Hillary's Iraq Flip Flops

David ET
by David ET
A short review of Hillary's flip flop positions and speeches on Iraq : //www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dFmTAPmrbo

more from David ET

Thank you David

by IRANdokht on

I understand your point about not self-censoring and allowing the truth to always come out, that's not the part I worry about...

when it comes time for mud-slinging and baseless accusations, they don't need to have "facts": look what they did to Kerry! they made up false stories and brought some group of lying swift boat veterans to destroy a war hero, and called him a flip flopper when he changed his mind about something after looking at all the facts that were not available to him previously!!!

so the truth is not what is worrisome, it's the way any negative statement or video clip or even false rumor get magnified by some folks who have the best of intentions and get played by the propaganda machine.

I know now that you would vote for Hillary if nominated, but spreading dirt on her now may help McCain more than you intend to do.


Thank you


Kaveh Nouraee

How can ANY of you vote Democrat?

by Kaveh Nouraee on

I honestly don't get any of you so called Iranian "democrats".

The Democratic party is supposedly the party that looks out for the little guy, to protect them against the big bad Republicans.

I have yet to see a single thing.

Therefore, I ask that you answer just this one question:....

What has the Democratic Party, their philosophy, their platform done for YOU?

David ET

Dear Irandokht

by David ET on

Thank you for your comment and I understand your concern. As I mentioned I
give credit to people and their educated decision making, therefore I think the facts should not be withheld (democrats or
republicans) and then let them decide. I do not believe in censorship (or self censorship) for any reason.

In some states such as California, you can only vote in the primaries of the
party that you are registered with.

Therefore on super Tuesday if one is registered as republican does not have
the choice to vote for Obama or Hillary and if one is a registered democrat can
not vote for Ron Paul.

After each parties candidates are announced, I assure you whoever is the
candidate the other party WILL disclose everything about them, including

So it really doesn't matter if we address those before or let them disclose
it later. It is actually better to chose the candidate who has less of corrupt
record , if you want the candidate to win.

In my case I am voting for Ron Paul in primaries , however if another
republican is chosen, then I hope Obama will be the choice and NOT Hillary.

But If the day comes and she is my only choice vs. someone like McCain, I
will HAVE to vote for her, knowing that she is not a whole lot different than
her republican counterparts.


We should be careful

by IRANdokht on


Dear David

The problem we're facing is that the Democrat choices for the nomination are not the perfect candidates, neither one is.

The reality is that we only have these two choices against a sea of people who would not vote for either one due to their hangups. We shouldn't be slamming them at this time because it'll eventually become one of these two against McCain or Romney who are much worse!

I will do my part and vote for Obama, knowing that Hillary is not far from the republican choices when it comes to the foreign policies, but I would still pick her at the general election against any republican. Hypocrite or not.

Thank you


David ET


by David ET on

Isnt it amazing that with some Iranians the Hezbollahi and chomaghdar attitude towards others even extends to the way they approach US politics?!!! !!!!!

with some :

 You can take the man out the country, but you can't take the country of the man


Like or not, Hillary will be elected and put on a strap-on

by Abgousht on

just your size and take of mullah-lovers like you!



Thanks David!

by A republican (not verified) on

Next we should mess up Obama...

Let's watch this link to show the muslim side of Obama:




by Anonymous2008 (not verified) on

You seem to have a problem with Hillary. Are you so naive to believe Obama the preacher can be a good president? He is another do nothing, hostler without any experience in doing anything other than feel good slogans i.e. change.