The Dance … Two Steps Forward, One step Back

Curious Joe
by Curious Joe

In 2008, many of us think that things are getting worse.

In evolutionary terms (at lease as far as the human cortex development is concerned), a simple explanation can be a dance, two steps forward, one step back – each step taking a 100 years or more.

As an impatient young person, one can understand the despair of those who will have to endure living between years 2000 to 2100, paying for George W Bush’s follies of 2000-2008.  Fortunately, most of us will not survive to year 2100.

But look at things this way.  During the past 200 years (two steps forward), we got rid of a lot of ignorance such as the concept of flat earth, and got electric lamps and a trip to the moon, let alone traveling on Airbus 380, something that no other species on this planet could possibly achieve.

However, in spite of all human progress/achievements during the past 200 years, here we are, mostly dissatisfied with our lot, witnessing the doom unfolding in front of our eyes on this planet..  We are overwhelmed by the climate change, economic instability, religious confrontations and insecurities of over 80% of the 6.5 billion people on this planet.

So, rather than preying/weeping in the mosque, church, synagogue, or other places of confession/worship, we can celebrate life and think about centuries of dance ahead or before our birth.

If it looks bad today, simply think of it as a mere step back, while the next generations will leap 2 steps forward.


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Cafe du Palais!

by Immortal Guard (not verified) on

Try it once in the while! Very hard not to get addicted to it. You can try it in bad and good wehter as well. My manager recommends it in the final phase of a project to calm nerves down. Well who can object to the big boss. He is the decision-maker aferall.


Well put

by XerXes (not verified) on

Thanks, I feel much better now