The Last Time They Played

by faryarm

Their music has an inexplicable effect.

It was a pleasure to see them together one last time.

The benefit concert was called No More Excuses....



The Rehearsal




more from faryarm


by sag koochooloo on


Gavazn jan

by sag koochooloo on

You are adorable, thank you. Love you too. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

These songs are too emotional for me, I dont like crying anymore when listening to music. That's why I just listen to up tempo stuff now. But no denying they are really somethings else, the BEST.


Dedicated to you two lovely people .............

by Gavazn on


Faryar jan

by sag koochooloo on

It is such a shame about Syd and other artists who were naive and weak enough to get into the world of drugs. What ever you read and however much these Users want to justify their actions as "creativity" or "spirituality", noone actually knows the long term effect on the brain of such chemicals.

I get angry when people take LSD with the excuse of "creativity". There are those that are genetically disposed to developing mental illness with such things. It is a foolish risk. And I read a very good comment the other day about "creativity". If someone is creative, then they do not need to take rubbish. But there are those that NEED to experiment in order to somehow fill fulfilled, I deal with all sorts of addicts on a daily basis. It is all hippy BS. Often they only do something about it when it has destroyed their lives and relationships.

Loved the  Speech video byu the way.


With Sid's Tragic Loss; Do drugs really help or hurt creativity?

by faryarm on

Looking and revisiting at all this wonderful music, with especially Sid Barret's going off the deep end having fried his brain with LSD

took me to an engaging dialogue happening at; check it out under 

Do drugs help or hurt creativity?

Amongst the comments, this familair quote caught my eye...


Alcohol consumeth the mind and causeth man to commit acts of absurdity, but ... this wicked hashish extinguisheth the mindfreezeth the spirit, petrifieth the soul, wasteth the body and leaveth man frustrated and lost."


"They were so Magesterial...." Boy were they good.

by faryarm on

Great Speech and intro for Floyd's Induction Hall of Fame





by sag koochooloo on

Thanks for posting Faryar. True legends.... and lets not forget Syd who made it all happen.