What would be your epitaph?

What would be your epitaph?
by Farah Rusta

With Halloween looming perhaps it is about time we gave some time and thoughts to death and the afterlife. We can't determine the date, the time or the manner in which we finally kick the bucket. But we can think of how we would like to be remembered after we are gone. Whether you believe in the hereafter or even if you are an atheist you might give yourself to a little fancy and take part in this seasonal quiz.

A few years ago around this time of the year in an office party we were asked to take part in a fun quiz and the winner of the wittiest answers was given a spooky prize. Just thought to share this memory with you and see what you might come up with. Don't be shy or reserved. Give it a go even if you don't like me or my politics - after all we have levelled out our differences by the time we go down and under - literally :)

Halloween Quiz:

A - What would be your final words before the Departure?

B - What music would you like to be played out on your arrival at the Pearly Gates?

C - What would you like to hear from God in your first meeting?

D - What would you like to be your epitaph?


Well lets see how you would fare with the quiz!


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more from Farah Rusta
Farah Rusta

Niki jaan

by Farah Rusta on

What a pleasure to see you as the first lady to take part in this quiz. You may not believe in God but I am sure the Almighty believes in you :)


Thanks again. 




by Aryana-Vaeja on

A - What would be your final words before the Departure?

To say "I love you" to my physical beloved as she holds me in her arms while we both gaze deeply into each others' eyes followed by an exhalation with HU by me as I expire into the Eternal NUR with my eyes fixed on hers as I do so.

B - What music would you like to be played out on your arrival at the Pearly Gates?

Techno-Electronica Sama' with thousands of Dafs beating in unison while the famous guitar riff from Pink Floyd's THE WALL played by Roger Waters is playing in the background with the Angels chanting zekrs as the chorus!

C - What would you like to hear from God in your first meeting?

I love you too! HAYY :)

D - What would [you] like to be your epitaph?

This symbol, i.e. the Sharaf-e-Shams (Dignity of the Sun) also known as the Greatest Name (ism-e-a'zam)


May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Yasna XXX 9


کلاه مخملی


کلاه مخملی

به جون تو، حرفات اصلا به من بَر نمی خوره .. :)

تو یه ذره با این شاهی بودنت کوتاه بیا، من و تو رفیقیم - مرگ عزیزت ... :) !



Niki Tehranchi

As an atheist, my answers would be...

by Niki Tehranchi on

A -  I don't care if this is my death bed, I still don't believe in God.

B - Yes, that includes the Pearly Gates too.

C - Well, don't you feel stupid now? 

D - "God is dead.  Nietzsche, 1882.

        Nietzsche is dead.  God, 1900."

Farah Rusta

Mehman-e azizam

by Farah Rusta on

Chances are that I shall depart earlier than you and I make sure that in my will you there be a big pot of aash-reshteh reserved for you my dear friend.


Always delighted to hear from you.



Farah Rusta

Gentlemen, I am really impressed :)

by Farah Rusta on

Forgive me for responding to each of you in one commrnet in the interest of time (my computer is so slow):

Ali Jaan

Your poem is most moving, I wish I knew the poet. Thanks for your as always touching contributions.

Divaneh Jaan,

I am honored by your presence and thanks for the fantastic answers including the Lori joke. I laughed out loud :)

Framarz jaan

You are a treasure trove of jokes! I loved them. Do you know what is the most dangerous job in Qazvin? Leading the Friday prayers

Angel Jaan

Unless you fancy older women, I don't think I fit the bill! Thanks for the sensational video :)

Makhmali joon

Thanks for the double Fatehe which reminded me of the answer Mehdi Bazargan gave to Khalkhali when in a Majles debate Khalkhali said the same thing as you said to Bazargan. Bazargan replied:

Haalaa ke faatehamo khoondi, dasteto biaar paaeen, halvaasham bokhor!

(no offence intended Makhmali)


Legion Jaan


Thanks again for your fantastic contributions. I wonder who that person might be that God would introduce you to? I am getting jealous :)

David Jaan

Such a beautiful piece of poetry and such an equally beautiful video.  You live up to your high humantarian standards. Thanks.


Finally, no comments from the ladies yet! I wonder why? 




میدم روش بنویسن:



فرح... آش!


یک خط پایین تر هم اضافه کنن:

هزار وعدۀ خوبان یکی وفا نکند!



آخرش هم امضا کنن:

مهمان ناکام!


David ET

To Dear Farah

by David ET on

The wall on which the prophets wrote

Is cracking at the seams.
Upon the instruments of death
The sunlight brightly gleams.
When every man is torn apart
With nightmares and with dreams,
Will no one lay the laurel wreath
When silence drowns the screams.

Confusion will be my epitaph.
As I crawl a cracked and broken path
If we make it we can all sit back
And laugh.
But I fear tomorrow I'll be crying,
Yes I fear tomorrow I'll be crying.

Between the iron gates of fate,
The seeds of time were sown,
And watered by the deeds of those
Who know and who are known;
Knowledge is a deadly friend
When no one sets the rules.
The fate of all mankind I see
Is in the hands of fools.

Confusion will be my epitaph.
As I crawl a cracked and broken path
If we make it we can all sit back
And laugh.
But I fear tomorrow I'll be crying,

Yes I fear tomorrow I'll be crying.


13th Legion


by 13th Legion on


13th Legion

Death haunts life, and........

by 13th Legion on

A –  I am going home…..free at last……………..


B –  //www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wXgQ1Jm-y8


C – Welcome home, you’ve done well, come with me I want you to meet someone and then we will talk about.....

 D - Death haunts life, and fortune is endlessly mutable, strive to return wiser and kinder.

کلاه مخملی


کلاه مخملی

من حتما دو تا فاتحه برات می خونم .. ! :)




Dear Faramarz

by divaneh on

Thanks for the good laugh. Excellent Jokes.


دیوانه جان



لري گوزيد و از خجالت مرد، روي سنگ قبرش نوشتند بادي وزيد و گلي پر پر شد

عزرائيل به قزوينيه ميگه وصيت نوشتي؟ ميگه آره دولا شو زير فرشه

قزوينيه ميره تهران بواسيرشو عمل کنه, بهش ميگن چرا همون جا عمل نکردي?

ميگه اين قزوينيه
عمل توقزوين عمل زيبايي محسوب ميشه و بيمه قبول نميکنه


آب صابون روی قبر


لره داشت می مرد. ازش پرسیدند وصیتی هم داری؟ گفت: ها، بعدی که مردم ری قبرم او صوبون بریزین تا هر کی اومه بخره زمین، مو بخندم روحم شاد اوبو.

ترجمه: بعد از مرگم روی قبرم آب صابون بریزید تا هر کی آمد بخوره زمین، من بخندم و روحم شاد بشه


Thanks for cheering us up

by divaneh on

It's very good of you, especially as I have sorted out everything else and there was nothing left but my epitaph. TO show my appreciation, I have answered the question to the best of my knowledge.

A: Enjoy the halvas you bastards.

B: Bandari, with me shaking it and angels clapping for me.

C: I am sorry.

D: A flat grave stone covered with soap water and with the words "Come a little closer" at one end of it. If you can not make sense of it then read the joke in my next comment.

Dirty Angel

Not to worry

by Dirty Angel on

I've always been into fully detached buildings....Country piles and hovels are my style.

BUT something really really creepy and morbid. There I was with a fellow IC chum (and I mean as in archaic chum) bunny rabitting, and suddenly, I shall spare you my feelings,  but there was a load of slimey blood and spikey things: he'd been cheating on me with a chain-saw with me! 

a bit like this, but "worse"


How morbid is that?

"Why do you want to be happy when you could just be normal?"

Ali P.

پس از مرگ

Ali P.

بر لوح مزارم بنویسیـد پس از مرگ

                                         ای وای ز محرومی دیدار و دگر هیچ

Farah Rusta

رفیق عزیزم

Farah Rusta

دریغ و درد که تا این زمان ندانستم / که کیمیای سعادت رفیق بود رفیق





والله چی‌ عرض کنم؟




راستشو بخاین بستگی داره که بنده به سلامتی چه روزی دُم سیخ کنم. اگه
به شانس خشکیده و نکبتی من باشه، مرگ مخلص میفته روی یکی‌ از اعیاد ملی‌
مثل ۲۸ مرداد، یا ۶ بهمن یا اینکه چهار یا ۹ آبان، که در اونصورت روی سنگ
قبرم باهاس یه چیزایی بنویسم که یعنی‌ دارم از ملت باستانی عذر خواهی‌
می‌کنم و به پیر و پیغمبر قسمشون بدم که مبادا به خاطر فوت بی‌ موقع بنده
از جشن و سرورشون کوتاه بیان...



Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.


Farah Rusta

Steady Angel :)

by Farah Rusta on

I maybe a little loose at times but I am not fully detached if you know what I mean :))



Dirty Angel

O.K then , for the necrophiliacs

by Dirty Angel on



Btw please don't throw me into a mauseleum with Hoshang. As much as I luuuvzzz him, I can't bear the sounds! (Companero Ghoghoolighooghoo, muchos smoochos, numero uno pupil always there  to haunt you until I have a wash!)


AND I like this idea of an Iranian.com funeral march. Great fun.

"Why do you want to be happy when you could just be normal?"

Farah Rusta

Brilliant Hoshang jaan

by Farah Rusta on

I loved every bit of it particulalry part C ( you are a master of tricky answers).

Thanks for the rich contribution



Farah Rusta

LoL D A, you sure are an angel!

by Farah Rusta on

though I am not sure if there is a song called "not telling you" :)


Hoshang Targol

Very difficult & personal queries!

by Hoshang Targol on

A:Why it took you so long, you're so late I was begining to think I'll never leave this sh.. hole! [ all said in Persian of course!] 

B: I'm not too picky almost anything will do. It could begin with:

1]Y.S.Bach's Sonata in G minor for Flute, Harp & Cello,

2] Shamloo reading Garcia Lorca

3] Shamloo reading his own works

4] Forough reading Akhavan's "Ghazal 3"

or anything else along the lines above.

C: An admission that he/she doesn't exist.


نه نغمه نی خواهم و نه طرف چمن/  نه یار جوان نه باده صاف  کهن/ خواهم که به خلوتکده ای  از همه دور/ من باشم و من باشم و من باشم و من/  [ مهدی اخوان  ثالث ] _______________________________________________________________ P.S. DK that was a rather poetic gesture, would have never thought of you liking Mr.Wells, then again what do I know? Not a whole lot!  

Farah Rusta

Darius jaan that was really spooky :)

by Farah Rusta on

As always you are Original





Dirty Angel


by Dirty Angel on


A - What would be your final words before the Departure?"huh"?

B - What music would you like to be played out on your arrival at the Pearly Gates? not telling you

C - What would you like to hear from God in your first meeting? when I go to heaven will I be a white zebra with black stripes or a black zebra with a white zebra crossing?

D - What would like to be your epitaph?

Oh bugger my grammar and "Tarnished"

"Why do you want to be happy when you could just be normal?"

Darius Kadivar

Rosebud ...

by Darius Kadivar on