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First Amendment
by First Amendment

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"Has our expiration date arrived?"
Oct 11, 2012
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Whatever Happened to that Iranian Bomb Plot Case?
Oct 10, 2012
more from First Amendment

So Pathetic

by delldaar on

your source of information...Russian TV..the mouthpiece of criminal regimes, ie Putin or IRI.


You even called yourself The PAPERBOY

by Mehrban on

The admin still didn't get it.  

Anyway, I have said enough here. This it is not my publication, I guess it is not JJ's anymore either.  Whom ever it belongs to is fast asleep at wheel. 

First Amendment


by First Amendment on

Are you sure nothing else is bothering you, a boss, a friend, a bill, a Bill, or a Barbara?...................with your previous avatar I could address you sweetie.............listen sweetie......but this one is a bit khashen.......so how could I try to comfort you?...............disappearing from this site?......I won't promise it because based on being an avatar I don't exist in the first place. Got it?.................You want me become more original?.........OK, you lead the way........show me the ropes...........I might learn a thing or two from you...........But again, are you really sure it's about me, and my posts?.................


No one- here- should care about how I feel.......

by Mehrban on

Admin should care about what it is that they publish.  They not only publish your second hand material as blogs day in and day out they also feature them, it is pathetic.  

First Amendment


by First Amendment on

Who cares how you feel............you're taking it too seriously..................chill out.............it's a  virtual game, buddy.....the reality is on the ground which is:  ......Nukes are ours................it's done.........it's over....................Now get yourself ready for the next presidential election............in Iran, my friend........in our homeland....................and before you know it...........Reform will be there...................according to one article the Green Movement isn't finished as yet...............


Pity is more like what I feel ......

by Mehrban on

Pity for this publication that has not stopped this travesty.  

First Amendment

Hasood hargez niaasooooooooood...

by First Amendment on

Because he loves me.......... we're a happy family.........


Is this a Blog? Original material?

by Mehrban on

How do you get away with churning second hand material as a blog day in and day out?  Is the IC admin this careless?!