Letter from Iran Free Press to President Nixon


Letter from Iran Free Press to President Nixon
by capt_ayhab

April 7, 1972
President Richard M. Nixon
The White House Washington, D. C.

Dear Mr. President: We take this moment to wish you great success in your forthcoming journey to the Soviet Union, recognizing that, while there are many perils, the chance for an enduring peace must be seized and built upon. The relaxation of world tensions has clearly been the great goal of your presidency, and you have done much to build towards this goal by seeking an atmosphere of realism and understanding among all the world's great powers. . .

We do not wish to dilute our strong and sincere admiration for your initiative for peace. There is, however, a story related to the Russian visit which profoundly disturbs us, and that is the possibility of your stopping over in Iran on the return flight. In other times, we would welcome such an honor. Every citizen of Iran admires and respects you as the President of a great nation. We recognize beyond doubt the tribute you wish in turn to pay to the Iranian people. Unfortunately, your gesture, however well motivated by feelings toward the people of Iran, will inevitably be seen, within. Iran and throughout the world, as one of support for the most corrupt and barbaric rule of this century.

Present day Iran, for all the propaganda aimed by the Shah Pahlavi at the opinion makers of the world, is a police state. It recognizes not one of the most fundamental of the rights of man, not freedom of speech, not freedom of assembly, not the most elementary ideals of fair and public trials. What is more -- and this should be especially galling to you, Mr. President, who have worked so hard and effectively to combat the international flow of illicit drugs -- the Iranian government and the royal family itself, despite new and tough-looking drug laws and incredibly harsh sentences handed down under them, is deeply enmeshed in the production and distribution of raw opium, as well as manufacture and distribution of the heroin derivative.

The instances of drug smuggling by the Shah's twin, Princess Ashraf, by the Shah's brother, by Prince Dawallou, by member after member of the Shah's blood family and political family, grow practically daily to proportions that would seem slapstick comedy were the implications for the youth of the world not so deadly and tragic. In Paris, in Switzerland, throughout the world, the attempted arrests, the attempted disclosures of this hideous network of death are thwarted by the same sad phrase -- diplomatic immunity. In the most recent incident in this pathetic pattern, the Shah himself was forced secretly to escape Switzerland, taking with him key members of his staff in order to avoid disclosure of the entire network of illegal traffic.

Mr. President, your concern for the freedom of the American people from the terrible scourge of habitual drugs is honorable and commendable. You have used and continue to use the power and prestige of the United States and of the Presidency to control the disease of drug abuse all. over the world. What you have done in conjunction with the government of Turkey is particularly adroit and admirable. But, we do not understand how you, as the representative of the American people and of the American government, can be a guest of the Shah and his family in Iran even for one day, knowing the corruption they practice daily, knowing the traffic in drugs smuggled week by week under cover of diplomatic immunity, knowing the American lives they jeopardize, and the lives all over the world.

The people of Iran will not understand. The world will not understand that a man as President of the United States, under the flag of freedom, freedom of speech, press, assembly, religion, and under the flag of other freedoms, freedom from fear, freedom from the nightmare of narcotics, can bestow by his official visit the mantle of respectability upon a monarchy which is so much the opposite of your ideals. We sincerely believe and hope that you will decide for the Iranian people, that you will not become the official guest of the present regime.

Very sincerely,
Editor Iran Free Press


SOURCE: //www.state.gov/documents/organization/70710.pdf


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Why not blame the entire

by titi (not verified) on

Why not blame the entire family for similar activities ? ...

Mr. Dk simple logic takes care of you and i am amazed you have not see it
Under democratic rule no one is above law but under dicatorial gov by shah his family and relatives were above the law. so your logic fails to compare with situations in western democracies such as USA so you need to think before you write.
in the west no one is above the law.


Shah in power

by Anon12 (not verified) on

I am an Iranian, with no ties to the Shah or Akhoonds.
I don't know much about politics.
And I am only speaking on my own behalf, and not "for the nation".
All I know is when during the rule of the Shah country was powerful people had jobs and money, and the world respected us.

He left and everything went to hell.
I DID the math:

I liked him then. I like him even more now.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Nixon & Shah both were great, but bit more than they could chew

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

S.A.M (an official Khar Vazir)


Captn Ayhab, this is a great gem of history

by Q on

also don't forget Nixon's rabid antisemetism.

Nixon had such deep hatred of Jews and media which... now that I think about it, I think the conspiratorial statements made by the Shah must have surely been influenced by Nixon. (Other presidents were antisemetic too though).


what a great find Ayhab

by jazayeri (not verified) on

and to Mr. Kadivar: in that case, why should we hold anything against IRI for what Rafsanjani's daughter or other Mullah zadehs do in Iran?



by capt_ayhab on

My pleasure sir,

these two nut cases were real buddy buddy and as you said, they both are in nice warm place that they belong.

Thanks for your time reading it.



Red Wine


by Red Wine on

Nixon and Mohammad Reza have nice day in hell . Oh yeah ...


Captain thx for blog .


Don't you know Captain Jan....

by Anonymous Marge (not verified) on

Anything "bad" during the times of the shah was not actually bad; they were grudges and agendas. Bah...Communist. By the way, shah's only mistake was to not kill his enemies and all akhounds. THEN we would be home free now. You're so amateur ;)

Javid Shahsh.

Darius Kadivar

Editor Iran Free Press Aka Editor of Revolutionary Students ...

by Darius Kadivar on

BullShit !

What does that have to do with your photo of RP, Farah and the Shah ?

Every family has a black sheep in its womb. Obama's half brother was arrested for drug use and What about Princess MArgaret, Queen Elizabeth II of Englands sister ?

Prince Andrew also was Fucking and smoking grass with Porn actress Koo Starr and it never made headlines ...

Why not blame the entire family for similar activities ? ...

The Shah's brother Mahmoud Reza  was a sick man and into drugs actually another one of his half brothers was also into drugs and was arrested already in the late  1940's when he was a student in the US.


And his children were all more or less drop outs and disfunctional members of the Family the most notorious was Mahmoud Reza who was a playboy and flirted Hollywood stars and  kept on heavy drug addiction up to the late 1980's and was even arrested for drug use in the US. His son Patrick became an Islamist after the revolution and turned against the Shah and for some time joined the MKO.  

None of these half brothers were that close to the Shah's closer family and certainly not much with the Shahbanou and her children. They had their own circle of friends and intimates.

And clearly it did not reflect on the Shah's own created family with Farah. As for Poor little Leila she became an anorexic with suicidal tendancies due to years of depression. She killed herself with anti depressors overdose ( which are prescribed) something which is very frequent in such cases of deep depression and mental loneliness.

Your good in Kicking the Dead aren't you ? Send my regards to Rafsanjani and Co while your at it. He will join them soon along with his corrupt family which ownes half of Iran's economy.

Millionaire Mullahs (Forbes)



And the memo by Harold Saunder of National Security Council

by hooshie on

Afshar was running a one man operation and was never taken seriously by Iran or the US. There was no Iran free Press and Afshar's was a personal grudge. Here is the follow up:
