NIAC Stop trying to Stop the War, Stop the Nukes Instead!!!


NIAC Stop trying to Stop the War, Stop the Nukes Instead!!!
by eroonman

Trying to stop America and Israel from attacking Iran is impossible as long as you defend Iran's right to have a nuke.

The US and Israel have more than clearly laid out what Iran must do to prevent an attack. The fact that they haven't attacked yet is the ongoing miracle. It is also proof that there is a God and that he is largely unjust and loves to torture mankind. (Damn You Adam and Eve!!!)

Iran does not need nukes.

Iran does not even need a nuclear power plant.

With all the natural gas Iran has (700 year's worth of that smelly stuff), there is more than enough to power Iran never mind the entire Gulf for that matter.

So, if the logical thing is this simple to understand, namely that all Iran needs to do is simply do the thing that's easier (switch to natural gas power generation and stop the foolish and dangerous perception that it wants to build a weapon), then it follows that, Iran should damn well do the easier thing!

I do not honestly think the US or Israel could or would risk an attack on Iran at this time. And all of this is probably just a ploy to keep us feeble folks and the unwashed masses guessing and buying more papers and watching more Fox and CNN. Nevertheless the onus is on Iran to STOP ALL OF THIS MADNESS.

In spite of their own press to the contrary, the US and Israel are not actually being a bullies in demanding Iran stop it's nuclear weapons program. Yes, I said it, nuclear weapons program. ANYONE denying this now and still arguing Iran is only after nuclear power generation, needs to put down their fenjoon of Koolaid, and YouTube Ahmadinejad's recent speech confirming the real plan.

ANYONE on this side of Evin Prison, who advocates telling the US and Israel to stop the threats and warnings of a military attack on Iran, is clearly supporting Iran's so called "Right to have a nuke".




Today, in spite of it's own reports that Iran is a "Playuh", Iran is in fact a greasy-haired, pimply-faced, wimpy fag in a heavyweight ring right now. This is certainly not the time to taunt and tell the world heavy weight champ and the world bantam weight champ, to go back to their corners.

It is time for you to stop pissing in the wind, pull up your shorts, and run home to mommy before everyone sees you cry.

I'm no Shah lover by any means. But in the Shah's days at least, we'd have some aberoo, something worth defending as the 4th biggest baddest boy on the block, and we played international poker with the best of them. We were, in absence of the term, "an up and coming 2nd world country", having passed 3rd world country status in the late 60's by then. (See Madmen season 2)

But now?

With this retarded devotion to an increasingly absent so called Allah, and his equally retarded moronic dietary and women's clothing laws while his minion mollahs show us their fat bellies through their see-through cloaks, it is all too clear what we have become.

Hiker Hostage takers.

ANYONE who denies this, is sleeping alongside Cyrus who the longer he stays asleep is turning out to be not that great.

Awake Oh Cyrus! Awake! Oh Fu**ing Awake already!!!!

PS Just so someone said it as clearly as it can be said; NIAC is an entirely unauthorized and unofficial group of about 5-6 (depending on who needs credit for their college internships) volunteers and one genius of a master debater, 2 microphones and a drum machine, who does not have ANY right or authority to speak, lobby, represent, or advocate on behalf of ANY Iranian individual or group either inside or outside of Iran or anywhere else on this planet for that matter. On Mars however, I'll gladly grant that they can absolutely blather on endlessly on topics of no consequence with total impunity.


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by AMIR1973 on

Thanks for your response. That is quite interesting. Even if we don't have Don Draper traveling to Tehran, we have another American with the initials D.D. going there:




Keep up the good work. 




You hear that AN and the rest of IRI

by Bavafa on

Eroonman says


So stop playing games and listen to the man, how many times does he have to repeat himself

Of course one might ask jenab aali kee bashand ???



RE:TO:AMIR1973 Iran reference in Madmen

by eroonman on

In one of the Hilton Hotel ads that Don Draper (the main ad-man character) was pitching as part of his campaign, he mentions that one of the "no-brainer" destinations of the time was Tehran. It was implied like, "London, Paris, Rome, Tehran..."

Not Beirut, not Istanbul, not Cairo, not Dubai, but TEHRAN!!!!

Only history can show just how far down the chain we Iranians have actually fallen...



by eroonman on

Sorry, maybe I'm missing the point, but since when do WE need advocacy in DC? Is the life of Iranian-Americans in the US in such jeopardy that we need advocacy in DC? I think not.

Dokhi's piece is nothing more than the usual. "Hey! Obama, can you get the UN to start monitoring the oppression and human rights violations in Iran, that everyone has known about for decades is happening, so they write up another nice report about it that everyone can ignore again, so I don't have to do everything myself?"

What crap! How lazy do we have to be to get up and stand up for ourselves for once in 2500 years, and demand and hold accountable Iran for violating the rights of Iranians, and for endangering Iran with an irresponsible and incompetent act, such as trying to get a nuke? Huh? When?

Which minority group living in the US because of the oppression back home have you ever heard of, that has a lobby asking the US to take it easy on the regime back home? Does it really matter who kills innocent Iranians? Or which is worse? Iranians killing Iranians, or Americans killing the Iranians who kill innocent Iranians. Because if there is a war, I'm pretty sure Americans are going to be trying to kill the bad Iranians who have been killing innocent Iranians. I doubt that the US is going to want to kill innocent Iranians. I'm just suggesting this horror scenario because that is exactly what is happening in Iraq and Afghanistan now. 

So does NIAC not want even the bad Iranians who kill innocent Iranians killed? I can understand that from an uber-pacifist position. But it would be good if NIAC said that. That would make sense.

Does the Cuban community advocate lifting the 50+ year sanctions on Castro and suddenly engaging them in open dialog?

No way. They have been screaming for another invasion ever since the Bay of Pigs.

Our problems are not in DC buddy boy, they are in Tehran. We need NIAC to go to Tehran and complain about what Iran is doing, not DC. DC is actually doing fine by us. Even though Iran is near the top of the shit list, none of us here have ever felt the slightest heat from it. So it is Tehran we need to lobby.

But NIAC is the classically Iranian coward in that it is too afraid to engage the real enemy, Tehran. And rightly so. Have you seen an angry basiji up close? So, it is far easier to walk around DC with swagger and sway in silver suits with ham & cheese finger sandwiches and bad white wine, pretending to know something about foreign affairs you read on wikipedia, and appear to represent a made-up Iranian-American opinion, than to do the far harder work and go to Tehran or Qom or just do it from here, and complain and object  and point to Tehran's mis-policies of freedom suppression, general incompetence, and irresponsible brinksmanship.

It is Tehran that is bringing about the reaction that could lead to war. The US is trying to convince Iran with the threat of an attack on it's facilities, not to go down that path. Iran thinks it is fun to test the patience of the US and Israel and brag about it to the other countries who like to see the US and Israel get angry, and are all too glad to have Iran poking them in the eye.

I detest the warmongering Iranians. I dismiss them before they even get started. But trying to stop the US is the wrong approach, and they will never trust or listen to us precisely because we are Iranians and naturally tilted towards preserving her, so we have to try and do the harder thing and stop Iran.

That's what decent, well intentioned, people who love their country do.

I did not vote for NIAC to represent me, so they don't have the right to do it. Especially in DC, where the doors tend to be closed, and the back rooms tend to make deals none of us would ever agree to collectively.

NIAC cannot speak to ANY US official or opine on ANY position because it is not the National Iranian-American Council as it has falsely advertised. It is a group of 6 well intentioned but unfortunately naive and wrong people who have taken it upon themselves to speak when they do not have the authority to do so.

Simply put. because they never asked us for permission to do so, they don't get the job. As much as they may want it.

The less than 2,000 members of NIAC are nothing more than a club. NIAC should be called he National Iranian-American Club. Then they can say and even do anything they want. It's just a club! But they should not be lobbying, or engaging politicians on matters of state. Especially if they aren't willing to quid pro quo it with the actual "State".

NIAC's one sided argument, is useless in achieving change. Do you honestly think that because of NIAC's pressure on the US to put pressure on Iran, that Iran will listen and change? Iran hates the US!

But do you think that well positioned and intensely relentless arguments by free Iranians that continuously point out every one of Iran's many foibles, faults and, flaws, and how the cost of stupidity harms Iran would eventually work it's ways?

I do. And I think I'm right and I think NIAC is wrong, and that's what a blog is all about.


Dear eroonman,

by AMIR1973 on

I liked your piece. Not being a "Mad Men" watcher (though I hear it's great), I didn't get this sentence:

"We were, in absence of the term, "an up and coming 2nd world country", having passed 3rd world country status in the late 60's by then. (See Madmen season 2)"

Is there an Iran reference in the show? Just wondering. 


Why do you expect NIAC to confront the regime?


They are an IRANIAN-AMERICAN organization with the sole purpose of bringing Iranian-American voices TO THE HALLS of washington.(read, HALLS OF WASHINGTON, NOT the halls of the tyranical regime in iran)

What do majority of Iranian Americans want from their AMERICAN government? I will list the three most important views:

calls for US to push human rights for Iran  - They are raising
the human rights issue at every turn. A recent example:

Calls for No war on Iran - NIAC is doing what they can (not enough I should add) to try and prevent that. 

Calls for no sanctions that will hurt ordinary Iranians.  NIAC is trying, but sadly failing in that front. 

You are very misinformed about NIAC's purpose and agenda. I would advise you stop listening to the loud but very few iranians who want war with Iran. 


you tell them

by mahmoudg on

if only we could get this straight through the heads of all the IRR supporters, that Nukes and IRR WILL NOT GO TOGETHER.  You can jump up and down all you want, you can spend as much money as you like and sadly you can kill as many millions as you can get your dirty hands on.  Iran under the IRR WILL NOT GO NUCLEAR.  Now your support for sanctions only emboldens these morons to cling to power only a little bit longer until such time that either the esteemed Israelis or the freedom loving Americans free the most Noble Persians from the cluches of the coak roach infested regime of the low lifes we call Arabs (Saudis).