WHAT IF American People Learn the TRUTH?????

by capt_ayhab

Mr. Ron Paul, US house member, (R-Texas) presents some fundamental questions for American people. Very intresting clip.


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Mehdi Mazloom

Indeed, What if.

by Mehdi Mazloom on

Ron paul should have been a Rapper. He would be lot more popular.

"What if " he asks.

WHAT IF, US would not have intervened in WWII to defeat the Nazis, and  the Japanese.?

WHAT IF after the 9/11 bombing US would have apologized to Ossama Bin Ladin for trying to help Arab countries to feed and educate their children to be productive.

WHAT IF we would stop defending minorities like Muslims in Bosnia, from being slaughtered by Serbians.

WHAT IF tomorrow US withdraws its protection of oil sources and life blood of the western economies in Saudi Arabia.

WHAT IF if US would leave it for the likes of Usama Bin Ladin to control the oil wells?

WHAT IF US would not have the military might to stop the USSR from expansing their communist barbaric and corrupt doctrine into our shores?

WHAT IF Ron Paul decides tomorrow, it is time for him to get real about the insidious intention of Islamist to replace his constitution with  the Sharia Law.