Of embassies and imbeciles...

First Amendment
by First Amendment

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Whatever Happened to that Iranian Bomb Plot Case?
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به به چه هنرمندم!!!


خود گویم و خود خندم

به به چه هنرمندم!!!


Amen to that...

by Frashogar on



Whatever RT is ... it's a hell of a lot better than Zionist news

by MaryamJoon on



"murderous Putin supporter of your criminal masters" ?

by MaryamJoon on

How about this instead?

"Doped-up communist snow bunnies on roller-skates that drink cheap brandy" 

Do the fortune cookies in Tel Aviv come with these slogans in them or are you naturally gifted with slogans that mask the ability to have a rational discourse?


Russia Today (RT)

by Frashogar on

Is not Russian state owned. It has private shareholders and does not answer to the Russian government. RT has also been quite critical of Putin and his policies in the past. And the only people Vladimir Putin has been murderous towards has been Chechen Islamist Salafists who, on and off since the mid 1990s, have engaged in wholesale acts of terrorism against the people of Chechnya as well as the people of the Russian Federation. So far Russia Today (RT) has established its credibility worldwide as the only non-Western "alternative" media conglomerate which is willing to report objectively on issues of the day which the Western corporate media refuses to or otherwise systematically ignores. A good example here is the Occupy Wall Street movement which RT first gave coverage to long before the Anglo-American corporate media was forced to. The case of Wikileaks and Julian Assange - and their persecution by the British and American establishments - is another  notable example.


What do you mean "US" lackey?

by MaryamJoon on

Be straight.  

Be clear:

The correct statement is: Lackey of the Jewish Lobby and Bahai Propaganda Machine (that *claims* in its religious doctrines not to involve itself in politics).  Can I get "hell yeah" for honesty? 

Be straight.

Be clear.

You owe nothing to any special interest group with non-Iranian affiliations.



Dumbest move Canada could have possibly made!

by P_J on

This unwarranted IDIOTIC move will NOT isolate the IslamoFascist regime; but, will bring about and cause further misery of isolation to Iranian populous!

As a US lackey, what can you realistically expect from Canada!   Orders were GIVEN/dictated from Washington, and like a good NOKAR, were obeyed diligently and subserviently!

 Whether or not this man is a Putin agent or mouthpiece is immaterial!



Reliable source!

by delldaar on

RT, russian TV, mouth piece of a murderous putin..supporter  of your criminal masters !


Thanks again

by Frashogar on

For posting all the sobering and informative material hereabouts.


Great Video - good choice 1st Amendment; Thanks!

by MaryamJoon on

This is also a MUST SEE    Iranian destroys Israeli lobby lies and propaganda, MUST SEE   And this is why they closed the Canadian embassy:   Bahá'í Brainwashing Corporation