Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi of Iran delivered a speach on the theme of a democratic transition in Iran entitled: "Iran:From Theocracy to Democracy" at the Harry Harding Auditorium-GW University:
Thank you for the kind and generous introduction Dr. Miller.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Good evening.
It is a special pleasure to be with you here tonight at The George Washington University.
As some of you may know, I have a personal connection to this University as my wife, Yasmine, attended GW as an undergraduate, and she also graduated from GW with a Doctorate in Jurisprudence. I recall the many sleepless nights as she worked to meet course requirements and studying for finals. So in a manner of speaking, I have been where you are today, or at least where your spouses are.
Truly, one of my favorite activities, within the context of my duties, is the opportunities to interact with tomorrow’s leaders. Tonight, I would like to share with you, not just the facts, but the sentiments of my fellow compatriots.
These are very troubling times for my country. As many of you have witnessed, especially in the past few months, the searing images on YouTube, Facebook and other media have brought the misery of the Iranian people and the brutality of the clerical regime into vivid perspective.
For those of us who have devoted our entire lives to the cause of democracy and human rights in Iran, we had hoped to avoid this day and these tragic consequences. As it turned out, the events surrounding the fraudulent election in June 2009 caused the people of Iran to reach their point of no return, and the regime to abandon all pretenses of faith, national pride, and humanity.
Last summer, the people of Iran achieved something unprecedented in the history of the 31-year-old Islamic Republic. For the first time, the Iranian people coordinated mass-scale demonstrations against this totalitarian theocratic regime. These demonstrations and protests continue even today, questioning – well beyond the election results of last June – the very legitimacy of the regime and the so-called Supreme Leader Khamenei.
The courage and resolve of these everyday heroes in Iran in the face of the tyranny, injustice and brutality of the regime, has earned them the admiration of people the world over. And so begins what has been dubbed the first revolution of the 21st century – the Twitter Revolution – also called the Green Revolution.
The first and most tangible result of the Green Movement is that the world, today, has a far better understanding of the true nature of the Islamic Republic on the one hand, and the true wishes and aspirations of the Iranian people on the other. The black veil has been torn off the face of the regime. Ultimately, I am confident my country will be liberated from this darkness. The Iranian people will prevail. This regime will fall at the hands of its own people. If you recall nothing of my comments this evening, remember this: the struggle of the Iranian people for democracy, human rights and dignity continues, whether you hear about it on the news in this country or not. It will continue until we prevail, thanks to our heroic youth whose eyes are firmly on the future, not the past.
Let’s take a step back now and look at what brought us to this historical juncture. Of course, we should be careful not to limit the scope of the Iranian people’s struggle to last summer’s election and the events that followed it. To do so would neglect a 31-year history of resistance that must neither be forgotten nor underestimated. In truth, what is going on in Iran today has been years in the making. Nevertheless, last summer’s events were a watershed moment for my compatriots as it brought together, for the first time, Iranians of all walks of life and all political persuasions in defiance of the regime. This has not been an easy road. As a student of campaigns of non-violent, civil disobedience around the world, I can affirm that the struggle against brutally repressive regimes has never been simple and without great risks.
Throughout the years, the primary obstacle and limiting factor for my compatriots has been the inability to overtly organize and widely coordinate their efforts. Severe restrictions imposed by the regime on communication, information, assembly and speech, has made it impossible for various sectors of Iranian society to come together and voice their grievances against the regime. Historically, opposition to the clerical regime has taken the form of isolated displays of discontent. One day, it would be students, another day workers and labor forces, or women, or teachers. All previous displays of opposition have been swiftly and brutally crushed by the regime’s security apparatus. As a result, few around the world even noticed what was building up in Iran over the course of three decades, despite the warnings those of us familiar with the situation.
Whether the regime miscalculated, or their own infighting distracted them, last summer’s elections provided my compatriots with a galvanizing national event through which they could organize a diverse and large-scale uprising. For the first time in 30 years, the people of Iran broke the regime’s stranglehold on communication with the outside world. For once, the people had a voice, an identity, a movement, and they were leading it. For the first time in 30 years, the world saw the true face of the Iranian people; who they are, and what they want: freedom! For the first time in 30 years, the world finally saw the clerical regime as it truly is: a brazen, cruel totalitarian system singly focused on perpetuating its radical ideology and sustaining its iron grip on power.
Inside Iran, people continue to seize every opportunity to chip away at the regime’s authority. Abroad, members of the Diaspora, some of whom have never visited their homeland, continue to raise awareness of their compatriots’ struggle back home. For example, they have organized demonstrations on several continents – some right here on the National Mall – showing their solidarity with their compatriots back home by collecting signatures, wearing green wristbands, and writing to legislators and news editors. I am encouraged by and pleased to witness how the terrible events in Iran have galvanized my compatriots around the world. Our collective salvation from this nightmare lies in democracy and an absolute non-negotiable commitment to human rights for every single Iranian. Our unity will expedite our salvation.
Further, thanks to the efforts of many nameless, faceless heroes, the news permeating from inside is now on numerous websites, and video clips can be viewed on major international media outlets. We were all touched and grateful, when this past summer Twitter decided to postpone a routine maintenance shutdown of their system to allow the Iranian people to communicate during planned demonstrations. Compare and contrast their behavior to Nokia and Siemens, who actually provided the regime technology to spy on the Iranian people and intercept their Internet communications.
Another consequence of the events of the summer of 2009 is that people the world over have grown more attentive to the issue of human rights and lack thereof in Iran. The international community continues to monitor developments in Iran more closely than ever. In recent weeks, numerous government bodies and NGOs have spoken out on the human rights crisis in Iran. In its annual report on human rights released last month, the U.S. State Department expressed the opinion that, despite heavy international pressure on the clerical regime, “the human rights situation in Iran has degenerated since last summer’s disputed presidential election.”
The State Department also expressed concern over the continued persecution of religious minorities in Iran. In February, during the Universal Periodic Review at the United Nations Human Rights Council, the Islamic Republic promised to abide by international law. However, shortly thereafter it rejected a U.N. recommendation to end discrimination against Iranian Baha’is. Dozens of members of religious minorities, including Baha’is, Christians and Jews remain in prison in Iran on dubious charges. Their trials, in which they are often denied basic rights such as access to their attorneys, represent clear violations of Iran’s obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Furthermore, Amnesty International has identified other cases of academics, doctors, journalists, artists, and union leaders, all of whom have been denied their basic rights and imprisoned. And, incredibly, just last month, Journalists Without Borders released a report estimating that one third of the world’s jailed journalists are in Iranian prisons.
As I speak with you this evening, the longest serving political prisoner is still under house arrest: Mr. Amir Entezam, who has refused for 30 years to sign a “to’be-nameh” or “repentance and confession proclamation” in return for his release. We have a learned spiritual leader, Ayatollah Boroujerdi who is in prison and subject to physical and mental torture, for having had the audacity to question the regime’s behavior in the name of Shi’a Islam, and for advocating separation of Mosque from State. We have had in recent weeks, a wave of fleeing bloggers, journalists and activists who are currently living in dismal and deplorable conditions in Turkish and Iraqi refugee camps. These individuals cannot and must not be forgotten, as each of them personify the heroic nature of the Iranian people and their predicaments shine a spotlight on the utter intolerance and cruelty of the regime.
My compatriots can no longer tolerate the status quo. More and more, the solution points towards a systemic political change in Iran. The clerical constitution is fundamentally flawed and in order to move Iran forward it must be replaced. This idea of “regime change” causes controversy, especially here in the U.S., because it carries with it the assumption that such change must be achieved by outside forces or foreign governments. This, however, is a false assumption, and I would add, highly undesirable: I have always expressed that foreign interests attacking or interfering with the sovereignty of my country is undesirable, unwanted, wrong, and in every way contrary to the interests of Iran and the international community. It will only embolden the clerical regime and unify the Iranian people in defense of our homeland. It is precisely due to these sentiments that I volunteered to join the Iranian Air force when Saddam Hussein attacked Iran on September, 1980 – though my offer was rebuffed by the clerical regime. An attack on Iran is an attack on every Iranian patriot. Therefore, I believe and would argue that regime change in Iran can and must be achieved by Iranians and Iranians alone. Change from outside will be neither legitimate nor sustainable.
Aside from what we have seen from the clerical regime in terms of its oppressive conduct and unpopularity, an analysis of the regime’s Constitution leads us to conclude that only systemic political change can establish long-term accountability and transparency in Iran’s political affairs. The so-called Islamic Regime, as defined by its Constitution, includes too many undemocratic principles and institutions; hence its government could not be in any way representative of and in service to the people. And, as was finally learned last summer, no number of “elections” can remedy the system’s shortcomings. Within the confines of the Islamic Republic’s constitution, there is simply no legal method by which the people of Iran can hold the regime accountable.
To continue to examine the elections as just one example of the shortcomings of the constitution: Elections in Iran are not free because, in accordance with the constitution, an unelected, unaccountable committee vets and rejects the vast majority of potential candidates. Elections in Iran are a sham because, as we learned last summer, the state is always prepared to carry out fraud to further its interests. Therefore, elections in Iran are in fact not democratic. It is not that just one group committed fraud last summer; it is that the Iranians are systematically robbed of real choice, and this travesty is codified in their constitution.
Through systemic political change, my compatriots will take the requisite step forward in terms of achieving democracy and establishing human rights for all in Iran. Of course, change alone will not accomplish everything. Subsequent to the dissolution of the present political system, Iranians must establish a system of governance and a government that will safeguard their rights and respond to their demands.
For the future of Iran, I have always advocated the establishment of a secular democracy, where there is a clear separation of mosque from state. My personal preference is for a future constitution based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Aside from my own beliefs, I am confident that, given adequate time and discourse in the public domain, a secular democracy will be the choice of the vast majority of Iranians, particularly for today’s youth. My experience based on many meetings with members of the opposition – and particularly the Greens – inside and outside of Iran, increases my confidence in this conclusion. When sovereignty is restored back to the people, this time, they will want a government which will be legitimate, representative, accountable, transparent, and thus sustainable.
Throughout this entire process, however, the role of the international community remains quite important. I am asked often: what can or should the international community do?
If one were to assume that, today, the international community is cognizant of my compatriot’s true wishes, it follows that the international community must refrain from engaging in conduct that hinders the Iranian people in their struggle for freedom and strengthens the dictatorship against which they are fighting. Just to give you one specific example: the aforementioned companies of Nokia and Siemens should be held accountable and denounced for selling technology to the clerical regime that helps the regime spy on the Iranian people. Concerned, caring citizens around the world could send a strong message to such companies and their respective governments by threatening boycott, writing letters, and protesting as shareholders to discourage their disregard of the rights of the people of Iran. On the other hand, providing similar technologies and software to my compatriots would help them overcome various blockages in communication and ensure some greater measure of safety for users. Other cyber-tech companies could collaborate with Iranians who are focused on technology and communications to develop useful, safe communication products and counter measures. Foundations could provide financial support for these technologies and for our refugees.
Let me be clear, no one expects the international community to diminish their own interests in favor of the interests of the Iranian people. However, where those interests coincide, the international community can and should be proactive in their support of the Iranian people’s legitimate and just struggle against their oppressors.
Let’s consider for a moment the international community’s interests and concerns as they pertain to or are affected by Iran. A cursory review would include such interests and concerns as: protecting human rights, stopping the spread of international terror, putting an end to conflict in the Middle East, controlling the proliferation of nuclear weapons, and ensuring stability in the Persian Gulf region.
I have stated many times in op-eds and interviews: the lynchpin to addressing all these concerns is democracy and human rights in Iran. All the concerns about Iran’s future actions will be alleviated by democratic change in Iran, if for no other reason, then for the simple reason that the Iranian people already see eye-to-eye with much of the world on all of these issues. In other words, while issues such as Iran’s nuclear capabilities seem very daunting today, it will resolve itself once the Iranian people have a say in what their government does. One Iranian underground rapper said: “We ask for bread... they give us yellow cake!” I think it says it all about the priorities of the people. I am confident a democratic Iran will be dedicated to peace and non-proliferation, and not weaponization. Our international credibility would undoubtedly ride on our transparency and commitment to our own obligations to the treaties we are signatories to, such as the NPT for instance.
By acknowledging there is a confluence of interests between the Iranian people and much of the international community, the people and governments of the world must recognize it is in their best interest to take an active role in supporting the people of Iran in their quest for freedom and democracy. May I remind you, at this juncture, a call for a more proactive role in supporting the people of Iran does not equate to a call for foreign intervention nor take away from the legitimacy of the Iranian people’s movement.
Take as historical examples the Solidarity movement in Poland and the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa. The free world heard their cries for freedom and finally committed to change the status-quo and help bring an end to those undesirable regimes. In both cases, there was a tremendous international support as well as direct pressure on the respective governments at the time. It is important to note that ultimately the most effective element in bringing about change in Poland and South Africa were internal levers of pressure, meaning the people themselves. External levers of pressure, such as economic sanctions, worked in the sense of being a means to that end, rather than the end itself. Even if the goal is to seek behavior change, nothing makes such regimes react more than feeling direct pressure emanating from their own streets. So, as some liberated societies in Africa or Eastern Europe could attest, the appropriate measures of support provided by the international community will be a critical factor in ushering change in Iran as well.
To conclude, last summer’s election fiasco and the events that followed created a profound understanding of the true nature of the clerical regime of Iran on the one hand, and the real aspirations of the Iranian people on the other. More definitively than ever, my compatriots have drawn the proverbial line in the sand between themselves and the regime. In the months that have followed last summer’s events, they have not ceased to remind us of this paramount distinction. One of their most notable protest chants, directed explicitly at President Obama, posed the principal choice: “Obama! Obama! Either you are with us, or you are with them” in a less than subtle reference to the regime, declaring in effect: if you are not supportive of the demonstrators, you are by definition supporting their oppressors.
If we are to avoid more dire scenarios of conflict which may become inevitable not too long from now, I can only stress the critical window of time available to both my compatriots as well as the international community. The only win-win scenario is not complicated, but requires commitment to carry through: Empower the Iranian people, and they will do the rest. However, we have to act fast. The time is now!
Last summer, my brave and resilient compatriots illuminated the qualities that separate them from their oppressors. They were peaceful in response to the violence of the regime. They were forgiving in response to the hatefulness of the regime. They were united, while the regime was divided. They became more hopeful, as the regime grew desperate. And when they cried freedom, the regime rained down oppression.
You can all bear witness to your generation’s first great struggle for human dignity. Your brothers and sisters half a world away use the same internet you use to take on one of the most brutal regimes in the world, and they take it on with courage and conviction. Your generation uses new technologies in ways that makes me believe totalitarianism will soon be a thing of the past. Where information flows freely, no man can easily deceive and subjugate another. This we have learned from you. The truth can get around the world in a nano-second. Keep telling the truth about Iran and her people. They need you now more than ever. The salvation of Iran is in the hands of your generation. And take to heart the words of Dr. Martin Luther King who said: “In the end, we will forget the words of our enemies, but we will not soon forget the silence of our friends.”
Thank you
Recommended Watching:
Pro Bakhtiar Demonstrations 1979 in Support of the 1906 Secular Constitution:
Shapour Bakhtiar ( Last Prime Minister of Imperial Iran) speach on Regime Change 1989-Hamburg (Germany):
REZA'S CALL: Crown Prince Reza at Bonn Conference and Democratic Think-Tanks (March 27th, 2010 ) by DK
Recommended Readings:
REZA's CALL: An Iranian Solidarnosc... by Darius KADIVAR
RESPONDING TO REZA's CALL: An Iranian Solidarnosc in the Making ... By Darius KADIVAR
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Thank you Free - I also think that the real enemy is IRI.
by MM on Sat Apr 17, 2010 06:44 PM PDTI also think that the real enemy is IRI. Please consider that under a strong common democratic principles bonding us, the opposition will be a lot more formiddable.
by Free on Sat Apr 17, 2010 05:26 PM PDTI really appreciate your constructive criticism. We all have room to grow, and I don't mean to dismiss others' comments, but I just think enough is enough, about rehashing the Shah's shortcomings. We have such a tall mountain to climb in defeating the IRI, why do we constantly have to play rewind?
Today's enemy is the IRI, period.
Genghis Khan - 2500 years ago we we capable of .....
by MM on Sat Apr 17, 2010 10:24 AM PDT2500 years ago, our ancestors in Persia and the Persian King, Cyrus, were capable of drafting and implementing the first documented human rights / rights of nations charter, See, Cyrus's cylinder. I cannot accept the premise that we are any less capable now.
And the $1,000,000 QUESTION is...
by Genghis Khan on Sat Apr 17, 2010 10:02 AM PDTAre we capable of handling democrocy? Are we,really, ready for a government run by the people for the people?
If my body dies, let my body die, but do not let my country die.
Empty promises can be seen
by benross on Sat Apr 17, 2010 09:45 AM PDTEmpty promises can be seen when they act like one. When you advocate freedom, democracy and rule of law, without respecting the process accordingly.
Dear Free - Ahura and others have a point
by MM on Sat Apr 17, 2010 08:33 AM PDTReza Pahlavi has made a great stride in the above speech (paragraph 20) by finally uttering the key words that many freedom-loving folks have been asking him to sign off to:
"For the future of Iran, I have always advocated the establishment of a secular democracy, where there is a clear separation of mosque from state. My personal preference is for a future constitution based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.".
Nonetheless, he needs to fully commit to those words by either preparing a signed amendment to the 1906 constitution or a signed public declaration of a policy shift stating the bolded points in paragraph 20.
The reason for a written statement is twofold. First, what I hear from the monarchist side is either the establishment of a referendum or the restoration of the 1906 constitution in Iran, with its inherent flaws that led Iran into its previous <1979 dictatorship*. I do not need to tell you how many empty promises the people of Iran heard from Khomeini before 1979. Secondly, full committment to those words will enable RP to start a ettehaad process with other freedom-loving Iranian factions in order to put up a united front against IRI. This will also give RP a different image as a unifier of the Iranian opposition factions instead of the one who goes around giving speeches.
Based on your writings, it appears that you are fully committed to RP, but please do not dismiss others' comments and tone down the condescending remarks. This can be a very constructive discussion that opens a path towards democracy in Iran.
* I grant you that while under the Shah we did not have much of a political freedom but Iranians had plenty of social freedoms. The Iranian people lack both types of freedoms now under IRI. So, in many ways, Iran was better off then <1979, but we have not come this far to go back to dictarorship again.
My comment at 4:28 pm
by Free on Sat Apr 17, 2010 07:48 AM PDTas you can see was flagged by one of these champions of free speech, aka, IRI apologists who think free speech should only be allowed to them and not their enemies -- thank you, JJ, for not censoring it.
As you all can see, there's nothing inherently abusive in my comment, yet somebody tried to silence me, some IRI protecting person on this site. This is sad, folks. How do we expect to be a functioning democracy in Iran one day if we don't even respect our individual right to freedom of speech on this site. Yes, if it's abusive and over the top, it should be moderated, but some of you have absolutely no respect for perhaps the most important cannon of justice and democracy, i.e., freedom of speech.
I feel pity for you IRI groupies and apologists. Pathetic, pitiful and small -- that's not just your intellect, but your sense of decency, honor and morality.
The Ahura con-job
by Free on Sat Apr 17, 2010 08:21 AM PDTThis passes for intellectual thought, " you could verily say this applies to his father’s rule as well."
Well, guess what genius, his father's rule is finished, done, dead, for 31 years now. Our enemy TODAY is not his "father's rule," but the IRI. Jesus, why are so many Iranians so obtuse? The Shah is dead. His bones have rotted. Reza Pahlavi was there to talk about the IRI, not his dead father. What is wrong with you people? Do you have some sort of a malfunction? Can we properly deal with TODAY'S enemy, and let a vanquished foe rest in peace?
Our fight TODAY is with the IRI, we already got rid of the Shah, remember? So, unless you're a lushkhor, a scavenger, leave the man's bones alone, and let's zero in on the present foe, TODAY'S enemy, who's ruining and raping our country as we try to shame the previous regime, yet again.
I don't know about Reza
by benross on Sat Apr 17, 2010 05:44 AM PDTI don't know about Reza Pahlavi, but I have no intention to unite with those who claim our constitution is non-existent. I'm fully prepared to unite with those who don't agree with the content of that constitution. But those who call it non-existent are not part of my plan. And they better find another venue to express themselves. Reza Pahlavi is not talking to them.
It shouldn't be so damaging since you claim what you are saying is the thoughts of the majority. So you will do just fine without him... as you did so far.
Prince Reza Pahlavi a Mere Known Name
by Ahura on Fri Apr 16, 2010 09:21 PM PDTPrince Reza Pahlavi is doing a good job publicizing the misfortunes of the Iranians under the religious dictatorship of Islamic Republic of Iran, and as such he is a valuable asset to the opposition groups committed to IRI regime change. He has matured since declaring himself king in exile and taking oath to uphold the nonexistent 1906 Iranian Constitution on October 31, 1980 in Koubeh Palace, Cairo, two months after his father’s death, and eleven months after Iranians had voted for the new IRI constitution on December 2, 1979.
His speech in GW University, although repetitive, is comprehensive and includes the major objections to IRI rule and conduct. Unfortunately, prince Reza has understandably deep rooted emotional ties to his late father and cannot fairly acknowledge the gravity of the dictatorship of his father and grandfather’s regime that culminated in IRI rule. Reading the part of his speech, “Elections in Iran are a sham because, as we learned last summer, the state is always prepared to carry out fraud to further its interests. Therefore, elections in Iran are in fact not democratic.” you could verily say this applies to his father’s rule as well.
Until Prince Reza Pahlavi can show his sincerity for a secular democratic government in Iran by condemning dictatorships, including his father’s regime, and making his inheritance a public record for all Iranians to see, he will remain a mere name to the overwhelming majority of Iranians, save his monarchist supporters.
Pity, people using DK' blog to fight
by Rea on Fri Apr 16, 2010 04:55 PM PDTYet, you could learn a lot from him. Class, for a start.
by Free on Fri Apr 16, 2010 04:28 PM PDTI'm really sorry you keep having to delete my comments, and I appreciate the ample warnings, but seriously, the rhetoric here is so tame compared to blogs elsewhere (try Guardian UK, for example), and to censor my comments based on its tone rather than content is unfair. I didn't use any "F" words or insulting words in my last comment to Appleton, yet you deleted it, so why was it removed? Because I was harsh on Appleton? Some of us may think he deserves far worse, because at least there are former champions of the IRI who have had a change of heart and come to their senses, but this Appleton, after all these years, after all the bloodshed, misery and mayhem in Iran, still supports the IRI in a very underhanded way, on this very site.
That is reprehensible and unforgivable, specially considering what happened after the fraudulent election in Iran. And for this guy to lament the loss of his freedom of speech on this site and then turn around and flag me is 10,000 miles past the sign that reads: SHAMELESS HYPOCRITE on board.
Free: damet garam... The Trotskyites who will not rest until th
by capt_ayhab on Fri Apr 16, 2010 03:04 PM PDT[Free: damet garam... The Trotskyites who will not rest until the " US
empire" is brought down by their own gutter poletariat hands to save ]
Free: damet garam... The
by vildemose on Fri Apr 16, 2010 02:54 PM PDTFree: damet garam... The Trotskyites who will not rest until the " US empire" is brought down by their own gutter poletariat hands to save
Appleton cosigned x2
by capt_ayhab on Fri Apr 16, 2010 02:50 PM PDT[Internet is a haven for imposters and trolls]
cosigned x2
One more thing, Appleton...
by Free on Fri Apr 16, 2010 02:37 PM PDTSince your ilk greatly assisted in the mullah takeover of Iran, what we want, first and foremost, is for you to disappear, but if you're going to jump into the heat of a debate, the last thing you should do is be an apologist for the IRI. How about for once coming out with suggestions on how to remove the IRI from power??? Why do you always try to minimize the IRI's brutality and equate them with the former regime? Why don't you leave the Shah alone. He's dead and his bones have rotted. Ahmadinejad and Khamenei are very much alive, so why don't you stay on topic, huh? The IRI is today's enemy, not the Shah!
Appleton, agreed
by Q on Fri Apr 16, 2010 10:31 AM PDTYou may want to read this post on the matter. You are one of the serious people I talking about in my last comment there.
Internet is a haven for imposters and trolls
by Brian Appleton on Fri Apr 16, 2010 10:24 AM PDTA lot of this bullying and abusive behavior would disappear if people were forced to use their real names and have their accounts verified. For a long time I stopped writing for because it had become so abusive and every discussion or debate degenerated into a slug fest and into name calling and usually just two or three arch conservatives dominated the space who obviously don't have a life. Last week someone tried to thank me for my blog and one of these abusers commented that he looked forward to my next contribution as much as he looked forward to contracting hemorrhoids only he couldn't spell it. I pointed that out to him and amazingly enough the moderator removed his remark and mine...I guess the word hemorrhoid was just too obscene... ;o) anyway it is indeed very disappointing that bullies have taken over this forum and are inhibiting our rights to freedom of speech.
Brian H. Appleton
Rasool Aryadust
Look at the Number Of Insults I Got for Merely Interviewing Naz
by Darius Kadivar on Fri Apr 16, 2010 10:11 AM PDTNazanin Afshin Jam:
At LEAST We HELPED SAVE A LIFE each in Our Own Modest Capacity If Nothing Else !
Khejalat Ham Khoub Cheezyeh !
MM What are You complaining about again ?
by Darius Kadivar on Fri Apr 16, 2010 10:02 AM PDTWho is Refusing to Discuss or Debate ? You are the Ones who are Posing As Victimes instead of engaging in an Intellectual discourse.
What are You expecting to Go for Gorboonoh Saligheh ?
What is there to discuss with the Likes of Sargord ? ... Or those who defend them ?
And What is this Obssession of Running to the Rescue of Anyone who is Contradicted ? Aren't They Big enough to defend themselves ?
I've Never SEEN ANY ONE OF YOU Rush to MY Rescue When People Called for My DEATH ? ... Faghan aka the Phantom of the Opera to name a few ...
That is the Reason I respond to him in a Cinematic Way Since without engaging in a debate with him because I know it will lead to nowhere and also because Non of the Moderators in this Website Do THEIR Job :
Watch Comments below in the Threads of this blog:
LARGER THAN LIFE: Shahbanou Meets The Prince of Darkness (Bochum-Germany)
For Your information I don't Insult People ( AND CERTAINLY NEVER IDENTIFIABLE PERSONS) ... I Simply Mock at Times Those ANONYMOUS People and Underline What I See as Contradictions !
Some Of You people Are Worse than the Spanish Inquisitors who would Burn You for Mocking Jesus, simply because YOU YOURSELF have RUN OUT OF ARGUMENTS !
"Humor is the Weapon of the Weak and Defensless Against Stupidity and the Oppression of the Powerful" - Voltaire
The Same Voltaire who was one of the Enlightment Philosophers AND Constitutional Monarchist ( who admired the British Democracy by the way)
GOOD READ: All You Need to Know About The Enlightment Philosophers
Recommended Watching:
TRULY You ANONYMOUS People and YOUR Hypocritical Political Correctness are NAUSEATING !
ramintork Jaan I always appreciate Your Insights
by Darius Kadivar on Fri Apr 16, 2010 08:55 AM PDTEven if we differ on the issue of Monarchy, I have to say that I always find your insights interesting and your critics constructive.
An Irony that You live in a Constitutional Monarchy like the UK and Are a Republican where as I live in a Republic like France and am a Constitutional Monarchist ;0)
Which Proves that Democracy is NEVER Perfect and leaves everyone unsatisfied in their ever lasting quest for more Freedom!
Just imagine if our two countries of residence had included the American Bubble Gum Notion of the Pursuite of Happiness in their respective Constitutions ?
I guess it would have led the British to establish a Republic and the French to Restore the Monarchy !
Cheers Buddy, and keep up the Good Work with the IIC.
Take care,
PS: Dunno if my last detailed response was satisfying to you, it was the best and most sincere I could give you but truly I can't brainstorm any more on this subject at this stage. Anyway
what is wrong with us?
by MM on Fri Apr 16, 2010 08:45 AM PDTWe just cannot have a civil discussion. It happens every freaking time.
Someone starts a back and forth discussion - soon, someone puts a condescending remark that is doubly retuned and name-calling starts in-force, and the original discussion is pushed under the rug.
Is IRI really what we deserve because of our inability to have a civil discussion on issues rather than resort to pissing/spitting contests?
David Jaan While YOU are YAWNING ... ;0)
by Darius Kadivar on Fri Apr 16, 2010 08:33 AM PDTOTHERS ARE AWAKE :
IRANIAN SOLIDARNOSC: Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi, Nazanin Afshin Jam and Amir Abbas Fakhravar
Oh and By the way ... Next Time You decide to Vote and Boast about UNITY, Make Sure You Don't make a Sleepy Choice.
SATIRE: I voted ;0)
By choosing a Fellow who has the Least Blood on his hands and on His Conscience !
Asoodeh Bekhab Keh Ma Beedareem !
DK Jaan ...
by Paidar Iran on Fri Apr 16, 2010 12:50 AM PDTI don't know why every time you post something about RP the dogs come out barking? What is the deal?
To Free
by ali_UK on Fri Apr 16, 2010 12:49 AM PDTTo throw insults back at you , I be descending to your level of intellect.
I express my disappointment that after all the generic talk of my mission for Iran , my this and my that for Iran , what Reza Pahlavi’s mission has boiled down to is , ask the people if they want ME as their king or not ( oh , once this tyrannical regime has been removed ).
His supporters , you guys ( Free , Kadivar and Co ) do not have much in order to back his corner , apart from protecting Iran from separatism , one party taking over , we have had 30 years of republicanism , lets try this one now.
You must have a better argument in order to make headway among the masses ( as one claimed here that RP has!! )
The name calling and insults ? it's an indicator of the level of your intelects.
by PERS66 on Thu Apr 15, 2010 11:28 PM PDTFamilies that served and pulled such rank under the Pahlavi Dynasty often keep a low profile, especially the ones that didn’t steal from the people and had no need to flee the country to France and the US and still live or died in their homeland.
I see that you are well set in your ways and see the world from within your own bubble, we all do,
The way we communicate has an effect and puts certain energy out there, people will react to what you manifest and put out there.
will not go on jousting with you and wish you well, I know that if you don’t behave and keep on with the nasty remarks JJ will give you a spanking ;)
Viva Le France
Dear Ramintork
by mehdi79 on Thu Apr 15, 2010 11:27 PM PDTI did not mean that you toss RP names ... in fact i ve seen your previous blogs regarding RP very rational & logical. Unfortunately i ve seen many ultramonarchists & republicans that in no way are prepared to compromise.
I was not born back then but ive heard & read in books that if late Dr Bakhtiar had more time & if he had been chosen by Shah earlier we would not have been in the current situation but HEIF we cant change the past & need to think of future of our iran ...
Honestly to me republic or monarchy has no meaning if the content of the system is not democratic. infact if ppl chose parliamentary republic 98% of my dream come true ... it is all comes back to the character of the system not what you call your head of state (your highness or Mr president).
unfortunately Shah made some unforgivable mistakes (SAVAK & Rastakhiz party for example) that lead to ppl get frustrated & of course we should not forget the interference from foriegn powers who backed up khomeini according to my readings
ANONYMOUS PERS66 If YOU Lack Creativity and imagination
by Darius Kadivar on Thu Apr 15, 2010 11:04 PM PDTNot to say a Sense of Humor ... It's Not My Fault ...
If YOU Fellows are SO PROUD of Your Families Why Do You write under the BOLD STANCE OF ANONYMOUS Bloggers/Commentators ?
Where is Your Accountability ? Or are you too Shy and Afraid the say it in the open ? Some Courage indeed ! LOL
Another Proof You don't Watch or Read what is posted since the Spanish Clip of Spain's King Juan Carlos' Response to Venezuela's Chavez ( Ahmadinejad's Buddy ) Clearly Has ENGLISH SUBTITLES !
I have better things to do than Worry about YOUR ANONYMOUS and PETTY CYBER EGOS !
Good Day !
DK, You confuse “Diatribe” with “Dialogue”
by PERS66 on Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:48 PM PDTYou confuse “Diatribe” with “Dialogue”
And as for your link, I appreciate it, but I don’t speak Spanish!
Perhaps you may consider communicating in English or Farsi and within the norms of human communication (no films and YouTube links, when you fall short of communicating you tend to post videos or start name calling) minus the name calling and insults.
I do like “some” of the blogs you post, but just think that all the name calling and finger pointing and getting angry at people that don’t agree with your view gets old and that you are bigger and better than that.
Peace out
Mehdi Jaan
by ramintork on Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:35 PM PDTI am not an anti-monachist, I am a non-monachist there is a subtle difference! and I haven't thrown his name around in fact in many ways I am very fond of him and I'm asking for what he is asking i.e. a solidarity group.
For clarification, I prefer republics ( not the current one of course!) on the principle that one should avoid institutionalizing elitism within the system ( even though it can naturally occur) in the same way that we avoid institutionalizing racism but other than that if there are elections and people decide to have a monachist system and vote for it, I have no objections. I like RP and even more than RP I like Shahbanoo who has been the champion of women's right, literacy in her own time. I also think that the revolution was a big disaster and we should had all listened to Bakhtiar.