Et Pendant Ce Temps En France ... ;0)

Et Pendant Ce Temps En France ... ;0)
by Darius Kadivar

In the meantime in France, former President Jacques Chirac has caused a mini scandal flirting openly with a blond woman during a Speech given by his jealous wife and former First Lady Bernadette.

Mais Enfin Jacques ? ... Quel Sacré Drageur ...

Watch Video here ;0)


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Darius Kadivar

Ex-President Chirac to vote for Hollande & wife for Sarkozy

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Chirac 'will vote for Hollande' (bbc)



France's former centre-right president, Jacques Chirac, will vote for Socialist Francois Hollande in first round of presidential elections on Sunday, a close aide says.

Azarin Sadegh


by Azarin Sadegh on

Merci Darius! c'est vraiment drôle....le pauvre gars! Je ne veux pas être a sa place..:-)


Darius Kadivar

My Pleasure Souri Jaan ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Have a nice weekend with your family and loved ones.



OMG, Darius

by Souri on

Very funny, lol. I called my son and my husband to see this, we watched it twice, to laugh more. We can't stop laughing, so much this is funny. You made my morning! thank you.