Green is the color...

Green is the color...
by eroonman

Green is the color of envy, jealousy, and inexperience.
Green is the color of Islam.
Green makes time go by quickly, a year already past and nothing, but nothing, and none but zero change,
Bad Green!
Bad Green-eyed monster!
Green the inexperienced, Green the untested, and Green the untrained,
Greenhorns, novices, trainees, and beginners,
Green around the gills, a pale, sickly, and weak green.
A vomitous Green.
A useless, pointless, disorganized, naive, and gullible Green Movement,
A Bowel Movement! Worthy of a grand FLUSH indeed!

Turquoise on the other hand,
Turquoise is sweet
Turquoise is feminine and full of lively sophistication,
Turquoise is the in-between. The color of unbounded never-ending sky and sea.
Turquoise is pure de-veiled feminine Iran, de-moslemified, de-defiled.
Turquoise is beauty.


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