Why All Doctors And Nurses......?

by darius

Don't you think this is shame that between all these demonstrator
there is no docotrs  or nurses to move along with people and help

What is really holding them back? Is it really too much
to ask, if they volunteer to move along with the crowd  and help to atttend basic

of the people who are fighting to make them the very fortunate beinficary of this event.

Isn't there any doctor or a medical expert to make an emergency care instruction for those who go and may get shot ? Would that be difficult to train and teach people CPR ( one hour Maximum training) or basic emergency steps  so they might be able to save a life?

I am wondering now that Mousavi is in hot seat( he says he is ready to be marthyred.this is funny part)shouldn't he come out

and make Khamenie and Ahmadi nejad and any organization that helping them accountable for the killing?

bad it can get,? How can he still cling to that old cliche of loyal to
the principles of Islamic Revolution which is nothing but 

khomeinis corrupted theology.

Now , that people are out and dying, beaten, jailed , Mr.Mousavi.or those who claim to be with people cannot stay quiet.

Please come out be ready to hold khamenie and all those thugs accountable to their criminal acts. Mr.Mousavi do not wait too long.



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