also, as everything else produced under IRI, "religious forces" are presented as the only true faction, representing  the will of Iranian nation.