Video: Arian's Tehran Concert

by Behnam.sezavar

I luv this Arian group , i remember when their first cd came out... man it was huge , dameshon garm ..they did alot for iranian pop music from inside of iran ..yavash yavash dada hamechi hal misheh lol kamran hooman in tehran dec 2010 lol






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wake up

by Dada (not verified) on

throw in a video like this? This is reality of Iran. Concerts. are you dumb? lol



by AnonymousX (not verified) on is an IRI front operating with the Iranians living abroad as its target audience. Its job is to brainwash those who can be brainwashed.
I caution everyone to know that the folks at this site are very clever. Occasionally, they throw in a video like this one, or one that makes (clever and careful) fun of a second hand IRI government official, in order to create the resemblence of NOT being an IRI front site.
khar khodetoonid.


Re: Arian

by Parham on

Do kabootaaaaaaaaaar, ... :-)