Top 10 Titles for Roxana Saberi's Book

Top 10 Titles for Roxana Saberi's Book
by eroonman

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"100 days in 1001 nights"

"The Saberi Diet: 100 days to a slightly jittery but overall skinnier New You!"

"I am Hillary's BFF!"

"The Men of Evin: 2009-2010 Calendar"

"Guide to the Hidden Winemaking region of Northern Tehran"

"Zagat (Zereshk?) Travelers Guide through Iran's Judicial System"

"Man Jasoos Nistam: Farsi for Tourists"

"Perversopolis: A Graphic Novel"

"The Interrogator"

"Quantum of Solitary Confinement"

And there could be a new album:

"Stars and Stripes"

"Jailhouse Rock"

"Iran, so far away"

"Men without Turbans [Turn me on]"

"Somebody Bring me some water"

"Back in the USSA!"


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Singing US national anthem in jail she ssaid in her intervewi

by Amir Vahab (not verified) on

I'm sick of people who go to Iran and enjoy the hospitality of people .. click few photos .. don't apply for permit .. and then sing US national anthem in Jail when they get arrested..

I have no respect for her . her background .. her America upbringing and her values. She is an opportunist
.. A pathetic American who could not make it here as a journalist .. looking for shocking photos to sell to make a buck and get famous.

Beside, how do we know she did not get her hands on some document while doing her research/work? How naive can you people get? Why should you believe a opportunist?

I wish people stopped giving her much attention.
She is not a victim here . No one forced her to go to Iran and take pictures without a permit.

Anyone buying her books is a traitor to Iran.

Sick of all of you offering her title for new book. You are all pathetic .. like her.


she is rolling in money now!

by Anonymous iranin 1 (not verified) on

With media wanting to interviw one of their own for thousand of dollars for an interviw and with the prospect of writing a book or may be even selling her story to Hollywood to be used for a movie she would be rolling in mony if he is ot already ,but the big loser here is Iran for getting more unwanted attention.


Saberi's book titles

by Ostaad on

Vague Memories of, Ummm, Things I don't want to talk about.


What You Always Wanted to Know About the Rare Wines in the Evin Cellars But You Were Afraid To Ask.

Nazy Kaviani

Exceptionally funny blog! Thank you!

by Nazy Kaviani on

1. Bahman Who?

2. Not Without My Wine.

3. Who Drank My Wine?

4. From Tiara to Maghnaeh.

5. The Three-book-deal Ordeal.

6. Letters from Tehran Wine Country.

7. Reporter Sans License.

8. The Evin Wine Afficionado.

Nazy Kaviani


by Nazy Kaviani on



10 Songs

by MiNeum71 on



Jackson 5: I'll be there
Abba: Dancing queen
Icp: Life at risk
Beatles: The long and winding road
Tripod: Ugly men with beautiful women
Elvis Presley: Jailhouse rock
Pig: Shit for brains
Twiztid: The world is hell
Limp Bizkit: Nobody Loves Me
John Denver: Leaving on a jetplane




by neanderthal (not verified) on



Nilo Banoo

by capt_ayhab on

Ashke mano dar avordi... t.(




by capt_ayhab on

We ain't gonna hear the end of this juicy story for some time to come.

Here is how it works, you put your hand on a burning hot stove and burn yourself. Who are you going to blame? yourself or the stove??

Call me insensitive see if I care.


Cameron A. Batmanghlich

Dummies for how to take all human right activists for a ride!

by Cameron A. Batmanghlich on

Dummies for how to take all human right activists for a ride!

Mola Nasredeen

"A guide to meeting Iranian guys"

by Mola Nasredeen on

2. "Memories of a Multitasker, From Miss Dakota to political prisoner"

3. "Iran, I went I saw I copied, Memories of My Father Land"



Nilo Siavashi

Delara jan,

by Nilo Siavashi on

Delara bekhab keh ma beedareem.

Kaveh Nouraee

Very good

by Kaveh Nouraee on

How about: Evin Prison: The Napa Valley of Iran


Choosing The Perfect Wine For An Espionage Trial


I said let me go or I will do " harakIRI " !!!

by jimzbund on

Bund, Jimz Bund


"Man Jasoos Nistam: Farsi for Tourists"

by IRANdokht on

That one gave me a chuckle :o)



Very good

by sima on

Not an ordeal that a little irreverence can't fix!