کیانوش آسا از کشته‌شدگان ناآرامی‌های پس از انتخابات

by fooladi

کیانوش آسا از کسانی بود که پارسال در جریان نا آرامیهای بعد از انتخابات ریاست جمهوری زخمی شد. او هنگام انتقال به بیمارستان مفقود شد و 10 روز بعد جنازه اش در پزشکی قانونی تهران پیدا شد. یک سال بعد از این واقعه تصاویری به دست بی بی سی رسیده که فعالیتهای کیانوش آسا، درجات علمی و مراسم بعد از خاکسپاری او را با وجود تدابیر شدید امنیتی نشان می دهد. ;



Recently by fooladiCommentsDate
Zeynab Jalalian facing imminent execution
Jun 29, 2010
more from fooladi

His brother, his entire family are so brave and graceful

by fooladi on

I also heard the news about his brother's detention and am following it.

I have to say, when I saw this video on BBC, it brought tears to my eyes.

Marg bar in Jaladan


Killing him was not enough. Now his brother Kamran

by oktaby on

 has been in rapist regime's jail            //www.ihrv.org/inf/?p=4192



One should not despair, because:

by fooladi on

"Despair is typical of those who do not understand the causes of evil, see no way out, and are incapable of struggle"

Young Iranian Women and men are non of above. The regime is badly shaken, punch drunk and like a wounded animal, capable of harming it's subjects and even itself. It will receive the final death blow, soon, I am convinced of that.

The first priority of the new government of Iranian Democratic Republic should be the trial of these mass murderers. The Jury should be the mothers of these murdered heroes. I'd hope and expect for no mercy towads these criminals.........



Crimes against humanity

by Cost-of-Progress on

I received an email yesterday that said during the uprising last year a large group of demonstrators who were arrested were murdered in deserts outside Tehran and buried in a mass grave. I could not cut and paste the body of the message here, but that's what it said with some references.

This reminded me of the ethnic cleansing that happened in the Balkans not too long ago, only that the cockroaches in charge are "cleansing" their own people. They are making sure that those who do not stay quite are exterminated so the status quo shall persist.

Now we have new comer islamic regime supporters telling us that the regime will last til the end of time...because it is such a good thing for iran.

If this is what we are content with, perhaps this is what we deserve.


