Video: Iranian Judiciary cracks down on criminals

by Behnam.sezavar

Iran executed 29 convicted drug smugglers and other criminals on Sunday (July 27, 2008) in Evin prison in Tehran, state news media reported, as part of an expanded crackdown on crime.


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To Ban execution in Iran

by Iva (not verified) on

First one must ban islam in Iran where its bylaws are all about killing, stoning, maiming, taking eyes out, etc.

Khomeini and his successors have killed and executed thousands of Iranians, mostly political prisoners since start of their occupation, has those execustions stopped hate for them? No, has it stopped thieves from climbing walls? No. These executions' sole purpose, as it was perscribed by islam, is to instill fear in people.


Re: Who is to blame!

by mostaghel on

Ali Reza

You can practically blame anything and everthing on any government, if you are sort of naiive.. The fact is that certain acts  fall in the category of "individual responsibilities" and certain others  are "collective responsibilities". Collective meaning the entire nation and therefore that of governments' responsibility in particular. In the case of murders and drugs, and some others like those,   are individual responsibilities. When a  nation is in debt, for example, it is collective -- raise taxes to pay back the debt, etc.... That is not to say that governments in the case of "individual" don't have a role, but in the above cases their role is mostly educational, and informational. For example, Mr "W" cannot come to your home and tell your child not to use drugs. It is parents and child's responsibility to learn that (and schools). However, it is government of USA who should provide info and in the case of drugs as much as it is possible to prevent it from production and distribution. Most governments do that but success has range.

Hope that clarifies.


Who is to blame!

by ali reza (not verified) on

The government is the one to blame for what is happening in Iran. Crimes are in every country, but is not causing major problems for a country.It causes problem when it goes out of control which is the case in Iran now. Easy access to drugs is one of the main reasons for lots of the crimes. controlling the flow of drugs should be the country major task if they want a healthy population.Education and health care comes next for people with drug problems.Creating employment should be addressed since lack of employment and depression are some of the reasons for people seeking temporary relief.


Problem with the Death Penalty

by mrlayl on

My fellow Tass,

Aside from leaving the door open for abuae by authorities, and possibility of mistakes being made in the judicial process, death penalty makes a murderer out of the society same as the convicted felon.

I'd say, once convicted, throw them in jail and loose the key. Hard labor and no possibility of parole.

Lets work towards banning executions worldwide.



Shiny Head

Agha JJ speak for yourself !

by Shiny Head on

Agha JJ,

I wonder if you would  have  the same reaction (and opinion) if one of your dearest was subject of the criminal persecution by one of these thugs? 


(I did not become Kachal because I used Vajebi to shave my head. I becamse Kachal because I wanted to know better!!)


Please start with Khamenei and work your way down the chain

by Amir Nasiri (not verified) on

Criminals: Only IRI and IRI supporter/sympathizers no one else.

Civilized society:

Here they say you are innocent until proven guilty.

in IRI:

You are guilty and then executed or stoned to death then they do an inquiry about your case.

Drug traffiking and drug smuggling is all controled by IRI elements as well as IRI sympathizers. The majority of the Mullahs smoke opium and that is very common drug in Iran.

None of those who are executed in Iran are criminals, most are political activist.

The number of execution carried in Iran is much more than that, that is reported.

Mr. Parsi (NIAC president) claims that Iran is a quasi democracy,a vibrant socity. But Mr. Parsi forgots to dig deeper and tell the truth. Iran's sociey is a theocratic, fascist like system that its people are constantly monitored and tortured psychologically and mentally.

Iranian are depressed and the number of suicide rates is so high amongts the youth (mostly girls) that even the authorities hav been alarmed by it.

Those people are not the criminals. The real criminals are the IRI and IRI supporters and sympathizers.


For more than 29 years, the

by sickofsezvar (not verified) on

For more than 29 years, the henchmen and death squads of Khomeini have inflicted a cruel barbarism and mass ignorance on every part of the society in Iran. Law has been replaced by "Divine Velayte-Faghih's Sharia", philosophers, scholars, writers, journalists, students, former allies, and even clerics have all been criminalized, jailed, censored, kidnapped, killed, tortured and maimed in body and soul for life.

Women, fortunate enough to be considered as half a human being might find themselves stoned to death, resort to prostitution or temporary marriages to feed their children and family, or sold as sex slaves to Persian Gulf Arab states. Hanging "heretics" in the streets as "enemies of God" and national threat to the "Holy Islamic Republic" have become popular entertainment and a religious duty (savab?).

The Islamic Republic is marked by corruption, bigotry, censorship, racism, intolerance, violence, terror, and brutal suppression of anyone who dares to express the slightest disapproval of the regime. The fanatics of Shi'a Islam are proving useful to export their martyrdom-seeking culture throughout the Islamic world.
The Islamic Republic has essentially expropriated all the resources – both human and material – which might have improved the lives of Iranians in the name of Islam and the Ummah. While an indolent army of clerics live on the state, the impoverished legion degenerate into life of crimes, addiction, and depravity.
Orchestrated by parasitic Islamic clerics, a cancer of superstition, fear and brutality has been imposed across Iran. The clerical "protection racket" requires the criminalizing of the whole of humanity through the doctrine of Sin. Once a particular mullahcracy, it has become wedded to the military Junta funding and training terrorists of all stripes.

The barbarian tribes that are overrunning Iran are for the most part, true believers (so called men of principles); and the forces that oppose them are tired and their spirit broken. A new Islamic Inquisition was set in motion in 1979 and it continues in full swing.


not the solution

by IRANdokht on

killing people will not solve the society's problems. I am not defending these guys, but I don't have a lot of faith in the Iranian justice system either. I am aware that the high rate of crime, rape and drug abuse has forced people to demand action from the government but how can this be the real answer?

The current society is ill, and its diseases are mostly caused by poverty. Not everyone has strong and solid moral values, and financial needs can easily throw most people off track. These executions will not stop such crimes no matter how many they hang from those cranes...

it's really sad


Jahanshah Javid

So so sad

by Jahanshah Javid on

... killing even the worst criminals, murderers, rapists (these guys just look like poor pathetic souls) is inhuman, especially in these conditions and under an unjust, corrupt judiciary. But let's assume all the charges are correct. Killing these people will not reduce will not reduce murders or any other serious crimes. It certainly will not stop drug trafficking. So all you have is an act of vengeance and retribution based on ancient religious beliefs. Even before the birth of major religions, it was common to kill others for all sorts of natural, instinctive reasons. But we're not cave men anymore and 21st century reason tells us that capital punishment DOES NOT WORK. It is worse than murder when a judge, society, government hang a murderer. At least a murderer's excuse is sudden rage or uncontrollable anger or mental illness. What's the excuse of the calm, collected person who decides to take another person's life on behalf of god or society and feels perfectly self-righteous about it? Physical elimination of criminals does not solve crime.