Why Arabs lose wars


by darius

This is filmed 1400 years after Muhammad and as you can see, the man still can't mount the horse. This is my response to those who think Iran(Persia) could not have been invaded. The Muslims did by the help of traitors, converts and a dynasty which no longer could put itself


Cmoing of Khomeini to Power is the best exampe.


He could not step into Iran soil except by those who betrayed Iranians .These traitors were Jebheh Meli, Toode (Tudeh) party ,Mujahedeen and

Fadaeian KHalgh and a regime who sold its soul to support the west blindly Mullahs had no balls to do a thing.I ran was sold to a bunch of corrupt, intellectual that sipped expensive wines ,read Dr.Sharieati,Carl Max etc

and lived in USA or else where.They faciliated the falsehood of KHommeini to become a fact, a myth .Here there was no arabs but the arab idea was used to convert .Who were the converts?People whom religon was the last thing they werec concerned about . A nation then 35 million was converted to use itself as

an army of invaders .Iranian poor and middle class were forced, brainwashed to go on strike and slow down the affair of the country .Then shamelessly called it revolution and still non of those traitors accept the consequences of their treason,the Shah, Savak , CIA and English are to blamed for it .

Here again ,history is repeating itself .

Mullah from inside and rest from outside


Well ,it is shame to see every day we have been profiled, tagged and then we

are sold this notion that these people know better .They understand democracy.They are people of peace and Just.They want the best for Iranians.

They question our past (such as article in Der Speigel about the Cyrus) and

and our cultur .We are being told and then given option of bombs or prison . We given options or forced by both mullas and the outside forces ,you are either with us or else.


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Mehdi Mazloom

why they lose.?. the answer is simple

by Mehdi Mazloom on

It is not only the Arabs, but you can also lump all the fanatic fundementalsit Muslim leaders, as why they lose wars time and time again.

It is because these idiots still cling to a 14 century military tactics.Never refuse to change. That makes it very easy for their opponents to wait around the corner, and knowing exactly how these Islamists will react, they hit the poor busters in the rear.

Take an example of all that venerable Hudna. During the 87th-9th centuries, that tactic worked well for Muslims. Declared bogus cease fire with unsuspecting intended targets, while themselves reloaded their weapon. Then catch their opponents off guard and attack and conquerer them.
The irony is, once their opponents (Christians first, and Jews later) have figured out that bogus posture and they way it works, they simply, either devised an effective countermeasures, or did not believe the Muslim's promises.

Despite the fact that tactic have failed them for past 900 years, idiots like Hmas STILL resort to the same doctrin agaisnt the Israelis, ending up losing to IDF, time and time again. Why these Islamist use the same discarded and self dfeating tactic, it is becasue it was taught by big Mo, and prescribed by Allah in the holy book of Quran.


Very Well said

by Sadaia_qesa on


لاش خور نیستم.

جگر خور هستیم که خون جگر مبنیم.


Red Wine


by Red Wine on

ابلهان را همه قند است وگلاب و شكر قوت داناهمه از خون جگر مي بينم اسب تازي شده خم زير پالان طوق زرين همه بر گردن خر مي بينم


Yes I definitly am with you on that one

by samsam1111 on


& the culprits of Qudesiyeh & Cultural agents of Arab & Ommatism...but It mostly happened after Iran,s major Defeats in primary Arab invasions..the culprits were..poets, Scientists, adminstrational Vazirs who promoted the occupiers icons & culture, all & all the mavali serfdom of subjugation...There were elements of 5th collumn in Sassanid hierarchy yes..but compare to post occupation  Iran..(V-ran)  it was minimal.We are almost on the same wave..btw if You check my earlier blog on "Iran, Spain and our kashki nationalism " in farsi You will find We are close on those views.....Thank you & keep well Pal!!