06-Jul-2012 (31 comments)
Equality of men and women should mean just that, and attempts to proclaim equality where it does not exist are worthless. >>>
05-Aug-2010 (71 comments)
Islam as practiced by many of its followers is more of a insult to Allah than an affirmation of his greatness. Either Muslims must reform it or it must be overthrown! >>>
28-Jul-2010 (23 comments)
Baha'i claims to the absolute authority if their leadership are based on falsehoods that need to be exposed so the leadership can be discredited and the religion either reformed or destroyed. Otherwise, it will remain an extremist cult, no better than earlier faiths like Christianity or Islam. >>>
It appears that someone used hacking techniques to try to suppress the expression of Unitarian Bahaism on the internet. All it did was stir up a hornet's nest of more criticism of Haifan Baha'i policies and dogmas. >>>
10-Apr-2010 (3 comments)
This is my ethical philosophy that I always express everywhere I may go. >>>
02-Mar-2010 (20 comments)

The phrase "independent investigation of truth" is associated with a religion, the Baha'i Faith, that does not live up to that ideal at all.
