That is what the sign says (in German) that greeted hundreds of thousands of people who passed through the gate at Auschwitz from 1940 to 1945
به دشمنان خارجی احتیاجی نیست!
آخرین خبر سیاسی که ویکی لیک را میزاره تو جیبش
Just look who's running your country.......
من نمیدانم این متن را کی نوشته ولی چون با بیشترش موافق هستم اینجا درک کردم
Nominated for the chemistry award of the century
No one can see into the future, but since we seem to like the "what If's", I thought the two following scenarios would fit the mood
An amateur captures a small speckle in the grandeur of universe.
این داستان (حقیقت) من را به ایران و ایرانی امیدوار کرد - من به این دلیران درود میفرستم
As I contemplate and try to understand the wonderful analyses by resident political experts, it hits......
When you're home, you're happy, except.....