Spartans Beat Rambo at US Box Office

Darius Kadivar
by Darius Kadivar

BBC Reports

Spartans spoof tops US box office

Meet the Spartans took $18.7m (£9.4m), beating Rambo - with $18.2m (£9.2m) - into second place. Romantic comedy 27 Dresses, the story of a perpetual bridesmaid, was third with $13.6m (£6.9m). Monster horror Cloverfield, about a creature attacking New York, fell from number one to number four.

Cloverfield took $12.7m (£6.4m), compared with the $41m (£21m) it took last week. Spartans tells the story of Leonidas who leads 13 Spartans in defending against the invading Persians. The invading force counts Rocky Balbao and Paris Hilton among its number. Rambo is the fourth film featuring Sylvester Stallone as volatile Vietnam veteran John Rambo. Cyber crime thriller Untraceable opened at number five with $11.2m (£5.7m).

1. Meet the Spartans - $18.7m (£9.4m)

2. Rambo - $18.2m (£9.2m)

3. 27 Dresses - $13.6m (£6.9m)

4. Cloverfield - $12.7m (£6.4m)

5. Untraceable - $11.2m (£5.7m)

Source: Media By Numbers


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programmer craig


by programmer craig on

But not too crazy about
the Rambo as I always found it too politically motivated movie!

Same. "First Blood" was really good, because it was about a pychologically disturbed Vietnam Vet who was mistreated when after returned from the war. But when he went back to Vietnam to "redeem" himself in the second movie, it was way too much.

I gave up on the Rocky movies after about the second or third one. Whihcever one had Mr T in it. It was really getting tired by then. I wish Stallone hadn't gotten himself so wrapped up in making sequels, back in the day.



what are your reviews on the spartans movie?

by sefati (not verified) on

I wanted to go see the movie but last time I saw a movie like that I fell asleep becasue the humor was not my kinda of humor...any good reviews on this movie?

Also I am personally over Rambo movies. When Stallone made Rocky Balboa, I rushed to watch it the first night. But not too crazy about the Rambo as I always found it too politically motivated movie!

In the trailer it says "live for nothing or die for something"...that really bothers me!