Imagine a world without Christianity!


by darius

To: Mr. Amir ... Pishro: May be you should stop at every single corner of Europe, where now-a-day, claim to be the faithful supporter of the Jewish people. Examine the past, then there was no Islamist Jihadist, no Muslim fanatics. This is what happened to your people in the name of Jesus Christ. May God bless all the victims soul. You and many of us need to wake up, Islam, Christianity, Judaism etc, are fundamentally the same. If it is abandoned to unconscious soul, they are all the same, cruel, brutal and unforgiving. What if there was no Christianity!


On Saturday - that was St. Valentine's Day-they burnt the Jews on a wooden platform in their cemetery. There were about two thousand people of them. Those who wanted to baptize themselves were spared. [Some say that about a thousand accepted baptism.] Many small children were taken out of the fire and baptized against the will of their fathers and mothers. And everything that was owed to the Jews was cancelled, and the Jews had to surrender all pledges and notes that they had taken for debts. The council, however, took the cash that the Jews possessed and divided it among the working-men proportionately. The money was indeed the thing that killed the Jews. If they had been poor and if the feudal lords had not been in debt to them, they would not have been burnt. After this wealth was divided among the artisans some gave their share to the Cathedral or to the Church on the advice of their confessors.

Thus were the Jews burnt at Strasbourg, and in the same year in all the cities of the Rhine, whether Free Cities or Imperial Cities or cities belonging to the lords. In some towns they burnt the Jews after a trial, in others, without a trial. In some cities the Jews themselves set fire to their houses and cremated themselves.


It was decided in Strasbourg that no Jew should enter the city for a hundred years, but before twenty years had passed, the council and magistrates agreed that they ought to admit the Jews again into the city for twenty years. And so the Jews came back again to Strasbourg iii the year 1368 after the birth of our Lord.


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Jahanshah Javid

Enough already

by Jahanshah Javid on

Moving on...


I really hope this Daruish

by anti-daruish (not verified) on

I really hope this Daruish and other lefties are deported. On the application for citizenship/greencard, there is a question asking one's affiliation to a communist party/activity. All these lefties have lied on their application and should be deported.

programmer craig

And by the way, I didn't

by programmer craig on

And by the way, I didn't read the rest of your comment when you ventured into America bashing and all that garbage about Iraq. The Christians you believe in killed all the Iraqis in 2003. So it's a non-issue.

programmer craig


by programmer craig on

You seem to be too happy to reveal your anti-muslim racism and anti-Semitism all in one breath, no?

It's interesting you accuse me of bigotry, in the comment of a post that is dedicated to anti-Christian bigotry! And after having made bigotted comments yourself! I'm just playing along, and following your lead! You want genocidal radcist christians, you got it! Lets have a big "kill the other" party! Why not?



Programmer Craig

by Jaleho on

You seem to be too happy to reveal your anti-muslim racism and anti-Semitism all in one breath, no?

Listen my dear, if your America could have done SHIT about Iran, believe me, they would have done it in the past 30 years ten times! Why do you think that you invaded Iraq FIRST, despite all the beg and whine of Israelis who wanted an Iran attack first, ha?

Because Americans, the ones smarter than you, KNEW that they might even get in trouble with Iraq which has been already half-dead by Iran-Iraq war.

So, my suggestion to you is to review operation "EAGLE CLAW" (hint: it was the operation in which US sent helicopters INSIDE Iran trying to save the hostages and YOU had to see in your TV the Iranian mullah cover his nose not to smell the stink of the burnt pilots).

After you've done that, you might review how Iranians made a public ass out of your HERO Reagan who kept on "forgetting" his deals with Iranians who demanded hostages won't be released until Carter is out.

Then of course when your present hero Bush started to eat bigger than his mouth, talking about "axis of evil" and his dream of regime change in Iran, Iranian mullahs advised the idiot to consult with his father who left white house with similar DREAMS, or better yet, they advised him to go and consult with Reagan on his grave.

Hopefully, your children wouldn't have to come and consult you or your soul on that matter. As you see, Iraq mal-adventure is already reminding Americans not to eat a bigger shit that they can digest. Hell, you can't even do anything about Georgia as we speak, can you now?

Continue to shine your cowboy boots in vain.You're in the wrong site for your arrogant crap.

programmer craig


by programmer craig on

Among other contributions of Christianity, one can mention the glorious Spanish inquisition...

Yeah. I wonder what would happen if the US invaded Iran and gave Iranians the option of leaving, converting to Christianity or dying? And enforced that with an Inquisition? I bet Iran would be a Christian country in no time. 

Glad you brought it up! We should send a petition to the Pope. Maybe we can get him to declare a crusade against iran at the same time.

programmer craig


by programmer craig on

Christians Palestinian have suffered and hate the Israelis as much
as the Muslim Palestinian. The 20% vibrant population of Christians
have been kicked and displaced by Zionist thieves to a vanishing 2% now
and even their reliogious practices in Bethlehem is constantly
interrupted by Israeli brutes!

Obviously they deserved it, since all these good iranians have just proved Christians are the scum of the earth :P

I think the simple solution is for us all to kiill eachother until there is only one Abrahamic religion left. Then we won't have to engage in this sort of discussion. I'm all for that, because my side is gonna win and you guys won't be around to complain anymore.



Anothe great post Darius

by KB on

This is a great response to a silly post by Pishroo (whom I am convinced is M Mazloom.) They keep posting childish and irrelevant articles which are reflective of their ignorance and bigotry.


But if you were talking I would say “DAHAN BE DAHANEH BACHE NASHO” adolescents are very irrational


If Jesus never came

by Sia Khoshtip (not verified) on

There would be more Jewish people today who would kill Arabs


Among other contributions of Christianity

by Realist (not verified) on

Among other contributions of Christianity, one can mention the glorious Spanish inquisition...

And the witch-burning of 50,000 women...

And of course the minor event of stamping legitimacy on slave-taking in Africa by calling Africans savages so they could not be included in the "love thy neighbor" technicality.


To Anonymoushgktajh: And holocaust

by Realist (not verified) on

happened no more than 65 years ago.


And to pre-emp Mazloom :-)

by Jaleho on

and save myself typing to their type of REPEATED garbage, I'll repeat from Mazloom's "Let's Assume " blog.


And Mazloom, you said

by Jaleho on

"Jews,Christians, & Muslims have lived in these region for thousands
of years. Jews and Christians somehow have managed to find a silver
path to live side by side in peace and harmony."


Just becasue NOW you have to suck up to Christian Americans  who are
keeping the illegitimate state of Israel politically, militarily and by
their charity , you should not make funny statements like above!

Assuming that you have forgotten that it were the CHRISTIANS who
according to you burned 6 million Jews, assuming that you have
forgetten that it were the anti-Semite CHRISTIANS that for centuries
have treated Jews like should not forget that it were the
Muslims and in particular Muslim Palestinians who gave refuge to Jews
when Jews were treted like dirt by European Chirstians!


As far as your other bogus  make believe story of Christians living in
peace with Jews in Palestine after the creation of Israel.... I guess
you just gotta read some books of Christian Palestinians like Eward
Said to understand how ridiculous your statement was!

Christians Palestinian have suffered and hate the Israelis as much
as the Muslim Palestinian. The 20% vibrant population of Christians
have been kicked and displaced by Zionist thieves to a vanishing 2% now
and even their reliogious practices in Bethlehem is constantly
interrupted by Israeli brutes!



simple and honest

by Anonymoushgktajh (not verified) on

No offense intended, but there are better ways to address the question than using the same logic of, others did it so islam is no exception, so its ok!
In fact the key to the question is in the dates you provided. That was something like 800 yrs ago, the world expects more civility today having learnt from those events.
The simple honest answer is yes we are better off without criminal savagery, regardless of its source and you should not excuse or right off these actions the way you do for your crowd.