Pres. Obama: Do Not Talk to the Fascist Regime!


Farhad Kashani
by Farhad Kashani

The recent revelation in the U.S – Iranian relations (or lack of it!) has people talking. There is a talk among some of “negotiations”. Some want the United States and the Islamic regime to sit down and “talk about their issues” in hopes of getting them resolved.

Many look at the IRI – US conflict as a misunderstanding that could easily be resolved by mutual understanding after the president of the U.S and an IRI regime official sit down and “talk” about them.

This raises an ever important question: what these negotiations should be about and how are they are going to resolve the conflict?

Well, let’s examine the possible topics of a possible negotiation and see how that’s gonna resolve the IRI – US conflict and most importantly, how is it going to be helping the Iranian people:

Security Guarantee: Some IRI apologists say that the U.S should give security guarantee to the IRI regime. First off, the IRI regime says on daily basis that we have the support of the majority people in Iran and no power in the world can take us down, so why does it need security guarantees from the U.S when Khomeini said “America heech ghalati nemitavanad bekonad”? Second, how is that going to look on the part of the U.S when at Iran’s darkest moments and when its people needed the Intl Community’s help the most, U.S abandoned them? Third, U.S said and showed that is not toppling the regime, so why security guarantees? Fourth, how is that going to help the people in Iran when a regime that is oppressing them in the most brutal fashion stays in power?

U.S need to apologize: That is the most ridicules, selfish and misguided argument of them all. Why should the U.S apologize? Should the U.S apologize for liberating Azerbaijan from Soviet rule for us? U.S never dropped a bomb on Iran, nor ever attacked Iran, so what’s there to apologize for? The 1953 coup which Shah, who was an Iranian, executed with his generals, whom were all Iranians, and kept him in power for 35 years, because of his supporters, whom were all Iranian, is only his fault and no one else. No. It shouldn’t. It is IRI who has to apologize not just to the U.S, but to the world for what it has done the last 30 years. Albright made a really dumb move few years ago and that move has become a great leverage point for the Fascist regime. Even if we accept that apology by Albright, which is absolutely out of place, the IRI regime by disregarding every civilized behavior and International law and norm by occupying the U.S embassy and engage in U.S bashing everyday for the last 30 years, made things even, don’t you think? So we’re even, IRI took revenge, so let’s move forward. But there is more to it, isn’t there? Also, let’s say U.S should apologize, what kind of a responsible and rational government sacrifices its country and its people over an “apology” for 30 years?? So everything that IRI has done in the last 30 years is because U.S didn’t apologize?????

Ending IRIs isolationism and IRI’s role in the region: that will work with a regime that has the least amount of common sense or responsibility. But since IRI doesn’t have any of those, they will take that as a victory and make them pursue their agenda even fiercer. I agree that ending isolationism helps Iran’s civil society, but, this regime has a foreign policy which is based on war mongering. Iran doesn’t have time to wait for a long term project of empowering civil society in order to effectively challenge the government. The stakes are too high.

Cooperation in Iraq and Afghanistan: since IRI is the biggest chaos causer in both countries, it definitely has the power to stop or reduce violence in them. Sure, U.S – IRI cooperation will bring some stability to Iraq and Afghanistan, but how’s that going to help the Iranian people?

U.S and IRI decide to end animosity: The most unrealistic of them all. First off, IRI needs anti Americanism to survive. Even if there are some elements in IRI who want to get close to U.S, they can’t, because they will lose the support of their basijd and Sepah and Hezbollahi base, therefore, there will no longer be in power. That base is absolutely brainwashed, they’re like killing machines, at least they’re commanders are. IRI needs to feed its base a dose of anti Americanism every single minute of every single day. Without them, there will be no IRI. IRI has dug such a deep hole that it cannot really get out of. IRI has said it a million times that our problem with the U.S is ideological, and since IRIs ideology is religious in nature, meaning absolute, there is little, if any, room that it will change. That’s what makes IRI different than other nations whom were enemies of the U.S but later on sat down with it and reconciled.

So, as we can see, realistically, it’s just not possible. I like a feedback on behalf of anyone who thinks that negotiations would work to come out and share their ideas on what they should discuss and most important of them all, how the outcome of those discussion will benefit the Iranian people, not IRI nor U.S government, but the Iranian people.


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more from Farhad Kashani

The IRI and the U.S. will

by Frank Brown (not verified) on

The IRI and the U.S. will not be on good terms for quite sometime. As you said, Iran needs antiamericanism to retain their political ties in the region. Their ideological disagreement with the West will only be broken if absolutely necessary for survival. When could this be?

Imagine 10 years from now. The U.S. is energy independent, and Iran's oil dominated economy is faltering as the demand for oil has decreased by 75%. The U.S. and other western nation's economies are heavily technology based, and the Middle Eastern states (besides Israel) are lagging far behind. What would Iran do? They have to restructure their economy to meet the global economic needs. As this occurs societal changes are absolutely necessary to develop the products that are in demand in 2019.

The inefficiency of the Iranian economy could bring the West and Iran to a common ground. I believe this is the only way.

Personal injury lawyer


Farhad Kashani

by MossadeqDoost (not verified) on

What you said works with a typical regime, not with IRI. IRI is too smart not to understand that. The reason that Iran is isolated is not because U.S hasn’t talked to it, it’s a deliberate attempt by the IRI to keep Iran isolated.

It will work with IR if you know how to make it work. With less than $40 oil and a troubled economy Iran isnt going to be a major threat anytime soon. All it takes is for the west to try and bring Syria into their orbit. And then see the dominos of IR power and influence fall in the region. But this is going to be the toughest dimplomatic challange to overcome.

And the reason that the past 30 years hasn’t worked is because the International community got it wrong when it came to IRI. They don’t understand the threat it poses. They don’t understand how IRI’s policies in promoting Islamic fundamentalism threatens every human rights value achieved. They look at IRIs missiles and tanks and think IRI is not powerful. IRI’s power is not in ints military, rather, in its ability to initiate and lead a worldwide Islamic fundamentalist movement.

I would argue that Saudi Arabia and the ideology of Salafism poses a greater threat to western society than IR Islamist movement. The Saudis are being funded by the western tax payer money and they carryout behind the scenes funding extremist Islamic ideologys across the world with the money.

Your mindset and many others alike stems from the not very recent propaganda campaign initiated by the Israel in order to attract as many Iranian opposition groups to their cause. They see Iran (with or without IRI) as a strategic threat to their own interests. They also see a US-Iran reapproachment and fixing of ties to a pre-IR era as one of their greatest threats facing them. They dont want US to rely on Iran as their middle east "hub". They will be increasingly isolated as a result amongst all the hostile Arab nations surrounding them.

The Arabs too are not too keen on US-Iran ties either I might add. The thought of a powerful Shah era returning to Iran sends a shiver down their spine.

All these just should make a person wonder whether IRI is truly after religious causes or uses religion has a cover in order to gain strategic influence in the region.

Only time will tell.

Farhad Kashani

MossadeghDoost,   What

by Farhad Kashani on


What you said works with a typical regime, not with IRI. IRI is too smart not to understand that. The reason that Iran is isolated is not because U.S hasn’t talked to it, it’s a deliberate attempt by the IRI to keep Iran isolated.  


And the reason that the past 30 years hasn’t worked is because the International community got it wrong when it came to IRI. They don’t understand the threat it poses. They don’t understand how IRI’s policies in promoting Islamic fundamentalism threatens every human rights value achieved. They look at IRIs missiles and tanks and think IRI is not powerful. IRI’s power is not in ints military, rather, in its ability to initiate and lead a worldwide Islamic fundamentalist movement.


I agree with programmer craig.

   Talkplease jaan,  

I think you say the same thing I’m saying, although you’re telling me I’m wrong. But I do agree with your point. I just think we already know the outcome, so why bother?


All other guys, thanks for your kind comments.

Farhad Kashani

Apparently some Iranians

by Farhad Kashani on

Apparently some Iranians who live in the U.S, take advantage of all of its great things it has to offer, but then come around and bash it, and nonetheless take its dollars with them to Iran to show off to the Iranian people who are suffocating under IRIs oppression and ignoring what they are going through, lack the basic ability to understand that there is a total of 2 or more sides to any negotiations.

 They lack the ability to understand the simple fact that a successful negotiations depends on the willingness of BOTH sides to be willing to truly resolve their differences. Those IRI loving Iranians who say “30 years of "not talking" to Iran has only produced pain and hostility.”, lack the basic ability or common sense to understand that IRI laughs at the idea of negotiations. The Armageddon waiting, medieval minded regime of the IRI understands one and one language only, and that’s force. And since it has hijacked the Iranian people, if force is used against it, ordinary Iranians will be the first ones to suffer.  So the best option is a total isolation and total International pressure to help the Iranians who are fighting the regime to succeed.  

Those Khomeini loving Iranians think they can fool people, but only one they’re fooling is themselves. I asked them to suggest only ONE good topic of negotiation between the two and how’s that gonna help the Iranian people and they are unable to do that.




by Maziar CVIII (not verified) on

I'm with you on this mr. F.K
any sort of direct dialog means; 1 acknowledging their (IRI) stance on internal abuses
2 America is with them too
3 can beat the system ? join the system.
marg bar.......



by talkplease (not verified) on

FK: I think you're wrong. In fact, talking directly to IRI, Hillary vs Khameni or Obama vs. Khameni will prove once and for all to the US foreign policy makers that IRI is not interested in Peace and diplomacy.

I think Obama and Hillary are smart enough and it won't take them more than a few rounds of face-to-face meetings to gauge the IRI's insincerity and it's usual tactical shenanigans. Face to face interactions are indispensable in figuring out the true intention of your enemies.


Talk with Iran not cheap

by Kenneth (not verified) on

Setareh Sabety

who ever wrote this piece

by Setareh Sabety on

your arguments bore me. They are old and repetetive and down right silly. you sound like those awful L.A cable channels. anyone who advocated no dialogue with iri, including myself at some pôint, should have changed their mind after the mess the us made of Iraq! you all need to grow up or shut up! this kind of talk is down right dangerous. Thank god the neocons are not there to listen.


The U.S. and mullahs have always talked and are still talking!

by Relax (not verified) on

Don't let yourselves be fooled by all this media hype!

The two sides have always talked to each other even during Bush's entire term in office, we just didn't hear about them.

The two sides' agandas and goals are completely opposite of each other and there are so many irreconcilable differences that If possible, would take years even decades to overcome.

At the end of the day, IRI is the one which will LOSE and cease to exist in its current shape and form but in the meantime Iranians have to endure a lot more hardship.

programmer craig


by programmer craig on

You make good arguments. But I'm still not seeing the light. Maybe Obama try things that way... we'll just have to wait and find out, I guess :)


WHat's wrong with talking?

by Ye Irani (not verified) on

Ghahr nakon babam jan!
Talk and let it out;
But, do not flirt!


programmer craig

by MossadeqDoost (not verified) on

It would also empower the IRI. Look at how they talk, already? How much more unbecoming would the gloating be if the US did restore normal relations with that regime?

If you knew anything about the Ayatollahs you would know that without this enemity some of these people dont have much substantive arguments to make in order to stay in power.

You think its all America's fault, do you? The US is only the primary victim of that rgeime, but certainly not the only one. Do you think the British are ever going to forget having their military personnel kidnapped and paraded around on television? Iran's pariah status is a result of the behavior of that regime. Towards its own citizens, and towards the citizens of other countries.

You misunderstood me. Both sides share the blame.

It seems to me that Iranians already had that choice, many years ago. Iran was America's closest ally in the middle east. What has changed? And for another thing, it certianly hasn't helped public opinion in many Arab countries, when the US was seen being on friendly terms with their oppressors. What evidence do you have that that "communication" between the two countries will improve anything, rather than make things worse all around for everyone but the IRI?

Iran at the time of Shah was a little more than America's closest ally. So much so that they put him back in power in a planned coup. You think we would be having these idiots ruling us right now if it hadnt been for the political restrictons that were placed back then?

I think the opposite is more likely, personally. The Islamic Republic would no longer have any motivation at all to try to live up to international standards for human rights. They'd have the cover of the US, after all.

I disagree. They will have to end up removing some restrictions at the very least. Unlike Arab countries like Saudi Arabia etc, the womans rights movements and students movements inside Iran are arguably the most successful in the muslim world. You underestimate the will of the Iranian people when given some space and support.

then I don't really see what the US would want to talk to the IRI about. Can you tell me?

They could start off with Afghanistan and Iraq as a trust building exercise. then go off to the nuclear issue and finally the arab israeli peace. or they can put them all in one package as a grand bargain of some sort (something like the one Khatami's aides offered back in 2003)

programmer craig


by programmer craig on

The outcome of any successful negotiations
between IR and the west would help the Iranian people. Why? Because
most importantly it will help to remove barriers that are in front of

It would also empower the IRI. Look at how they talk, already? How much more unbecoming would the gloating be if the US did restore normal relations with that regime? 

3 decades of isolation from the west as a result of this

You think its all America's fault, do you? The US is only the primary victim of that rgeime, but certainly not the only one. Do you think the British are ever going to forget having their military personnel kidnapped and paraded around on television? Iran's pariah status is a result of the behavior of that regime. Towards its own citizens, and towards the citizens of other countries.

It will encourage communications between the countries. It
will ultimately encourage cultural coperation which makes it easier for
Iranians to choose between an Islamic culture or westernised persian
culture or whatever.

It seems to me that Iranians already had that choice, many years ago. Iran was America's closest ally in the middle east. What has changed? And for another thing, it certianly hasn't helped public opinion in many Arab countries, when the US was seen being on friendly terms with their oppressors. What evidence do you have that  that "communication" between the two countries will improve anything, rather than make things worse all around for everyone but the IRI?

This could potentially lead to compromises with
respect to IR's human rights abuses.

I think the opposite is more likely, personally. The Islamic Republic would no longer have any motivation at all to try to live up to international standards for human rights. They'd have the cover of the US, after all. 

The international community could
potentially pressure Iran into gradual democratization of the country
etc etc.

A few sentences ago, you said "the West" and now you say "the International Community". There is nothing stopping teh IRI from pursuing better realtions with the West and with the International Community, right now. The US doesn't even have to be in that mix. The "International Community" kicked America out a few years ago, in case you didn't notice. And I could make a pretty good argument that the US is on the verge of leaving its status as a "Western" country behind, as well. "Western" means "Western Europe", after all, and we don't have much in common with Western Europe, anymore.

Also, I would like to ask you, why not have negotiations? 30 years
of enimity has done nothing to improve Iranian lives and Iran's
standing in the world. Another 30 years could only be worse. And of
course any war with Iran will not only be counter productive it will
help to radicalise further the populace on both sides.

Wars tend to do that, yes.

In my humble opinion, the best way for any opposition group to help
Iranians inside Iran is advocate for an IR-West deal. This is coming
from someone who absolutely hates the Iranian regime but sees
negotiations as a necessety towards an eventual democratization of

I understand the point you are making, but it seems irrelevant as far as the US goes. (I am American, by the way, and not Iranian-American, if you were wondering). The neocons are gone, and it was the neocons who wanted to push democracy on the unwilling. It isn't clear what Obama's plan is yet, but judging by his public statements, he does not intend to allow the IRI to build nuclear weapons. I don't know how he plans to stop it, but any discussions between teh US and the IRI will be focussed on THAT issue, not on what is good for Iranians. Since the IRI has never budeged from its position that teh nuclear issue is non-negotiable, then I don't really see what the US would want to talk to the IRI about. Can you tell me?



It is said that it will "Open the doors for exchange ......"

by SamSamIIII on


Open the doors for whom? . the only group that will benefit from this open door policy are the %5 aghazadeh , bacheh hajii , theoricians , basij picked undergrads & rich regime benefactors that will use this to open econo-political shops here to white wash regime image in USA under the fake cover of average Iranians just as it,s been carried out in Euro scenes . Look at London !, there are more rich hezbollahis in London than in Tehran . Meanwhile opening relations won,t make a zilch of diffeence to the life of %90 of average Iranians who can,t afford a mere domestic train ticket . If anything , the so called relations will only legitimize Qadesiyeh regime & dampen morals . I say , lift the econo sanctions but no dialogue & no relations.

No war , No sanctions , No dialogue

btw* JJ , once relations resumed , prepare to be chased in broad daylight , bound , gagged , flown by official diplomatic IranAir flights outta US & end up in basij centcom next day and yahh being in Mexico wont help you neither :) . 




Can't agree more dear Farhad.

by tsion on

I hope we don't get the new Chamberlain act all over again.


Mola Nasredeen

Obama should not talk to Iranians...

by Mola Nasredeen on

He should learn Farsi first!


President Obama must TALK with Iran . . .

by Javadagha on

Our country has produced many moftkhors whose attitude has been why they should get involved.


Thanks to those who fought for their vatan and did not run to hide or worst yet write or post articles against it.


I agree that our incompetent leaders must apologize, but the U.S. politicians also have been bunch of thieves and war mongers.  Here is a list of the things which the U.S. has done wrong:


  • The U.S. directly encouraged Saddam to attack Iran in 1980.
  • The U.S. has refused to deliver the spare parts which Iran paid for them.
  • The U.S. has blackmailed many countries to go against Iran.
  • President Reagan imposed illegal sanctions against Iran in violation of the Algeria agreement.
  • The U.S. officially supported Saddam by sending Rumsfeld to shake hands with him.
  • The U.S. destroyed half of Iranian navy in Persian Gulf
  • The U.S. shout down IranAir Airbus A300B2 on July 3, 1988
  • The U.S. does not believe in Justice for IranAir 290 passengers and crew, but asked Libya to pay for the victims of Pan Am 103 flight, $10 million each
  • International obligations: US refuses to supply the spare parts to Iranian civilian aircraft.
  • The U.S. has prevented the European Union (EU) to sell civilian aircraft parts to Iran.
  • The U.S. does not want Iran to develop nuclear energy, at the same time has prevented foreign companies from investing in Iran’s oil and gas.
  • IAEA has no evidence of illegal obligations, but the U.S. does not believe them.
  • The U.S. supports MKO.
  • The U.S. blackmails some of the members of the IAEA board.
  • The U.S. keeps opposing the WTO membership for Iran.
  • The U.S. has sold billion dollars of arms to neighboring countries.
  • The U.S. threats have not stopped under Obama.
  • The U.S. pays Eye-ranians to go against their own vatan (many vatanforoshs live in the US).

President Obama must talk with Iran.  Iran must talk with the U.S.


FK Speaks ,,,,

by ./. (not verified) on

Why are you still around? You and the like of you live in stone age. That si why the world hates you. We are now living in 21st centurty. Wake up !


To Farhad Kashani

by MossadeqDoost (not verified) on

The outcome of any successful negotiations between IR and the west would help the Iranian people. Why? Because most importantly it will help to remove barriers that are in front of Iranians. 3 decades of isolation from the west as a result of this enemity. It will encourage communications between the countries. It will ultimately encourage cultural coperation which makes it easier for Iranians to choose between an Islamic culture or westernised persian culture or whatever. This could potentially lead to compromises with respect to IR's human rights abuses. The international community could potentially pressure Iran into gradual democratization of the country etc etc.

Also, I would like to ask you, why not have negotiations? 30 years of enimity has done nothing to improve Iranian lives and Iran's standing in the world. Another 30 years could only be worse. And of course any war with Iran will not only be counter productive it will help to radicalise further the populace on both sides.

In my humble opinion, the best way for any opposition group to help Iranians inside Iran is advocate for an IR-West deal. This is coming from someone who absolutely hates the Iranian regime but sees negotiations as a necessety towards an eventual democratization of Iran.


Pres. Obama: do not listen to fascist-minded Iranian exiles

by Q on

Pres Obama, you had the instinct and the foresight to understand that 30 years of "not talking" to Iran has only produced pain and hostility. You understood that the path to peace lies in dialogue not endless contempt and belligerance.

A number of Chalabi-like Iranians in the US have gotten used to this hostile atmosphere. Their entire self-made identity depends on an adverserial relationship wtih Iran. They cynically offer sacrifice on behalf of 70 Million Iranians to advanced their personal regime change uber alles agenda from the safety of American suburbs. However, they are just illegitimate and out of touch as the Iraqi exiles who supported the doomed regime change agenda in Iraq for years prior to the war.