Dige' dAre' az Emrika ogham migire' !

by Faramarz_Fateh

Back in 1973 when I came to the U.S., I was a kid in awe of anything and everything American.  Obviously no clue as to how corrupt of a political system is running this country.  Still the best place to live and the easiest place to make a buck, but God damn its getting worse and worse every year.

I cannot believe that after $1.25+ Billion dollars, the 2 candidates we will have to vote for are Obama (+ Biden) and McCain (+ Palin).  Obviously one can vote for whom ever one likes by writing in a candidate's name.  But what are the chances of a write-in becoming president?

When this morning I woke up to the news of McCain's running mate, as the Iranian saying goes, OGHAM gereft!  Sarah Who?!  

At least Obama had the intellect to pass the LSAT exam and attend Harvard law and pass the bar on his first try.  We know for certain that his IQ is higher than George Bush 43rd.

Sarah Palin got accepted into Ohio State's journalism program because she had a scholorship as the runner up of Miss Alaska.  McCain is 72 freaking years old.  The man can croke any day.  Can you imagine Sarah Palin stepping into the role of the President of the U.S.?   8 years ago she was a part time commercial fisherman. Now she is the Governor of a state with highest population of meth smoking beer drinking blue collor morons with collective average IQ of less than 100.  I guarantee you no one from Alaska has ever received a noble or pulitzer prize, and noone will any time soon.

I bet you Sarah Palin has never visted any foreign countries.  Well, maybe Canada.

At least Bush the idiot had his dad's "dastmal kesh ha" to have his back.  Honestly, politics here in the good old U.S. of A is not much better than it is in Iran.  I give you the fact the Sarah joon is much better looking than any of the Iranian candiates; even now at age 44.  But her as the President?!  OGH, estefragh.  Baba yekam Bah Bah bezan boo bereh.


more from Faramarz_Fateh
programmer craig

First of all, you shouldn't

by programmer craig on

First of all, you shouldn't finish a sentence with IS.

Not only do you insult my IQ, but then you correct my English... incorrectly! lol.

Dude, I'm sorry but I didn't read any further than that. I don't know where you went to learn the English language, but I suggest you get a refund ASAP.



Prog Craig's IQ is slipping

by Idiot Buster (not verified) on

Prog Craig's IQ is slipping way below the average. Someone help him!!! PLEASE.

I don't know what kind of programming you do Craig, but I feel sorry for people who use your programs. If the reasoning and logic used in your programs is the same as what you use here, your programs MUST suck.

What am I saying. You are probably unemployed anyway.

You wrote "you will find that virtually everyone agrees that being a Governor (chief executive of a state) is a better qualification to be President (chief executive of the country) than being a Senator (a legislator) is"

First of all, you shouldn't finish a sentence with IS.
Secondly, who is virtually everyone? Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and who else?! You and 3 other brainwashed conservative hacks don't mean everyone.

Then you wrote " Palin is a newly elected Governor. Obama is a newly elected Senator. Her qualifications, by any objective measure, exceed his. Particularly since she is only running for vice President, whereas he is running for the top position."

Whose objective measure? Yours? or yours and who else?

I have news for you dude. She IS running for the top position. A VP is a heart beat away from presidency. The VP's qualifications should be the same as the president; maybe less charisma.

Go be a ditto head. You don't belong here.

programmer craig


by programmer craig on

Dear misguided, misinformed PR Craig,  saying that the Mc7Houses/Palin ticket is more qualified in domestic and foreign affairs...

That isn't what I said. This is what I said:

Me: She's still better
qualified than Obama. A sitting governor has better "qualifications"
than a freshman Senator.

You even quoted me in your comment. And then you deliberately misinterpreted my own words for me. After insulting me, of course. 

Bigotmom and the other one, is this how Iranians on this website show me courtesy? Is this the behavior you insist I reciprocate? lol

If it matters, Khar, you will find that virtually everyone agrees that being a Governor (chief executive of a state) is a better qualification to be President (chief executive of the country) than being a Senator (a legislator) is. Palin is a newly elected Governor. Obama is a newly elected Senator. Her qualifications, by any objective measure, exceed his. Particularly since she is only running for vice President, whereas he is running for the top position.


PR Craig, There You Go Again........

by Khar on

You Wrote: "Lets assume all you say is true. She's still better qualified than Obama. A sitting governor has better "qualifications" than a freshman Senator. That's the naked truth. How does it make you feel? :P

Dear misguided, misinformed PR Craig,  saying that the Mc7Houses/Palin ticket is more qualified in domestic and foreign affairs is a bit dishonest and a big stretch of a truth even for a conservative  such as you. Dude wakeup and smell the coffee, or the stink that conservative republicans have created for the last 20 year! What part of this simple equation you don’t understand, conservative-republican neo-cons agendas has brought this great country to the point of disaster I don’t have to give examples the others have done that already and you damn well what they are! So when are you going to wake up?! how can you with a straight face put an stamp of approval on all the crap that has been brought upon this country and the world in the last 8 years.


Faramarz , I do not want Iran to be bombed

by curly (not verified) on

and the thought of it makes me mad, but what is worst is Iranians like you , who use USA to prosper and then get mad when a woman gets up there. Go " ogh" in Iran, or start to work to change the system in Iran. You are sitting at home and doing nothing, execpt getting mad at the hand that feeds you.
I am proud that a woman is nominated, so what's wrong with that? or may be we should be at home washing your underwear?
I feel bad for your wife. By the way you do not like it leave!!!!!!


For ogh zadan go to Iran

by Anonymous iranian (not verified) on

If you feel like you need to ogh go to Iran where you can not even express you view about anything and when you do you get yourself in hot water.


Thanks P. Craig

by ex-democrat (not verified) on

As an ex-democrat who joined the Republican camp after Carter's fiasco, I agree with all your points. The problem with the Iranian-democrats, skatermom being one, is that they think running a country is all about academic qualification, corporate experience and what they "vaguely" define as foreign experience. President Reagan ran this country and made the greatest feat of achievment is Foreign and Domestic policies without having any such illuminous credits. He was a natural leader to whom the electorate related. So all this nonsense about expreince in this or in that is bull s**t.

By th way, skatermom, when you call yourself Iranian, as you do, your first language cannot be English - as is evidenced by your writing.


Samsam, you want sexism American style?

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

here you go:


programmer craig

Type in name person (again)

by programmer craig on

It is uncool and unwarranted of you to address Skatermom as "bigotmom".

If she's not a bigot, how did you know I was addressing her?

Stick to expressing your own opinions and stop harassing other users,
especially those who are peaceful readers of this site.

Thanks for the input. I'll take it under advisement. (that's American-speak for "f@% off")

Everyone is
tolerating you around here; the least you can do is to extend the same
courtesy to others.

Are you threatening me, now? lol. Somehow, I get the impression you don't speak for "everyone" and you aren't somebody who has been "tolerating me" anyway. What a pompous personality you have. An inflated sense of self-importance combined with condescension, contempt, and outright bigotry... all wrapped up in one! Maybe one of the post-doctoral degreed commentators here can perform some free psychoanalysis on you, like they did on JJ a couple days back? But then again, you're probably quite well off in this country you depise, so perhaps you can afford to pay for your own therapy? But, something tells me you'd storm out of the shrink's office and never return, after telling him/her how wrong they were about you.

Edited to add a PS to bigotmom:

You consider yourself a feminist? Lord have mercy on us.I shudder to think what "feminism" would look like, with an elitist like you running the movement. You already showed us how willing you are to try to destroy the character of a woman who got ahead in life the hard way.


Behnam Khazar

Dear Ogh Oghoo

by Behnam Khazar on

Is this a pro Obama posting in disguise?  Why beat around the bushes.  You are more than welcome to vote for him.  It is a free country after all.  And if you are tired of this country, you are always welcome to return home and vote for President Ahmadinejad.  Best wishes on your choice. 


get the hell out

by Redneck (not verified) on



Programmer Craig, How do you

by skatermom (not verified) on

Programmer Craig,
How do you know that English isn't my first language and that I'm not active in local politics or national politics for that matter? As a feminist I can assure you that I think this is an insult by the McCain camp. By trying to woo the Hillary supporters they thought that they could replace it with a woman...any woman. There are far better female candidates with far better dossiers for the job. Remember she would be a heart beat away from running my country. McCain is 72, has had 2 bouts with cancer and said himself he has no intentions of running for a second term. As for inexperience, Obama is a senator of a state representing millions. Palen is a governor of a state that has 600,00 people. Please don't call me a bigot. I don't know what's wrong with assuming that a person who would determine my future and my families future wouldn't be uber educated. I WANT this person to be smarter than me. I've read your posts in the past and you seem to have some anger towards many people from many different backgrounds with many different views. The way I see it I think you may have some underlying bigotry issues that you may need to work thru as well. As for elitism. The way you constantly lambast everybody who opposes you is the definition of elitism. Frankly if I were you I would channel your energy towards your party and find out why your candidate made such an unwise decision. If he would have chosen Pawlenty or Romney, the old coot would have been a shoe in and this conversation would never have taken place.
Thanks programmer Ava! Thanks for the kind words here and on the other post.


Programmer Craig

by Programmer Ava (not verified) on

I left you a message on another thread:


It is uncool and unwarranted of you to address Skatermom as "bigotmom". Stick to expressing your own opinions and stop harassing other users, especially those who are peaceful readers of this site. Everyone is tolerating you around here; the least you can do is to extend the same courtesy to others.


Yep! I wasn,t on par that Obama is actively wooing

by samsam1111 on


American bashers to diversify the base. btw acronym for  Base in Arabic is Alqaeda . And it,s final.. Campbell Brown & CNN are the total freakoleftie anti McCain...what a shame for a so called responsible journalism..The difference on coverage of Republican & Democrats VP event is night & day..."CNN your most trusted source for spino-leftie news"

programmer craig


by programmer craig on

Lets assume all you say is true. She's still better qualified than Obama. A sitting governor has better "qualifications" than a freshman Senator. That's the naked truth. How does it make you feel? :P


I bet most of us here on Iranian.com have graduate degrees (we're
Iranians for christ sakes that's not a stretch), speak foreign
languages and have more raft o amad with people of other cultures. In
other words any one of us would have made a better candidate for VP.

None of those things is required or even particularly desierable to be President of the United States. As far as I know, we have never had an Engineer, a Dentist, or even a Medical Doctor in the White House. And if being an immigrant who knows how to speak a "foreign language" (their native tongue) in addition to English was so desireable, being a natural born US citizen wouldn't be a requirement to become President, would it?But by all means, I urge you to get involved in politics as soon as possible. I am veryinterested in how the voters would react to your self-righteous and elitist mentality. How many of the poor middle class slobs who don't have graduate degrees and who don't speak foreign languages could you trick into voting for you, I wonder? Why don't you give it a shot? Should be pretty funny.


Oh, HI samsam!

by manesh on

I didn't know McCain supporters could write!  Good to hear from one: "education BAD, guts GOOD"... 

(they still can't spell: it's HARVARD not Harward dear) 



by manesh on

Obama's IQ is higher than George Bush 43rd AND John McCain combined!  Remember, John McCain was fifth from the BOTTOM in his class (az dar-e' aghab).

Seriousely, I share some of your frustrations about America, having arrived here around the same time as you and with the same high regards.  But, something has happened to me since.  I have become American. I hope and work for a better America.  I left my beloved Iran but this is where I make my stand as a human being.  And a fine place it is to do it in.

Go Obama!   


Dige' dAre' az Iran ogham migire' !

by Afghani (not verified) on

Believe me: We have far more grievences against your stinking country, than you have against the US!


The amount of Ignorance from Obama Camp;

by samsam1111 on

So what that She is not a phonie , Pretentious, Harward educated elitist with ZERO common sense about priorities..the saying goes:

" Most get the education but only a few are educated"

It Is amazing!..Here We have insulting a woman as dumb & a trophy queen side dish..etc ;Sexism Irani style

Then We have  Insults dished out at  Senator Mccain on his age & what ever liberal media brainwashing machine of mumbo jumbos repeated here... 

It just shows You the level of intelect & tolerance on most Obama fans..

Yes ! Go listen to some dumb SUV yuppie & CNN leftist geshtapos on telling You about Hollywood pick Obama...What a joke!


Adios, Mr Fateh!

by Iranpoor (not verified) on


I think we can survive with one less, ungrateful, crybaby!


Palin is more experience than Carter

by ex-democrat (not verified) on

If Jimmy Carter could get into the Oval Office with a predominantly peanut farming background plus a few years in the navy and governorship of Georgia, why can't Sarah Palin? She is an outstanding lady who has literally fought her way up the ladder of politics and has proved to have the critical qualities needed for leadership. Please cut the crap about exprience in foreign affairs or corporate life, etc. She is going to run the office of the President, if got the chance, in the same way that all other presidents do: USING EXPRIENCED ADVISERS. Who can you show among the recent American presidents who has been a career politician all his life none except one: George Bush Senior. And what did he do? Encouraged Saddam to invade Kuwait!!

And the rest is history.



by cyclicforward on

You can leave this place any time you want. Please do so if you wish.


Faramarz khan, with all due

by Fatollah (not verified) on

Faramarz khan, with all due respect, America is a land of contrasts as Iran is. But, at least people in America enjoy freedom, we all know money talks in America, but money talks every wehere else!

with regards


Dear Anonymous 21, first learn how to write in English

by Anonymous 21 teacher (not verified) on

Dear Anonymous 21, first learn how to write in English, then start posting in English. I will correct your post for you this time, at no charge:

You all are naturalized citizens. S/B YOU ARE ALL NATURALIZED CITIZENS. You are not born here. S/B YOU WERE NOT BORN HERE. Do you realize the difference? S/B DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCE? You have chosen to be an American citizen. You made a wrong choice? S/B DID YOU MAKE A WRONG CHOICE? ok. Correct it now. Anybody not liking being here, I will send a one way ticket for him/her to leave US for good. S/B TO ANYONE NOT LIKE BEING HERE, I WILL SEND A ONE WAY TICKET. Is that a fair deal?

Who died and made you the sheriff? Furthermore, Do you claim to have THAT much money to send tens maybe hundreds of us back to Iran? Yeah right.
You probably don't have a pot to piss in.


to all sentimental fellow citizens

by Anonymous21 (not verified) on

You all are naturalized citizens. You are not born here. Do yoy realize the difference? You have chosen to be an Americam citizen. You made a wrong choice? ok. Correct it now. Anybody not liking being here, I will send a one way ticket for him/her to leave US for good. Is that a fair deal?



by IRANdokht on



this guy is right... I just hope more Americans think like he does.




Faramarz, I was waiting for

by skatermom (not verified) on

I was waiting for a new post from you. This was good. I'm glad you pointed out her meager education. If elected this beauty queen is a heart beat away from the presidency. I bet most of us here on Iranian.com have graduate degrees (we're Iranians for christ sakes that's not a stretch), speak foreign languages and have more raft o amad with people of other cultures. In other words any one of us would have made a better candidate for VP.
The debates will be fun though. Biden will mop the floor with her.
I'm just saying


Een be oon dar :)

by TheMrs on

Two questions:

1) How do you know Sarah P. hasn't visited a foreign country?

2) Are you married? If so, I feel bad for your wife. All you do is negh negh and then ghor ghor!!

Sorry I couldn't resist. :)

It just goes to show you that all bloggers are talking about themselves and are complainers. Everything here is some way shape or form relates to the bloggers. It's not just me.

I noticed that you used a derivative of OGH in your blog. Afarin...sad afarin...I'm so proud I'm gonna cry.


can you believe

by Iman 18 (not verified) on

that the most qualified candidate they could find in this huge land is her? Part of her qualificaiton:

She eats moose burger
plays hockey
was miss something
has a child with autism
love to dig oil in wildlife
calls her husband "number one dude"
loves fishing

And then we poor Iranians would have to deal with these kind of decision makers when it comes to our homeland, culture and our wealth.

God help us...


You made a lot of sense

by IRANdokht on

You made a lot of sense in this article. Thank you!

I just wish you wouldn't use the "ogh" and estefragh as often... made lunch time a lot less pleasant.
