On MKO, monarchists and creeps in dirty night robes.


by cyrusrasti

   The MKO show themselves for who they are....total SHITS! Their organization should be disbanded immediately and their leadership should be placed under arrest, quarantined and shipped to a secure out of site plus out of mind detention facility like Guantanimo Bay.
  Also for Iranian civil society to develop, Iranians must do some soul searching and achknowledge the injustices of the past regimes as well as the opposition groups. In other words boys and girls we must all assume collective guilt. That is how the civil societies of post war Germany, post war Japan as well as some of the post communist countries such as Hungary, Poland and Czech Republic and etc, were able to develop.
  For example there are no monuments to Hitler's memory in Germany where as in Russia there are still monuments to that monster from hell by the name of Joseph Stalin. So we can all plainly see the differences between Germany and Russia.
  Iran is in horrible shape.  It does not have to be that way.  A democratically elected government that is SEPARATED FROM RELIGION OF ANY KIND is the way to go. Free press, free speech, free beliefs and small and transparent government is key.
  Why groups such as the MKO have any support base is way beyond me. Also why the hell would anyone want to reinstall a monarchy of any kind in Iran?  The Pahlavi line is like two and a half generations long.  Wouldn't it be nice to vote for your officials? Wouldn't it? 
   And then you have some creeps in Southern California who are in red because of bad cosmetic procedures sitting in a porn studio and telling their Iranian compatriots to rise up and overthrow the creeps in dirty night robes.  Easy for someone to give such a command when they are sipping a latte from a Starbucks in "Vest Vood"  and thinking of choosing a new idiodic ring tone for their cell phone.  Although I have to admit, multi tasking is a bitch just like Maryam Rajavi is.
   The real heroes, the ones who have legitimacy are the students, political activists, trade unionists, journalists, women’s rights defenders and ethnic minority activists who are INSIDE IRAN! Screw the MKO, screw the monarchists and screw the creeps in dirty night robes.




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Oct 04, 2007
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I agree

by Agha Agreeable (not verified) on

Screw 'em. They are allowed to think what they want, but they are both nuts/deniers.