Hillary Exposed I

David ET
by David ET

I came across few videos about Clinton's Dynasty (After Bush's) that I thought I share with others:




more from David ET

Good video

by no_name (not verified) on


The case mentioned in the video is sealed in the CA court until after the election. This could mean if Hillary is elected and she is fined guilty she could be impeached, the very least we'll have what we had in the last few years of Clinton's term. Lots of law suits.

Hillary will be a disaster. Clinton asked for and signed the worst wiretap program in the history. He gave a larger tax break to the rich than even Bush.

So all you Hillary Clinton fans, do a deep research to their presidency before crying for her.


It will no be Obama or Ron Paul

by Alborzi (not verified) on

Definitely Obama also Ron Paul are not acceptable, for AIPAC, Boeing and a bunch of so called "neocons", they will not allow it to happen, if those guys are elected, GW will find a constitutional understanding (up held by supreme court mind you) that Bush can continue. So the guys who are acceptable will be Hillary or McCain, take your pick.


Only Love :)

by Anonymous54 (not verified) on





by anonymous54 (not verified) on



Explusion: Gun shot in the Head at Blank Point

by AH Danesh, Owner of the United States of America (not verified) on


If God in person comes down in person and says choose not hillary... I overrule him...

Why? Because he can't see corrrectly and being only a victim of optical illlusion....




by another democrat (not verified) on

Who are you to comment about Hillary? You have a shallow, toxic and opportunistic views towards political process. Don't post anything like this anymore...

David ET


by David ET on

I am an independent and against corrupt politicians whereever they are.

There is still hope that Hillary and status quo does not get elected. Truth should not be hidden and must be exposed early on. People's intelligence should not be underestimated, they make best decisons when they have all facts about everyone.

Here is my suggestions among the limited choices avaialble:


Republicans: Ron Paul (my vote)

Democrats: Obama


If Ron Paul against Hillary or Obama: Ron Paul

If other republicans vs Obama: Obama

If other republics vs Hillary : unfortunately Hillary !



Are you a republican?

by a democrat (not verified) on

David, I thought you were a democrat because you were praising obama...now how come you are advertizing these republican's tool to mess up democrats?

Which side are you david? Didn't you watch thursday night's debate? it seems that those two democrat like each other very much though...


Still better than McCain

by IRANdokht on


Lets not use these videos against the Democrats when/if Hillary is nominated.

She's still better than McCain who wants to start more wars in the world...

Thank you