Abbas Milani and Velvet Revolution


by faraneh2

Dr Abbas Milani and his neoconservative friends at the reactionary Hoover Institute must be very demoralized that their velvet revolution did not happen in Iran and they must now settle with four more years of their nemesis, president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Milani was all over the American television networks during the postelection crisis basking in the glory of being a leading advocate of reform in Iran and, yet, he did not bother to publish one single article to prove the allegations about stolen elections. His monarchist supporters in California will probably rush to defend him and label any one who criticises Milani and company, but objective readers should know the following about Milani:

1. He works closely with people at Hoover who pride themselves as intelltectual progenitors of 2003 invasion of Iraq that has been called by UN leaders as "illegal";

2. In Washington Quarterly not long ago, Milani and one of those neocons wrote an article that said normalization of US-Iran is a good idea because then the US embassy can start cultivating ties with the dissidents and collect information;

3. Mr. Milani, mind you, has never published one peer review article in his entire life and instead of scholarly publications somehow managed to publish some self-bombastic articles about his family and his growing up in Iran, but he lied about his past political involvement with a Maoist group before the revolution and how he went on Shah's TV and confessed and, worse, revealed the information about his friends that led to their arrest and execution. Same monarchists are now considering him one of their own because of his service well rendered for the cause of counterrevolution.

4. Someone ask this "Iran expert" when was the last time you set foot in Iran? Not since 1979 it turns out and, what is more, the guy had spent several long years in Hawaii, etc away from his beloved Iran before returning to Iran for a very short period of time before the revolution, in other words this guy has spent the majority of his life outside Iran and now, like a rich embourgeoisified fat cat sitting on top of the millions of dollars that his high tech friends have doled out to Hoover, he lazily issues condemnation of Iran after condemnation, still hoping that his velvet revolution through remote control from abroad will materialize.

5. Another question that Milani's innocent Iranian students at Stanford must ask him is: What is your connection with the Central Intelligence Agency

? Why have you repeatedly given presentations to you know who? Is this the purpose of a free thinking Iranian academic to sell his soul to the CIA and the higher bidders? Rest easy Mr. Milani, you may think history is on your side but stop deluding yourself you are just a shallow, self-serving pseudo-academic who exploits Iran for a happy life in America.

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Afrasiabi's powerful critique of the Movie 300
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Dr Afrasiabi in Washington Post

by faraneh2 on



I think all the intellectual thugs on who speak about democracy but are the worst intolerant craps in the world, who tell me "put a lid on sis" showing their stupid male chauvenism, etc., and who now dismiss Afrasiabi, who I admire for his courage and intellctual integrity, should read this Q and A with him in WASHINGTON POST, so they would shut up about "medicore media" etc, or to accuse him unfairly. In this interview and so many others I have seen Dr Afrasiabi he has consistently supported the democratic rights of people, even suggesting in an article a foreign minister job for Mousavi, but without supporting their unfounded claim of rigged elections. How pathetic of you people to sink so low, get an eduction on democracy will you?


Ali Lakani

Sounds like a jealous rage

by Ali Lakani on

Sounds like a jealous rage against a reputable and respected scholar and author whose opinion is widely sought and trusted.

The real traitors to Iran and Iranians are Kaveh Afrasiabi and his small entourage who under the guise of "scholar" and "expert" provide public relations service to the killers, torturers, and rapists of Islamic Republic of Iran.  During the recent events in Iran, Kaveh Afrasiabi's "expert opinion" to the few mediocre media who still seek his opinion was a source of disgrace and shame for the rest of Iranians worldwide.  We will not forget the things he has said, rest assured.  More importantly, people inside Iran will never forget who their tormentors' "vakil vassi" outside Iran were during this time.

Kaveh Afrasiabi can go to live under his beloved mullahs and he shouldn't forget to take you, Faraneh2 with him, that is if such a character really exists and Faraneh2 is not the man himself in another flimsy disguise.

Pathetic whichever way you look at it, but especially because this whole thing goes to show us the pettiness a supposed "academic" is capable of displaying against another, simply because he is better and he is respected.  Next time earn your own respect instead of trying to destroy another's.


it's amazing....

by shushtari on

that after everyone has blasted your stupid 'blog' you keep ranting the same nonsense!

do u see anyone agreeing with your bs???? I don't think so

put a lid on it sista 


Milani apologists beware

by faraneh2 on

funny how his supporters have filled the comment page with desperate citation of Milani's article in this or that website -- has no bearing on my points. What these apologists should address is his article in neoconservative magazine National Review where pro-Israel pundits constantly say bomb Iran, or his article I mentioned in Washington Quarterly with Larry Diamond, an architect of Iraq's invasion and advisor to US administration in Iraq:



Obviously Milani wants to be Larry Diamond of Iran -- koor khondi agha



by jamshid on

"evading the subject of my opinion piece and attacking me personally"

Isn't that what you've done in your blog, evading Millani's opinion and attacking him personally?

"You like to have an adult intellectual conversation then stop your adolescent nonsense and stick to content."

ditto. So far you have done nothing more than nonsense, and you have shown that you are incapabe of any conversation, let alone intellectual conversation.

You are hyprocrite Faraneh, of the worst kind.



by shushtari on

your pathetic attempt to smear a wonderful scholar is shameful, to say it politely.

i personally know dr milani, and he is one of the brightest patriots out there....unlike you

his books on prominent iranians, the shah, and hoveida are based on extensive research and historical facts.

you, on the other hand, seem to be a paid supporter of the mullahs who is mocking a 'velvet revolution'- which is the dream of millions of iranians who want to exterminate the akhoonds once and for all....

so keep in mind that your idiotic rants against a true patriot are disgusting and only represent your own twisted logic, and no other iranian who cares about his homeland 


ps- go cover your hair- it's showing- a mullah or pasdar may come and arrest you LOL


Milani's article

by Azar on

OK, I just read Milani'sa article in  Sorooch's site/

could you please tell me what did you find wrong in that article, or you do not like the fact that he wrote in Soroosh's site?

these are 2 diff matters, and I feel a constructive criticism addresses the first issue even though we  may agree that Soroosh himself is confused..




by Azar on

At least get your facts right Faraneh!Milani is a scholar and had done extensive research and wrote many books, some of which  : Eminent Persians: The Men and Women Who Made Modern Iran, 1941-1979 (2 Volume Set)  Tales of Two Cities: A Persian Memoir The Persian Sphinx: Amir Abbas Hoveyda and the Riddle of the Iranian Revolution (new edition)  Lost Wisdom: Rethinking Modernity in Iran  King of Shadows: Essays on Iran's Encounter Modernity and more,whether we agree with him or not is a diff matter. His lectures and conferences not always address the neocons. Your approach  seems to me infantile and more of a personal attack. why don't you state his opinions along with your CRITICISM  so we may learn from you if you have anything to say.This said, my comment is in no way supporting neither Milani,nor   Kadivar or....



by Kaveh Parsa on

Here is an article by Milani in Dr Soroush's Site:


Also Milani has written the forward for Akbar Ganji's Book "The Road to Democracy in Iran".


Now go and do a background check on Ganji & Soroush. I think there are big files in the Etealat ministry on these 2.


How pathetic

by faraneh2 on

Kadivar and Jamshid, you re both evading the subject of my opinion piece and attacking me personally, why is that I like to know. You like to have an adult intellectual conversation then stop your adolescent nonsense and stick to content. You're incapable of that and that's why your labeling machine is in high gear, smear machine. Who do you think will be convinced by your terror tactics that has not one single sentence about this intellectuall midget Milani -- who has not been seriously scrutinized so far.



by Shepesh on



Darius Kadivar

faraneh2 The "ANN TELECTUAL" I believe Your Qualified ...

by Darius Kadivar on

For the Silly Job application :



Reza-Rio de Janeiro


by Reza-Rio de Janeiro on

If the egoic earth drama has any purpose at all, it is an indirect one: It creates more and more suffering on the planet, and suffering, although largely ego-created, is in the end also ego-destructive. It is the fire in which ego burns itself up.


Didn't read your last comment

by jamshid on

"Damn right I support Dr Afrasiabi."

My suspicion is confirmed. There are a variey of reasons why someone could dislike Abbas Millani, scholarly or politically. But your particular reason is clear now:

You are an aghazadeh (or khanoom zadeh) who supports the regime of rape and murder, because that's what Afrasiabi is.



by jamshid on

"I don't expect an intellectual response from the lumpen monarchists who are worse than the mullahs."

Nobody expects an intellectual response from you either. In fact, your blog and your responses speak for themselves.

Although I support a republic, but ask any Iranian in any corner of Iran, and they'll tell you that monarchists, if not good, at least were better than mollahs, by leaps and bounds.

Of course, by "any" Iranian, I am not including the few agha zadehs and khanoom zadehs who are benefiting from this regime at the expense of the rest of Iranians.

"I criticize what Milani has written in his articles and books"

You've done no such thing. All you have done was attack his person. But of course, I didn't expect an intellectual analysis from you either.

"his book on Hoveida is a joke, he makes a caricature of late Shah's system and pretends that Hoveida was ever more than a stooge."

In your minset ANY thing you disagree with MUST be a joke or a caricature. But I think it is your way of thinking that is the joke.

"In the past forty five years Milani has spent less than two years in Iran -- some Iran expert."

I know a few who have spent their entire lifetime, take a year or two, in Iran, and they know nothing but what are the things that could make their vozoo null, what to do if they had a "shak" while praying or with which foot they should enter the bathroom, and so on. I guess in your limited mind, those are better experts because they have lived 45 straight years in Iran.

Now I have a question to ask you. Are you a reformist?


response to Kadivar

by faraneh2 on

Mr (Moron) Kadivar: Damn right I support Dr Afrasiabi. If you had one iota of brain you would too. Go and read his story of battle with nasty Harvard may be you pick up a lesson or two about human rights. Or see how he defended the reformists but disagreed with their complaint about foul election. Didn't several other people like Leverett reach the same conclusion? Are they apologists too? Grow up kid or, better, stick to you arts reports from wherever hell you are.


response to comments

by faraneh2 on

1. I don't expect an intellectual response from the lumpen monarchists who are worse than the mullahs.

2. I criticize what Milani has written in his articles and books -- his book on Hoveida is a joke, he makes a caricature of late Shah's system and pretends that Hoveida was ever more than a stooge.

3. Go and check the background of people who have co-written articles with Milani, one of them was a buddy of the first US administrator in Iraq -- who turns out to be deep in embezzlement.

4. In the past forty five years Milani has spent less than two years in Iran -- some Iran expert.


5. He clearly has connection with US intelligence community.

6. If I was an Iranian student at Stanford I would stay away from this shallow pseudo-academic.



by jamshid on

Why speak my thoughts when a mind reader like yourself can do a better job at knowing what I am thinking?

Now you tell me frankly what you were thinking that made you blurp what you wrote. Do not keep it inside.

Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

Whether we like the Hoover Institution or not, it is better to have Iranian research fellows in this influential think tank. A non-Iranian filling the position at Hoover would be less likely to show Milani's concern for the lives and welfare of the Iranian people.


jamshid jaan

by Shepesh on

Tell us frankly what you think. Do not keep it inside.    :-)


Attacking the person,

by jamshid on

Attacking the person, instead of his views. Typical IRI crap.

I see that many who were in the "reformist" camp, now have switched to the "fundementalist" camp, just following the trail of money.

In some parts of the world, these people are called political "whores."


Je dirais même plus M. Kadivar...

by Quebeqi on

Nobody expected the Spanish Inquisition! XD



Marg bar Diktator! Javid Monty Python!


Farhaneh: who are

by vildemose on

Farhaneh: who are you??

Do you work for fascist VEVAK?

Why do you think VEVAK is better than CIA??

Kill Mouse Traps

faraneh2, You're out of your mind

by Kill Mouse Traps on

And, who are you sopposed to be?

Darius Kadivar

Coming From an Admiror of Kaveh Afrasiabi I am not surprised by

by Darius Kadivar on

Your Silly Diatribe against Abbas Milani ...


Send MY Regards to Your Joon Joony IRI Apologist "Expert" Kaveh ( reading through your comments here  ) ...
