BEATLES: Unseen Footage Found

Darius Kadivar
by Darius Kadivar

For 44 years a canister of film had been stored in a damp garage in South London; unopened, unloved and almost thrown away. But, finally, somebody took a look inside - and realised they had unearthed a piece of pop history.

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ebi amirhosseini

Dear Mr Kadivar

by ebi amirhosseini on

WOW !! Thanks for info.


Beatels or was it God's Particles that were found!!!

by Anonymous500 (not verified) on

:-)) Bar in mojdeh gar Jan feshanam rawast!!

That is the reason we don't get much from our monarchist in terms of "propaganda"; this chap is fishing for Beatles' lost whatever, and yet has the gulss of demonizing those who are fighting teeath and nail to overthrow these mullahs in Iran. Go figure.


Very cool!

by American Wife (not verified) on

I was never a major Beatles fan... give me Dylan any day... but I find myself enjoying their music much much more these days, especially the early stuff.  My Mom still has an unopened "White Album".  She bought it DECADES ago and was going to give it to my older sister but for some reason decided to keep it intact.  Not in a zillion years would anyone consider my Mom "cool" but she certainly had SOME sense of historic  I can't imagine how much it's worth today! 

Party Girl


by Party Girl on

What an interesting story!  Thanks for sharing!