
by capt_ayhab


Today in one of my own threads I, for the first time, used this terminology to describe Hokomate Eslami also known as Islamic Republic.


Being perfectly honest I feel so exhausted today that am not going to even research to ascertain if such a terminology exists or not. If in fact it exists, well fine but of not then I am going to claim copyrights and here I am going to prove to you why Hokomate Eslami – aka Islamic Republic – is a HELLSENT.

There are numerous  versions of  as to how and what really occurred in years leading to 1979 anti monarchy revolution in Iran. One that is for sure is that people of Iran had had enough of [Enghelabe Sefid] and [Rastakhiz e Meli] [aka absolute corruption within the Mirpanj/Pahlavi court]where people of Iran, only on paper, were given some superficial rights and freedom which they never got to  exercise.

Ever since those bloody days, the kind of people who took to the power were mainly and by all accounts the most extreme zealots that one can imagine. All started by a so called referendum, a total insult to anything and everything that is intelligent and humane. One question was asked, only one…. [Jomhouriye Eslami…….. Baleh….. Khier].

But that was only on surface. What went on behind closed doors, months leading  to this shame of the history was a calculated and demonic  master plan to strip every single woman man and children in Iran from every single God given right and freedom. Masterful calculation to take advantage of the high emotional state of the nation, while intoxicated in the seemingly euphoric aftermath of presumed victory over tyrannical regime of Mirpanj Dynasty, yet fully unaware of the faith that awaited us.

This was only beginning of the end. The end began when Ayatollah Khomeini chose himself as the lifetime Rahbar[leader – word of God] on earth and took in his ever so demonic clutches, the power to render [Fatwa – Order To kill] of thousands and thousands of innocent women, men and children, under less than holy name of religion.

Ever since those dark days of referendum, history of our nation has been written in blood of our most brave and most beautiful. Our Iranian youth, our prides and our joys, our future and our hopes have been sent to slaughterhouse by thousands upon thousands. Our natural resources has been rubbed by billions and our national treasury been emptied of its gold.

You be the judge........ be the judge of me……

HELLSENT Regime, whether I have used this term out of anger or out of pain!


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by jamshid on

Well said. 31 years is a long long time, during which time Iran could have advanced instead of regressed.

The important thing today is to realize that the IRI is taking Iran to the wrong path, the path of war and more sanctions, and while doing so it wants to blame others. It is giving the US all the ammo and excuses it needs. Knowing US's records, that worries me. It should worry every one of us here abroad.

Leaning on my trust for the abilities of the people of Iran, I say with confidence that the Iranian people are more than capable to have independence, respect, even nuclear technology AND at the same time prosperity and economic opportunity without the mollahs and without irresponsible foreign relations.

The Iranian people are a capable people who can handle the US using their intelligence and ability to scheme, instead of chest beatings and solgans.



by Spear on

How well put, I couldn't agree with you more!

We are a nation of individuals, and it probably has something to do with our history, invasions upon invasions, which gives birth to a subconscious feeling of humiliation, which leads to insecurities, anxieties, fears, and a sense of guardedness. It's probably why we in Iran used to have such tall walls around our gardens because we didn't know who'd be watching (some Iranian people were always trying to get on the good side of the invaders), too sensitive about how we should behave in public, private etc.

Someone could do a really good anthropological study on the dichotomy of behaviors vis-a-vis the public and the private persona of Iranian people.

IRI represents political Islam, not Iran



by ahmad_ on

I agree with you %100. I only wish that us Iranians living outside Iran could manage to present ourselves more as a group rather than individuals. Then we might be able to do something.

All we have to do is follow the example set by other ethnic minorities, like Jews, Indians and the rest.

I would like to see this site or any other Iranian sites dedicate a section to the acheivments of the other minorities. After 31 years of living outside of Iran, we still don't have a community centre in any country. But just look at the Jews or Indians and see how many cultural centers they have built with their own money.

It would help if everyone sent the pictures of all the community centers belonging to different minorities to this site and then we campared ours against theirs.



by Spear on

If there is a "Godsend," then there should be a "Hellsent," and you did the word justice with your depiction of events in present-day Iran. A shame really, enough to brake a grown man's heart.

Well said indeed.  

IRI represents political Islam, not Iran



by capt_ayhab on

To understand, you should read my track.

Thanks for your time and comment.



Paidar Iran

Capt ....???

by Paidar Iran on

What has happened that suddenly made you so angry and in pain?  Nabinam.

I know of great many people who feel this way when they think about what they had and what they replaced it with out of their foolishness.  Could it be that you have had some sudden enlightment?

Whatever it is Omidvaram Kheyr basheh.

Marg bar Islamic Rapist Regime in Iran and its prostitute cronies.