I am Iran. What are you?

by Cyrustheiranian

What are you?

You have tortured me

You have murdered me

You have raped me

You have shamed me.

Who are you

and why

have you done this?

You have tried to close my mind

told me fairy tales

and brainwashed

me with superstitions.


What do you want from me?

To follow you?

To copy you?

To conform to you?

Because you found God?

Are you sure?

Are you sure

you know the way?

It seems to me you have


only lost your way

but you never knew the way.

You bring a message?

From whom?

From where?

What is your message?


I don't see any justice?

I only see brutality, injustice, brainwashing, superstition, ignorance,
stupidity, greed, incompetence, corruption, lies, cheating, and

Are these what the messenger of God told you to bring to us?

From where do you bring the message?

From Hell?

Are you the Devil?

Then if you are


then why can't I ask questions?

Why can't I walk in the streets in peace?

Why can't I breathe?

Why won't you let me think, believe, talk, share, organize, dress,
protest, question, worship, surf, swim, climb, and live?

Why can't you see the truth?

Why can't you see God?

I once loved a young woman.

She was a Bahai.

She was an angel.

Why do you want to kill angels?

Are you sure you are not the Devil?

Now you pick a fight with the Jews,

a people that have been

our friends,


brothers and sisters,

a thousand years before you invaded.

Are you proud of your ignorance

of six million dead?

Of your superstition?

Of your oppression?

Of your non-Iranian culture?

I am Iran.

What are you?



You Have no Faith!

by bahmani on

Which is the best thing about you...



by yolanda on

A great poem! Khamenei should read it and reflect on it!

Thank you!


پاک می سازم وطن از شر تو



پا ک می سازم وطن از شر تو

by daneshjoo

ای رژیم قتل و بیداد و فریب
دولتِ نالایقان ِ نا نجیب

ای که بردی آبروی کشورم
جان ستاندی از جوانان در برم

دیگر اکنون سرنگونت می کنم
زود از این کشور برونت می کنم

من نمی خواهم ولی یا رهبری
زورگویی، مستبدی، سروری

از حکومت، دین خود سازم جدا
دین هرکس، بین او هست و خدا

کس نمی خواهم شود دلال ِ من
با خدا گوید سخن زاحوال من

من خودم دانم چه گویم با خدا
احتیاجم نیست بر لفظ شما

گر خدا باشد علیم و با بَِصر
از زبان پارسی دارد خبر

خلق ما دیده، جنایت ها ز تو
خون ما می ریزد از چنگال تو

ملت ما زهدِ زشتت دیده است
بر تو و آیین تو خندیده است

رو دکان در جای دیگر باز کن
حقه، در جای دگر آغاز کن

خاک ما، مسموم شد از مکر تو
پا ک می سازم وطن از شر تو





great poem

by radius-of-the-persian-cat on

Between the lines, I can hear the rebellion on the streets of Teheran. Your poem is one of the rare cases where beautiful lyrics is paired with the flavour of events that happened at a special day in history. Thanks, Cyrus Jan


With You Brother

by ayatoilet1 on

That is exactly the point, the IRGC are in fact a bunch of traitors ...how can an Iranian Security officer torture, kill, rape, ...you name it another Iranian for wanting freedom and democracy in Iran? Surely, they are NOT Iranian.