Barack Hussein Obama: Messenger of Peace


David ET
by David ET

Obama is definitely on the right track with his impressive gestures so far, both from his inaugural speech where he specifically addressed the Muslim world" to granting his very first presidential interview to a TV watched by Muslims.

The new president of the United States of America: Barack Hussein Obama is on a mission to regain the trust of Muslim world. Extremists such as Islamic Republic, Al Quada , Hamas and Hezbollah's of the world already do not like that because their existence is derived from violence, friction and hostility.

Of course when it comes to issue of Israel, Obama also has a difficult task in front of him , but regardless of certain elements in the Israeli government, the Israeli public is ready for peace and if Obama reaches out to their public, as a democracy (for Israeli's) , Israel government will not be able to stand in the way.

But when it comes to Muslims, Arabs and Iranians he has a more difficult task in front of him considering that their public do not have any voice and they are mostly represented either by some reactionary elite (e.g.: Saudi regime) or the extremists such as religious mobs (e.g. IR) or terrorist (e.g. Hamas, Al Quada)...neither of which have the best interest of people in mind nor represent the true wish of the people..

On behalf of America president Obama seem to be on a mission to reach out and make a difference in Middle East and I sure hope Muslims and Arabs this time around do not WASTE their chance with more rhetoric, slogans and nonsense ...

As for Islamic republic of Iran , honestly I do not have much hope unless IRANIANS as a whole, if faced with a positive change outside their borders, in time do something about the ruling regime...


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by My two cents (not verified) on

David Jaan

I do not have much hope either. I think Obama is following pretty much in Bill Clinton's footsteps ( he also tried close diplomacy with mullahs and even asked Albright to go kiss Kharrazi's hands and apologise for 1953 coup to mullahs) and with advisors such as the godfather of talebans and the green-belt policy maker, the honorable Mr. Zbigniew Brzezinsky, I shudder to think what will happen.