Misters Said Amin and Jahanshah Javid:
The administration of this website exerting selective censorship over this site’s participants in the manner we have just witnessed to impede the polite and free expression of opinion is unconscionable. The article CIM posted had 14 comments and within the hour it was stripped down to 8. We read the comments of the users that this site removed and there was absolutely nothing objectionable about the removed comments when viewed against standard publishing practices – They were basic expressions of opinion by several users; the general idea of the removed comments was that organized groups of commentators writing under pseudonyms are given special privileges to threaten others and to manipulate the site’s contents. By removing those politely worded opinions and user experiences in essence the site has proven those critics right and sent a message to the public that they should not rely on the accuracy of the content or assurances on your site. Simply stated, you may find that the public will not trust the information or guarantees provided on this site.
Oddly enough, one of the issues that we wrote to you about – this site allowing certain users to threaten violence against the families of individuals with whom they have a difference of opinion – is not addressed by the site while the ownership and management allows that practice to continue. So people understand: A deliberate choice was made by the site to permit repeated violent threats and insults (though its terms andconditions indicate it forbids them) while the site removed comments of users politely describing their personal experiences on this site. Two methods are being used: (1) publication of threats to discourage participation and (2) the removal of innocuous user opinions of the type one can expect to find on any reputable news site.
The suppression of users’ opinions by arbitrarily controlling the levers of publication is indistinguishable from deliberately disseminating propaganda. What we observed and archived shows that the site you manage is cherry picking comments to convey a distorted outward message to the public. By selectively deleting certain comments and preventing the public from accessing that information you are not enhancing the image of this website, you are in fact degrading it.
As was written in our email to you before, there is no need to for threats, insults, and baseless innuendos because we have offered to sit down with you in an interview format (whether in-person orthrough a medium such as Skype) and to have a direct dialogue on these issues. Given the number of complaints we are fielding there undoubtedly would a great deal of interest in the interview and we request that you seriously consider the offer in light of the reoccurrence of complaints.
Thank you.
Recently by CIM | Comments | Date |
Can you trust CNN's reporting on Iran? | 2 | Jul 11, 2012 |
The Real 'Cost-of-Progress': Hate, Violence, and Unfairness | 3 | Jul 10, 2012 |
Michael Singh & "The Washington Institute": Another Dime-a-Dozen Middle East Expert Peddling Bias as News & Pushing War | 2 | Jul 09, 2012 |
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Idiots should be banned anyway.
by Siavash300 on Fri May 25, 2012 09:16 AM PDTIdiots, who can't distinguish between the threat of "Israel must be wipe off the map" from reaction of Israel lobby, should be banned. Because it takes time to read people's comment and it is only waste of time and energy to spent on none sense. Anbother example is that guy by the user name of Shahab Ferdowsi. The guy didn't know anything about "Iran contra affair" and arm deal between stinky ruling mullahs and Regan administration. For 8 years U.S was selling arms to mullahs under the table in order the hostages such as Terry Anderson to be released in Lebanon. Shahab Ferdowsi was saying U.S supplied Saddam with weapns. In fact my next door neighbore house in Tehran (Gisha street) was hit by Mig 13. That aircraft was exclusively made by Russians. That idiot didn't even know this simple fact. So it is waste of time to allow these kind of people come on this site and write the comment. My suggestion is these people should get educated before they open their mouths. Another scenario is that these idiot realize the truth, they are just playing the game and they are trying to fabricate Iran's history. That is also another reason these people to be banned. Therefore, it is legitimate to ban idiots along with liars. We need more sofisticated and more intelligent peoploe on this site.
Free or NOT Free, that is the QUESTION!
by Zorumbaa on Wed May 23, 2012 03:37 PM PDTWhat is with this “selective” censorship, “selective” users and commentators, “arbitrary” control of something, “selective” deleting, censorship of humor and sarcasm, and the rest of absolutely reasonable and justified objections and critical look at IC. Mixed with some " it is just my opinion", on top of some foul cry and whining. The new management of this site MUST decide on a policy, declare it and make it public. After all this is their business and property. “Selective”, “arbitrary” policy and decisions, as apparently correctly claimed by some users is well below the acceptable and customary standard of today’s journalism, regardless of the medium and technology. This site is originated and is operated (I assume!) in the U.S., not IRR! We can all perhaps agree that “standards” here are a little different than there!!“Political Correctness” can run amok and it will, so let’s not follow this failed doctrine to the letter. This site either stands for and protects the undeniable right of having and exercising free speech and freedom of expression or it does not? This site unequivocally stands by “nothing is sacred” or does not? This site, in policy and practice, is willing to allow a vibrant and healthy discourse among ALL participants and does not play the role of arbitrator and NAZEM. Or for the reasons known only to the site management someone is acting as a biased NAZEM, is this part of their official duty?Ps. before some readers flare up and practice their freedom of speech on me let me add that adults who participate and contribute to this site know very well (or at least ought to!) Where to draw the line---in a theater full of people with locked and closed doors, you DO NOT shout FIRE!!
you can't just censor people's comments and claim
by iraj khan on Wed May 23, 2012 06:54 AM PDTnothing is sacred!
Why comments of those who stand up to 'Bomb Iran' crowd who are mostly Jewish and pro Israel is deleted?
Is the admin intimidated by this crowd too? If so then let us all know about it instead of deleting our comments.
Isn't it true that this same crowd threatens and demonize those who are for a diplomatic solution between Iran and United States because they live in the United States?
Isn't true that the pro Israel crowd is organized and attack in a group? //iranian.com/main/blog/first-amendment/israel-lobby
Do we have to give examples of those who left IC because of being harrassed at their work by the same group?
Are you telling us that admin after all these years is not aware of what was done to those who stood up against pro Israel crowd here.
I am not going to mention the names (users' names) of those who left this site because of harrassment and phone calls at their work place.
The questions raised by CIM are legitimate questions,
Regardless of who and what CIM is.
Have a good day,
Agha Simorgh
by Zia111 on Wed May 23, 2012 05:36 AM PDTSeyyed Hedayatollah Shahab Ferdowsi died before the revolution in 1347 which is 1968 //www.ketab.ir/bookview.aspx?bookid=1227686
While we are complaining I think the colors of this site are really ugly. Orange on blue and white is tacky and off putting. It's like really guady bumble gum wrap from the 1980s or a jar of Tang. Remember Tang? Change the colors and make them sharper Said Amin jan.
Who is 'We' anyway?
by Simorgh5555 on Wed May 23, 2012 05:11 AM PDTWhy does 'we' not provide us with a website? 'We' would have a webpage of some sorts with a HOME PAGE and ABOUT US link. We should not try to pass of as Amercan Independent Newsnetwork'We' is a FAKE passing yourself off as a reputable organisation when you cannot prove your credentials. It is clear from your other postings on other websites that you are none other than Shahab Ferdowsi. Why the deception?Enjoy the sunshine and maybe you need some of that Marvin Gaye feelin.Know what I mean?
Get a Life !
by Darius Kadivar on Wed May 23, 2012 04:20 AM PDTNo one is priveledged on this website one way or another.
SHAKEN, NOT STIRRED: Bless Mankind ... Including My Attackers ...
Everyone including prolific contributors like myself have been banned twice in the past ( however wrongly and unfairly in my opinion) and I like everyone else had to struggle my way through by respecting a minimum set of rules like not using Profanity or abusive comments ...
My only reserve is when political correctness is used as a convenient argument to delete comments or interrupt a vehement discourse which at times can get personal because the two people debating know one another over time ... then falsly claiming it was aimed at moderating the thread:
MY ORWELLIAN NIGHTMARE: Flagging Abuse based on Political Correctness is Not Fair
Often when a moderator has deleted a comment thinking it was profanity it is due to a cultural misunderstanding as was once the case when I made a humorous comment in an exchange with contributor Souri and our exchange was interrupted and led to a misunderstanding between us which prompted us both to demand the Admin to restore the exchange.
To me such heated discussions or even sarcastic or humorous one when they occur should not be censored or moderated because they contribute to enhancing a debate and highlighting ideological difference which cannot be expressed otherwise given each protagonists past writings, contributions and convictions.
Humor can also be thought provocative and often is a weapon to win an argument. So why Censor it ? We are not exchanging punches after all just words, ideas and images ...
As such when they occur No one is hurt except in one's Ego at worst.
I hope the new Administor of this site Mister Said Amin will understand that many contributors including me who have contributed regularly for 12 years now do so with an online personality which we have shaped overtime and which are now immediately recognizeable particularly if we do it with full accountability, name and identity.
Expecting us or demanding us to change our style is like killing us online and castrating us from what defines our personality.
If we do otherwise then we tend to disappoint those who support our stance and expect us to react.
Personally I react to a given blog or comment based on my own convictions and not what others may want us to say or expect us to say. That's how I operate. others may operate differently.
IC Contributor since August 28, 2000