STAR TREK XI – Stars Lead On A New Track


STAR TREK XI – Stars Lead On A New Track
by bubbly

Well, the stars have literally come down to be with us this week. The long-awaited Star Trek XI has taken a bumper opening. Considering its fan base, it was not totally unexpected.

As early as 1960, Gene Roddenberry had proposed this sci-fi, action adventure modeled after Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels. Roddenberry wouldn’t have thought he was laying the foundation for a ‘trek’ dreams are made of.

Star Trek began as a television series in 1966. As of today there have been seven series: The Original Series (1966–1969); The Animated Series (1973–1974); Phase II; The Next Generation (1987–1994); Deep Space Nine (1993–1999); Voyager (1995–2001) and Enterprise (2001-2005).

The fans were so enamoured with this sci-fi concept that books, comics and games were produced by hundreds to satiate their thirst. Its cultural impact can be seen in the billions it is generating. Ad there have been notable parodies made after it. Winner of many awards and honours, the series has become cult. And this franchise’s future is bright considering two more sequels are in the pipeline.

There have been 11 Star Trek feature films as of date: The Motion Picture (1979); The Wrath Of Khan (1982); The Search For Spock (1984); The Voyage Home (1986); The Final Frontier (1989); The Undiscovered Country (1991); Generations (1994); First Contact (1996); Insurrection (1998); Nemesis (2002) and Star Trek (2009).

The first six films continue the adventures of The Original Series cast. The seventh was designed as a transition from that cast to The Nest Generation. The next three were exclusively Next Generation. The eleventh film is a semi-prequel set prior to Captain Kirk’s graduation from Starfleet Academy and promotion to the rank of Captain.

Star Trek XI in its opening weekend has already garnered $ 75.2 milllion and has got the highest critics’ ratings. As the tagline rightly says “the future begins”. With a runtime of 126 minutes, the fans will be left wanting more. And there have been a couple of visible goof-ups too.

With an all-new and young star cast like Chris Pine (James T. Kirk), Jimmy Bennett (boy James Kirk), Zachary Quinto (Spock), Jacob Kogan (child Spock), Leonard Nimoy (Spock Prime), Eric Bana (Nero), Bruce Greenwood (Capt. Christopher Pike), Karl Urban (Dr. Leonard 'Bones' McCoy), Zoe Saldana (Nyota Uhura), Simon Pegg (Scotty), John Cho (Hikaru Sulu), Anton Yelchin (Pavel Chekov), Ben Cross (Sarek), Winona Ryder (Amanda Grayson), Chris Hemsworth (George Kirk), Jennifer Morrison (Winona Kirk) and Rachel Nichols (Gaila), it has opened the floodgates for an all new ‘Enterprise’.

Star Trek XI is about Captain Kirk’s first mission as Captain of the Enterprise and its crew. The film is not set entirely within the original Star Trek canon and features an alternate timeline created through the actions of the main villain.

The great space adventure saga features a young new crew. The fate of the galaxy rests in the hands of bitter rivals. One, James Kirk (Chris Pine) is a delinquent, thrill-seeking Iowa farm boy. The other, Spock (Zachary Quinto) was raised in a logic-based society that rejects all emotion.

As fiery instinct clashes with calm reason, their unlikely but powerful partnership is the only thing capable of leading their crew through unimaginable danger, boldly going where no one has gone before!"

The new cast has taken the movie to a new level. Just shows the spirit of the times. Chris Pines and Zachary Quinto are on to something bigger after this movie. And Eric Bana has added another plume to his already studded cap. Watch out for this villain.

The more Enterprise is seen, the more fans fall in love with it. The costumes and sets are spectacular in line with the image of the characters. The action thrills.

Stars are leading the way. Follow their track.


more from bubbly
ex programmer craig

Great review, bubbly :) I

by ex programmer craig on

Great review, bubbly :)

I saw it over the weekend and to be honest its the only Star Trek movie that's come out that I really liked. Maybe its because they weren't restricted to using a TV cast, this time, and could hire whoever they thought was best for the roles. And maybe because the movie wasn't made by the traditional Star Trek folks.


the only short sex scene was with Kirk and a green woman

There was no sex scene. No skin was shown nor was there any actual intimacy portrayed in that scene. They didn't even kiss, as I recall. The sex scene was implied. Nothing more. And it was an insider reference to a parody on SNL about Kirk having sex with green alien women. Same as the "Are you out of your Vulcan mind!?" was a reference to an SNL parody. They almost had to throw the insider stuff like that in, with the fanbase that Star Trek has. 


Can't wait

by Abarmard on

I will be seeing it this weekend and can't wait. Mostly because I love the junk food that I allow myself to have when going to movies ;)


I liked it better than the original

by IRANdokht on

Thanks for the review. I saw the movie and wanted to sit and wait there for the next showing just to see it all over again!  I just loved it!They built up on the original but I believe there were many improvements, not just technical aspect and the graphics that are more advanced, but the acting and the believability, the chemistry between the crew members and the fact that the only short sex scene was with Kirk and a green woman which was well received by the audience.(I think the old series was too much into Kirk's love life and it was a turn off for me)

I loved the crew, the story line and the twist in the time line that makes everything possible for the sequels. The trekkies will enjoy the similarities and the nostalgia, the non-trekkies will enjoy the action, the thrill, the humor and the acting. It sure didn't feel like a two-hour long movie!

what goof ups are you referring to? 

Thanks again. 
