I miss my wife.

I miss my wife.
by ebi amirhosseini

I can write no stately proem
As a prelude to my lay;
From a poet to a poem
I would dare to say.

For if of these fallen petals
One to you seem fair,
Love will waft it till it settles
On your hair.

And when wind and winter harden
All the loveless land,
It will whisper of the garden,
You will understand.

      To My Wife - With A Copy Of My Poems  by Oscar Wilde    

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Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Aryana Jan

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You are a good person and will find a good match. My mistake was picking the wrong person. My reward was some wonderful children.

Now to your question. I do not think the nationality of the woman is the issue. The culture on the other hand does make a difference. By culture I men values. My values put family above all. There are some Americans who share this and some who do not. My ex and I disagreed on many things including family. The right thing was to separate. 

I also know Iranians who got married to other Iranians and it did not work out. So it really depends on the two people. Shared culture may help but is by no means either necessary of sufficient. Best of luck to you my friend.


I think so...

by Aryana-Vaeja on

Yes. I wish to stand corrected because I like these great iran-dokhts of our holy motherland and consider them the most beautiful (and often the most refined) women on earth. But, JESUS HOLY CHRIST, they are complicated!!!


May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Yasna XXX 9

ebi amirhosseini

Aryana- Vaeja Jaan

by ebi amirhosseini on

"Pichideh-tarin zan-e-a'lam zane irani'e! "

Are you sure!!?? LOL


Ebi aka Haaji

ebi amirhosseini

Aryana- Vaeja Jaan

by ebi amirhosseini on

May in year 2011 you find your " POURUCHISTA' ".

Sepaas for visting this blog.

Happy new year.

Ebi aka Haaji


VP jaan

by Aryana-Vaeja on

Serious question: If you had to do it all over again, would you marry a khaareji, American or otherwise? I ask this because the more time goes by the more I see that at least the majority of Iranian women of this current generation are completely wrong for the Iranian men of this current generation, and that non-Iranian women usually make better partners for this current generation of the Iranian male than Iranian ones. That has been my observation. I have dated a lot of women in my time - and the great love of my life who passed away 16 and a half years ago  (I told you this story) was a Native American Indian, and will always remain one of a kind for me - and I have to say the Iranian women of this generation  scare the living hell out of me!  

Pichideh-tarin zan-e-a'lam zane irani'e!


May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Yasna XXX 9


Doctor mohandes jaan

by Aryana-Vaeja on

Raahe Shaah doomaad shodan digeh chie? And who are the HQ ladies right here? Right here on IC?!? 


May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Yasna XXX 9

Anahid Hojjati

wow, stupid me. Ebi jan, I am not yet used to new year

by Anahid Hojjati on

When you wrote last year, I forgot that from your comment to this comment, it is last year to this year. I will write about "yar" one of these days or nights. I started translating a poem few days ago so that should be my next project. Even though it is a challenge for me to translate a poem from Farsi to English, the other way is easier, but since I strated this poem, at least I should try some more to see if I can do it.

ebi amirhosseini

Anahid Jaan...

by ebi amirhosseini on

I'mreferiing to my comment in this blog:

Dear Anahid..

by ebi amirhosseini on

My fellow Vahshi Ba'fghi fan:

When you're in the mood,please write a poem about"yar".

Sepaas for all your nice words. 

Ebi aka Haaji


Anahid Hojjati

Ebi jan, what do you mean? Great comments from VPK & Aryana

by Anahid Hojjati on


on this thread. Dear Ebi, you wrote:"I 'm still waiting for your poem about "Yar", from last year.lol", My friend, what do you mean?


Orang Gholikhani

Ebu jan : when the cat’s away the mice will play ;-)

by Orang Gholikhani on

Ebi jan, 

when the cat’s away the mice will play (//fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/quand_le_chat_n%E2%80%99est_pas_l%C3%A0,_les_souris_dansent)

Be careful the cat will be back soon and you need start cleanning the house :-)


ebi amirhosseini

Anahid Jaan...

by ebi amirhosseini on

 I'm still waiting for your poem about "Yar", from last year.lol


 Ebi aka Haaji

ebi amirhosseini

Orang Jaan, I can only say what Anahid...

by ebi amirhosseini on

 I can only say what Anahid Jaan said,nothong more!.

A wise man last night emailed me this:

"There is a french proverb : when the cat is not here, mouse dance every where :-)

Is it true??


Ebi aka Haaji

Anahid Hojjati

Orang jan, what a fantastic poem about "yar"

by Anahid Hojjati on

Lovely. Your poem is great. I loved it. What an excellent poem to start the year with.

ebi amirhosseini

VPK Jaan

by ebi amirhosseini on

 Keep up the good work,if it works for you!!

Don't let Ebi's Naaleh o Zaariz fool you!!. 


Happy new year aziz

Ebi aka Haaji

Orang Gholikhani

ابی جان گفتی از یار بگو

Orang Gholikhani

صحرای یار

تن تو خوابیده بر زمین

چو صحرا

گرم و آتشین

لب من تشنه و سرگردان

چو حیوان وحشی

در پی سبزه زار و باران

نورخورشید پر میکنذ این دره

چه خسته

از میان درز پرده

پر میکند این تپه و ماهور

چه برجسته

از سایه و نور

کرک پوستت نرم وناز

چه بیدار

میشود راستی من دیگر باز

میروم در انحنای این کمر

چه خمیده

بدنبال اسمش میگردم بی ثمر

در انحراف سینه و گردن گم میشوم

چه آواره

در کدام نقشه راه دل پیدا کنم

میروم و میایم بدن

بال چهل دزدان عشق

چه آمد زلزله

بهشت آمد به این کویر داغ



Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


After 16 years with an American lady 9 of them married I am happily divorced! No interest in repeating that one.


Aryana jan

by Doctor mohandes on

Plenty of HQ ladies right up here. I suggest you "pull the sleeves up" starting today and start the path of Shah doomad shodan...

Bebin Agha ebi... Zadi dele har chi marde asho lash kardi...:))

Virgin Goth


by Virgin Goth on


my bf tk my felor @xmas

NY bck 2 hz wife


no :D

Virgin G. 


I miss my wife too...

by Aryana-Vaeja on

And I'm not even married and haven't met her yet. Hope to finally meet her in 2011...


May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Yasna XXX 9

ebi amirhosseini

Doctor mohandes Jaan

by ebi amirhosseini on

It's good to know,still someboday out there supports me.lol


Ebi aka Haaji

ebi amirhosseini

رحمانیان عزیز

ebi amirhosseini

جانا سخن از زبان ما می گویی !!


در آن دوران كه در ميخانه ها آواره بودم

پي ياري ديوانه و دردانه بودم

روزها سپري مي كردم در كنج ميخانه ها

كه شايد بيابم خبری از يار دلربا

 به هر كه مي رسيدم مي نمودم وصف جمال آن زيبا

به اميدي كه ديده باشندش او را

روزها مي گذشت وهفته ها و ماه ها

نيافتم خبري در كنج ميخانه ها

با دلي غمگين و حسرت زده

برون شدم از اين ميكده

راهي شدم به جنگل و دشت و بيابان

طلب نمودم يارم از خداي مهربان


سال نو بر شما و خانواده مبارک

Ebi aka Haaji


Ebi Jan

by Doctor mohandes on

Kholaseh Ma dar khedmatim...

KArii amri bood Ye zing bezanbe man .... I will spring right into action:)))


G. Rahmanian

ابي جان

G. Rahmanian

"I already miss you!" That's what I used to say before my better half went away to visit her relatives. "Oh, it's only for a few days!" She would say. To romantics like us, my dear Ebi, the length of time makes no difference. I still tell her, being away from her for even a minute is painful. At that, she only stares at me in pleasant disbelief and smiles. Happy New Year! And let's hope we'll all have a better year. Ghorbaane Shoma!

ebi amirhosseini

Dear Anahid..

by ebi amirhosseini on

 My fellow Vahshi Ba'fghi fan:

 When you're in the mood,please write a poem about"yar".

Sepaas for all your nice words. 

Ebi aka Haaji

ebi amirhosseini

onlyinamerica Jaan

by ebi amirhosseini on

 Actually I'm free when she is here.lol

Happy new year aziz.


Ebi aka Haaji


dear Onlyinamerica

by Souri on

You are very nice, but I believe you got it wrong.

1) I love Oscar Wilde and he has a special place in my heart. I think he was one of those writers who was much ahead of his time and unfortunately was not understood by the people of his era. Like myself, He was 100 years ahead of his time  (lol, I'm joking)

2) When I read this blog, it was about "love & devotion for a woman" and  included one of the most beautiful famous poems of Wilde. So it touched my heart and I posted that video which I found very beautiful.

3) The second post had nothing to do with my "ego" or frustration. Maybe just my "know it all" side  hit again :)

So please don't think I had a vicious intention by posting the second comment. I might be all, but not vicious for sure. I think viciousness is for the weak persons, and I might be everything, but a weak person.

Happy New Year to you dear.

The good behavior of the people, warms our heart and make us thankful.....  And the bad ones, just make us to recognize and appreciate the good ones!

ebi amirhosseini

Hajminator jaan

by ebi amirhosseini on

 Madineh gofti o kardi kaba'bam.lol

cheka'r mishe kard? dele dige!!. 


Happy new year 

Ebi aka Haaji

ebi amirhosseini

Shazdeh Jaan

by ebi amirhosseini on

 Chesh man roshan shod aziz,na' peyda'ee.lol

een gorbeh bara'ye Jahidan va Daridan digeh pir shodeh.lol


Happy new year 

Ebi aka Haaji

ebi amirhosseini

Doctor mohandes Jaan

by ebi amirhosseini on

 Khoda' omret bedeh ke hema'yat mikoni.lol


You're right on the money aziz.

Sepaas for commenting on my blog.

Happy new year 

Ebi aka Haaji

ebi amirhosseini

Faramarz e gera'mi

by ebi amirhosseini on

 It's enough,no more torturing please!!

That was the initial plan,but,foot shod be hava' raft.lol

Actually,I have invited my 2 beautiful noon e zir e kabab for dinner,the same as every year that their sister was here.No ghormeh sabzi,but I'm cooking zereshk polow+ Morgh,Kashk o badenja'n(Kermooni style) have already prepared sabzi khordan,mast o khiya'r & salad.

A'rezoo bar java'na'n eyb nist,sha'yad safar ba'di khanoum.lol

Happy new year. 

Ebi aka Haaji