Cartoon of the day: Under the influence!

Cartoon of the day: Under the influence!
by David ET

Basijee to Iranian motorist: Your breath smells like "Allah Akbar"

Cartoon by Nikahang Kowsar


more from David ET
Maryam Hojjat


by Maryam Hojjat on

Akhoond.  No matter what he says.

Down with IRI 



by ramintork on

I love it David.



by cyclicforward on

This cartoon is way too funny...

David ET

Iranians should pass the torch to Karoubi now

by David ET on

Today Mehdi Karoubi with his historical statement took the deserved leadership role of the people's movement and it is now up to the people and the coalition to stand behind him.

I started writing a long article about this and near the end I lost it all and I will attempt at another one but due to the importance of this historical statement, I see the need to at least for now state that the people and coalition should openly show their support of Karoubi's stated positions and assign him the leadership role that he has gained by his actions and active presence in the past few weeks .

I sure hope to very soon hear new slogans of : Karoubi Hedayat, Irani Hemayat

(Karoubi leadership, Iranians support)

I know this comment may lack insufficient backing but I will state my reasons in much detail soon. His presence at Ghobad Mosque few days ago and his humble, couragous and detailed statement today should be the taken as turning signal that I hope Iranians would act upon. 

Karoubi's statement: //