BOOK: New Revelations on Bakhtiar's Assassination


BOOK: New Revelations on Bakhtiar's Assassination
by Darius Kadivar

Jean-Louis Bruguière was the leading French investigating magistrate in charge of counter-terrorism affairs. He was in charge of the investigation on the assassination of the Shah's Last Prime Minister Shapour Bakhtiar. In a new book published in French Ce que je n'ai pas pu dire : entretiens avec Jean-Marie Pontaut (Broché) he dedicates an entire chapter to this case and details the arrestation of Vakili Rad one of the three assassins of the late Prime Minister and Opposition Leader in exile.

The Book confirms that the then President Rafsanjani and the Islamic Republic were directly involved in this operation. New revelations also explain in detail the way Bakhtiar was assassinated along with his secretary as well as the hunting for the assassins on the Run between the French and Swiss Borders.

This book is released at a moment when the liberation or not of French Teacher Clothild Reiss in Iran seems to be in the balance for the freedom of one of the three Bakhtiar's Assassins condemned to life imprisonment which Iran's current regime wants to see returned to Iran.

The Book is available in French on

pro-Bakhtiar demonstrations in 1979 as Bakhtiar named Prime Minister receives the International Press:

Shapour Bakhtiar 's last public appearance Shortly before his Murder speaks about Regime Change and the Constitution of 1906:


Recommended Reading:

Dialogue of murder: A cautionary tale that must not be forgotten by Cyrus KADIVAR


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