Video:Poor Family in south of Tehran

by Behnam.sezavar

While we all celebrate norooz this year, let us remember the many families like this one


Recently by Behnam.sezavarCommentsDate
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more from Behnam.sezavar

Don't Talk, Just Do It

by Do It (not verified) on

Go to Iran, drive to the poor area of south Tehran, ask a few people who in that neighborhood is poor and in need of help, find as many as you can, then give each one 500,000 toman. That will help pay for their rent or food for a few months. Don't just wish and hope and talk, Go and do it.
If you want to know the solution to the problem of poverty, it's the lack of government wellfare program and social security for those who are not capable of work or whose income is not sufficient for basic living expenses.


Why, Why, Why....

by Anonymously (not verified) on

I remember reading recently about apartments being sold in Tehran to the "super rich" for tens of millions of dollars with the buyers spending another $150,000 to $200,000 on interior decorators. I think that the article was from the Financial Times. I just tried to locate the link, but couldn't...Why so much disparity in such a rich, relatively underpopulated, country?!!! Why are children going to bed hungry in Iran when oil is selling at $105 a barrel? Why are we paying tens of millions to foreign countries and organizations when people in Iran are so poor?

I agree with AnonymousK. Is there an organization to help these people? Does anyone know what happened to this family? Is there a way that we can help them? I'm ready to help. Does anyone know a way how to do so?


Re: Sanctions has nothing to do

by Kadkhoda (not verified) on

Some anonymous writer below claims that sanctions have no impact on the poor in Iran. This was in response to an article claiming that boold suckers in Tel Aviv direct the sanctions against Iranians (and US government imposes them). In fact if that anonymous writer at some point enters college and takes some economics course, he/she will understand that it is the sanctions that are mostly hurting the iranian poor at this time. In a nuttshell, sanctions cause prices to rise (inflaion), and therefore losing their buying power. There are many articles by very knowledgable iranian economists on which state that same fact as well. But the anonymous writer may need more advanced education than HS to be able to follow the arguments!



to kaveh

by vejdan (not verified) on

That is Islam that allows Mullas to do all those heinous deeds. Please read the Koran to convince yourself. What the Mullas are donig in Iran is just about the half of that what Islam permits them to do. If they do the famous Islame nabe Mohammady(the pure Islamic law)then you will see on Iran's streets people walking with one leg and one hand, because Islam orders to cut their limb if they do something against the sharia law. It is the same with christianity and Judaism. The only religion that is in fact human and is based on humanity is Zarthosht(Zoroastarian). It is based on good thoughts, good words and good deeds. That is what we need and that was our dear religion in ancient iran(Perisa). I'm in process of learning more about this religion and you(all Iranian) should do the same thing if you want to have a free and rich Iran.


To Anonymousk

by Korosh (not verified) on

The economy in Iran is so bad that nearly any Iranian has somebody in his family or relatives that need help. There is no organization that you can trust. The best way is to look for people in Iran(your own relatives, or neighbors) who need the help and transfer the money direct to their bank accounts(if they have one) or ask Iranians who travel to Iran to hand the money directly to them in Iran.


come on guys!

by Aliii (not verified) on

Stop this garbage. It's sad these people are poor. But stop blaming the government. Not that govenrment is that good. But every country has poor people! at least nobody in iran isnt dying from hunger.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

I blame the people who do all of their heinous deeds in the name of religion.

It is the mollahs in Iran or in Arab countries who warp Islam, and have suffocated society with their nonsense. But they feel justified because they preface everything with "B'esm'Allah", even when killing people or going to the toilet. OR:

So-called "Christian" extremists who say everyone is going to hell unless they accept Jesus (which I don't and never will) and all of their sociopathic extremes that they think they can justify in the name of religion. 

Or people like that degenerate Meir Kahane who felt justified in his actions by claiming it's done "in the name of Judaism".

To specifically answer you, Islam didn't cause these people to be poor and hungry. The sons of whores who took our country from us in 1979 are the ones I hold accountable. They used Islam as their alibi.



How can we help these poor

by Anonymousk (not verified) on

How can we help these poor families in Iran? Is there an organization we can trust to send money too?

Does anyone have a family in Iran that could go there and help them out if we send some money?

Let's try to find a way to help these kids who are clearly in pain...Does anyone know how to set up a fund for these kids in Iran?


to Kaveh

by vejdan (not verified) on

If the Islam did not cause all these misfurtune and poverty then tell me why all muslim countries (with exception of Saudi Arabia that have stolen the Persian wealthes 1400 years ago) are all poor. Do you blame our mullas for the poverty of all this muslim countries or the Islam. Open your eyes just to see that all muslim nations have the same problems which is result of the backward religion that they practice(Islam).

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

I don't know what's worse....

The fact that these people are living like this with all of the money Iran has from oil, as Kamangir mentioned.

Or that the crew from IranNegah seemed to revel in the fact that this woman and her children were crying and simply saw this as a photo op.

So, THIS is the Islamic Revolution? The mollahs can keep it and shove it.

Vejdan....Islam didn't cause this. The mollahs who have prostituted Islam caused this.

Abbas Abdi....the US sanctions didn't cause this. This is all from the mollahs. And stop bringing up Palestine. Palestine be jehanam.


What about Poor people elsewhere?

by A nonymous (not verified) on

Poor people exist everywhere. Will you all stop making everything about the governments? Sanctions is absolutely right. If more businesses did work in Iran, jobs would be more widely available. Instead, many of you in the West sit and criticize the regime, which is worthless chatter for people who are "poor in South Tehran". You're better of just celebrating instead of pretending to care about these families, it's not like you'd help them even if you could.


Sad but . . .

by Ali Rahmani (not verified) on

These people look poor , but not malnourished . They also look clean , but not well dressed . They look sad but not hopeless . They look alone , but have helpful neighbors . Does anyone know about laws in Iran about subsidy ?


Sanctions has nothing to do

by Anonymoush (not verified) on

Sanctions has nothing to do with the poverty in Iran. Iranians have been poor for the past 29 years...Propagandist would have you believe otherwise...but their arguments are only bought by the ill-infomred and those who have vested interest in the preservation of status quo. Shame on you, Iran negah. Instead of wasting the money on your propaganda site, you could spend the money on these poor kids or try to create jobs in Iran instead being a chief propagandist arm of the Islamic Republic.


poor in Iran are victims of US sanctions ....

by Abbas Abdi (not verified) on

This is a normal policy by the blood suckers in Tel Aviv and Washington DC. Look at Palestine and the rest of so called "rouge" states and conclude for yourself. In the case of Iran this sanction is brought on us by the MKO and their "compartiots" in Washington.


Shame on Kamanei

by Vejdan (not verified) on

I wonder if the family in the video clip still believe in Islam, Mohammad and still cry for Imam Hossain(all dirty Tazis). I wonder if they know that Islam is the cause of all these misfortune and poverty in Iran. Shame on Ali Kamanei.


This breaks my heart

by Kamangir on

Can someone explain why millions of Iranians have to live like this when their country is the third exporter of oil?  What happened to the Khomeini's arabic word of 'mostazafeen'? Weren't he and his followers, including ahmadinejad supposed to help the poor? Witha  fraction of the money the IRI mafia has stolen from Iran, they could have erradicated this problem by giving the basics to the ones in need.

The daughter of such poor families end up in UAE, selling themselves to Arabs that have plenty of money to spend in their 'zire shekam'.  In a country where even the middle class is having serious troubles getting by, one wonders why millions and millions of dollars have to be sent to lebanon, Palestine and even Iraq.

The IRI seems to be doing its best satisfying the arabs from dubai to beirut. Drug addiction and prostitution are destryoing Iran's social structure.  Now, if all this wasn't enough, there's a real chance of a nasty military attack on Iran, which will break the back of the country, completely. all this thanks to your 'revolution' (I wonder since when a compelte backwards involution is called revolution, I guess since the BBC started calling that way)

Just imagine what kind of Norooz these families are having.




Remember, it beat the hell

by me (not verified) on

Remember, it beat the hell out of being a poor family in those recently democratized countries , Iraq and Afghanistan .:)


It hurts

by Hostage-to-Greed (not verified) on

to be far from Iran and not be able to help poor families like the one interviewed here. So sad that the children were so aware of their poverty.