Rajebe Zemestoon

Rajebe Zemestoon
by Brian Appleton



Ye rooz zemestoon umad aslan bi seda
shab sard bood, ama hame
khob boodand, faghat
mah didesh oon
sephid parast
koja raft,bahar
koo? Bayad berim
zirzameen ba korsi bale
azizam joon? Sa'at chande dar Tehroon?


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Brian Appleton

Thanks for your help

by Brian Appleton on

I wish I could speak Farsi better after all these years. I want to say sleep =khob? I like sound of azizam joon more than aziz joonam. Boyad I will gladly change to bayad....gorbanat


Brian H. Appleton


Rasool Aryadust


Why am I doing this?

by پندارنیک on

I really don't know.............but that's the way it should go........

"khob" may be changed to "khoob"

"Boyad" may be changed to "baayad, or bayad"

"azizam joon" may be changed to "aziz joonam"

Or maybe I do know why I'm doing this thing, maybe it's  because I can trust  Brian's tangible  feelings for Iran, which are expressed under his real name,  far more than the other fellow's which are under a totally fake and contradictory  ID and who is advocating the foreigners' forces attack to my country which he claims is his too............That's why.........

Keep it up Brian...........nice one in substance.........really......