David ET
22-Dec-2008 (4 comments)
Despite Mr. Derakhshan's controversial, and slanderous record, he should be protected by law under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights >>>
David ET
10-Dec-2008 (4 comments)
A large coalition of Iranian reformists have formed the THIRD WAVE campaign  with the goal of 3rd term of presidency of Mohammad Khatami in Iran. >>>
David ET
02-Dec-2008 (17 comments)
Probably Obama did not have much of a choice in choosing Hillary as the Secretary of State! >>>
David ET
02-Dec-2008 (9 comments)
It is important not to start any unity march plans unless it is assured that substantial number of people have stayed home on prior national strike days and that they are prepared to join the march >>>
David ET
29-Nov-2008 (11 comments)
Announce 1st Thursdays of each month as national strike days and days for a peaceful national reconciliation marches by Iranains around the country and the world >>>
David ET
26-Nov-2008 (11 comments)
Referendums in environments where there is not enough time, organizations and education to make informed decisions are prescriptions for more rabbits coming out of the magicians hat and more decades of dictatorships under one name or another >>>
David ET
25-Nov-2008 (44 comments)
"The intent of this letter is not to remind you of history but to respectfully examine your place in it." >>>
David ET
21-Nov-2008 (9 comments)
We do not have to reinvent . The principals of unity and equality have already been learned and agreed by humanity. We only have to unite and comply:>>>
David ET
20-Nov-2008 (one comment)
CNN Reports on President Bush - Where's the Love? >>>
David ET
20-Nov-2008 (11 comments)
Want to have fun? Do it Sarah Palin's style, go to a turkey farm and... ! >>>
David ET
17-Nov-2008 (25 comments)
Clinton assignment as Secretary of State would be a complete sell out of Obama's promise for a change>>>
David ET
17-Nov-2008 (one comment)
Recorded video of justice delivered on the spot by the Islamic Republic police >>>
David ET
15-Nov-2008 (13 comments)
David ET
13-Nov-2008 (40 comments)
Sometimes it's best to say less and DO more: >>>
David ET
06-Nov-2008 (34 comments)
The lesson for us to learn from Obama's victory is that WHEN WE: IRANIANS UNITE WITH ONE VOICE, ORGANIZE and BELIEVE IN OURSELVES : WE CAN TOO >>>