Dr Rusi Jaspal
by Dr Rusi Jaspal

Researchers at the University of Nottingham are currently running a study on identity and group attitudes among individuals of Iranian background. The questionnaire is completely anonymous and there is no need to give your name. It should take only 20 minutes. If you are willing to participate, please visit the following link:


more from Dr Rusi Jaspal
Dr Rusi Jaspal

Hello!  And many thanks

by Dr Rusi Jaspal on

Hello!  And many thanks for your comments!  Apologies for not addressing the issue of publication within the survey - I wanted to limit the amount of text as it can be a little daunting when the respondent is faced with masses of text.  My plan is to try to publish the results in a social sciences journal and to present the results at academic conferences.  This is part of a larger international study on attitudes towards minority groups.  However, these publication plans do depend on the quality of the results we get, of course.

We are hoping for a sample size of approximately 1000 Iranian participants (both resident in Iran/ diasporic Iranian).  I shall continue to promote the study on this website.  If possible, please do encourage others to complete the study - I would be appreciative.

I would like to stress that the study is NOT political in nature.  We are interested solely in identity and well-being among Iranians and their attitudes towards minority groups.  The primary aim is to try to enhance psychological well-being in ways which do not jeopardise positive relations with other minority groups.  A related aim is prejudice reduction.

 Once again, thanks for comments and please do promote our study, if possible!!

 Rusi Jaspal 

Dr Rusi Jaspal

Hello!  And many thanks

by Dr Rusi Jaspal on

Hello!  And many thanks for your comments!  Apologies for not addressing the issue of publication within the survey - I wanted to limit the amount of text as it can be a little daunting when the respondent is faced with masses of text.  My plan is to try to publish the results in a social sciences journal and to present the results at academic conferences.  This is part of a larger international study on attitudes towards minority groups.  However, these publication plans do depend on the quality of the results we get, of course.

We are hoping for a sample size of approximately 1000 Iranian participants (both resident in Iran/ diasporic Iranian).  I shall continue to promote the study on this website.  If possible, please do encourage others to complete the study - I would be appreciative.

I would like to stress that the study is NOT political in nature.  We are interested solely in identity and well-being among Iranians and their attitudes towards minority groups.  The primary aim is to try to enhance psychological well-being in ways which do not jeopardise positive relations with other minority groups.  A related aim is prejudice reduction.

 Once again, thanks for comments and please do promote our study, if possible!!

 Rusi Jaspal 



by Cost-of-Progress on

I didn't see anything about publishing the results. Depending on the survey's size, this could be an important gauge in the overall socio-political climate of Iran for the coming years.

I personally feel that the current regime, if allowed to stay in power much longer, could be the demise of an otherwise great nation with tremendous potential.

Just look at the crushing inflation and cost of living in Iran as a single example of how incompetent these bearded pukes are.


