pictory: Soraya and actor Maximilian Schell

pictory: Soraya and actor Maximilian Schell
by Darius Kadivar

Princess Soraya and One time lover Austrian Actor Maximilian Schell  at the Berlin Film Festival (1960's). 


more from Darius Kadivar
Darius Kadivar

Soraya was Half German Half Bakhtiary

by Darius Kadivar on

She was indeed half German from her mother ( who was herself born in Moscow where her father was a diplomat) and half Iranian on her fathers side. She herself was born in Isfahan as well as her brother.

After her divorce with the shah She even made a movie in the 60's with the Italian film director Antonioni entitled I Tri Volti. One can say that she was a cultural icon like Lady Diana in her times.

Here is the other blog I did on her:


You can also find a movie made as a European co production on her life which was relatively well done ( albeit a few innacuracies) which keeps being aired here in France every Christmas. Its available in French and German on DVD on amazon.

Her own auto biography is interesting but I have yet to read a good objective biography on her life written by an outsider. It could be interesting especially that it could be a pretext to also write about the 1950's and 1960's which I find a fascinating time in the Arts and also social changes particularly women emancipation.







Mehdi Mazloom


by Mehdi Mazloom on


Sorayah life had always fascinated me. She was stunning and very classy woman. I understand she was a German born. Where did her brother got the Iranian name Bijan?.

Darius Kadivar

It was not a rumor

by Darius Kadivar on

Yes that's true. They were very much in love but forced to divorce  because she was sterile.She passed away in 2002 and is buried in Munich Germany along with her brother Bijan ( who died of a stroke a week after his sister's death) and both parents. She had not decendants or living family member.

Read for more info:

Soraya: Fragments of a life by Cyrus KADIVAR

Mehdi Mazloom


by Mehdi Mazloom on

Rumors has it, Soraya was the Shah's love of life. He was forced to divorce her because she couldn't bare children.

Where is she now.?

Any comments on that?