Ahmadi Nejad and his Haleh

by bjnicnafs

We have many bad thoughts and habits came from centuries  dictatorships. But we put all of them like a crown on our head. And after revolution we put one amameh over that crown and we are pride of that. We put that sacred crown as defensive mechanism know in psychology.
The famous Haleh Mr Ahmadi Nejad has around his head is one of those protective mechanisms. When he is on offensive by some one he fills that Haleh.  In Columbus University; when university president asked him why you do not establish justice in your own country I saw that he started shaking. It ,s in these moments that he sees that Haleh or some sign of Imam Zaman around lights of conference hall. That means he is drawn into deep depression and then utilize defensive mechanisms. If you look at him he is always in deep depression covered in several layers of defensive mechanisms. 
If you criticize somebody with that Haleh (holy crown) he will attack you and can kill you. All of those who are at this moments in prison or under torture is because of criticizes they made about that crown (Haleh) or one ported crown. 
You may be able to explain that all of us can use defensive mechanisms. All of us can have some kind of crown.  If somebody can explain us this; many tortures and sufferance in our lives can be avoided.  We have all some thing of Mr Ahmadi Nejad. That is good that he has courage express his fillings.
If we can understand that others are not responsible of our miseries, we can not imagine how we can build up our country.


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