Women Who Refuse to Die

First Amendment
by First Amendment

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Thanks Mamoor

by Demo on

for your remark. May GOD forgive us on the upcoming Ramazan. Ameen.


every one's story should be told

by مآمور on

what human beings have surely achieved to accomplish is killing!! so many methods to let u die!!

In first decade of 21st century, most victims of those killings and massacres happened to be Muslims, however no blood is dearer than others!! 

listening to Cheches' story which was brought up by demo,  I also remembered this! those 3 days watching tv at work with christian co-workers made me realized the most important massage in the book is the first sentence of it!! God is compassionate and merciful so must be the human!! or at least try!!

I wear an Omega watch



by Demo on

Heartbreaking & sad. Thanks for postig & reminding friends. These friends including Aljazirah should also remeber the silent genocide of Chechnian by Putin in Russia, but they rather not:
