What a sad ending to a lofty crusade!

by farrad02

Mixed in the hottest news from the US Presidential campaign trail, one news item caught my attention this week and made me kind of sad!  

Isn't it so sad, I thought, if not downright amusing that a liberation crusade that began with the absolute urgency of "stopping a mad man from using his large nuclear and biological arsenal to level our cities and end our way of life", over a period of merely 6 years, morphed into being proud of "overthrowing a bad man" to settling for simply "putting Osama Bin Laden's chauffeur" on trial for....something!!! what, we don't know?!

Whatever happened to the America I grew up to love and respect?! 

If you or I start a fight with a neighbor on the side walk with no justification or with fabricated excuses, we will get arrested and must answer to the law! How did "they" get away with causing the unnecessary death of so many humans (our kids in uniform and Iraqis)?  

And how are "they" able to sleep at night?  



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Shining Head

Indeed sad day for America

by Shining Head on

With the election of a FRAUD president, and their right-wing Zeio-Nazi friends, they thought they can clean the deck, plunder world resources, and kill as many as they wish in the name of defense against terror. They managed the 9/11 theatre and the subsequent events. Americans are at awe that what happened to once their great nation. In fact the blame is on american people that let lunetics  take over their government in their name.