مرگ بر مصدق السلطنه

by Fred

آخ جون داره جور میشه که از شر بیست و نهم اسفند و بزرگداشت آن روز ننگین راحت بشیم.

آخر تاکی قرار بود یک ملت مجبور بشود تا هر سال یک روز را به مناسبت خیانت واضح و آشکار آن معلوم الحال، محمد مصدق السلطنه و همدستان آنکاره اش و مردم آنروزگار ایران که نفت مملکت را ملی کردند جشن بگیرد.

آخر اشکال کار در کجا بود که انگلستان مقدار مالیاتی که از شرکت نفت انگلیسی بابت درآمدش از نفت ایران میگرفت بیشتر از سهم مردم ایران بود.

بله درستش هم همین است که یک کوچه در ایران به نام آن خائن مصدق و همکارانش نامگذاری نشده باشد و این روز ننگین هم از صفحه تقویم کشور پاک شود.

پیشنهاد میشود یوم النکبت بیست و نهم اسفند به پاسداشت خدمات آیت الله کاشانی و دیگر همکارانشان که صمیمانه با اجنبی ها در دخل آن خائن را آوردن همکاری کردند به نام روز نایب حسین کاشی کاشانی نامگذاری شود.

" كميسيون اجتماعي مجلس ضمن موافقت با افزايش تعطيلي عيد فطر به سه روز و حذف تعطيلي 29 اسفند با حذف تعطيلي 15 خرداد مخالفت كرده و به جاي آن 12 فروردين را گنجانده است. اين طرح به زودي در جلسه علني به راي گذاشته خواهد شد."



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Islamist tin pot dicator due, AN and khamenei are terrified

by yousef on

Of the memory of Mr mosssadegh, so many years after his death, because he represents Democracy, Patriotism and Anti Imperialism. These values are directly opposite to what the islamist regime stands for.


How else can it be said, that the two

by aynak on


sides that hate Mossadegh are complementary, Shiekh o Shah both could not stand his legacy. 

From Fred's link:

اقتصاد- كميسيون اجتماعي مجلس با افزايش تعطيلات عيد فطر به سه روز موافقت
كرده است. پيش از اين مجلس به يك فوريت طرحي راي داده بود كه براساس آن
تعطيلات عيدفطر به سه روز افزايش پيدا كرده و در عوض تعطيلات رسمي 15 خرداد
و 29 اسفندماه حذف مي‌شد؛ اما كميسيون اجتماعي مجلس ضمن موافقت با افزايش
تعطيلي عيد فطر به سه روز و حذف تعطيلي 29 اسفند با حذف تعطيلي 15 خرداد
مخالفت كرده و به جاي آن 12 فروردين را گنجانده است. اين طرح به زودي در
جلسه علني به راي گذاشته خواهد شد.

This is not the first time they are trying to remove 29th of Esfand, the day of oil nationalization from thier calendars.   In their lame attempt, they think they can wipe their own treason.   5th Majles of Islamic Regime, also tried to remove this page of pride from our history. 

Thanks Fred, this must be part of Ahmadi-Nejads new rapproachement with the West :)



Masoud Kazemzadeh

good blog

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Dear Fred,

Excellent blog.




by Majid on

Well said comrade.


One of your best blogs!

by comrade on

How ironic!  If you were to remove the username and avatar of the first comment posted on your blog , it could have been written by any given monarchist.

Enough of my silly observation. Let's put all the differences aside, get united, and move on. The IRI can only be removed by a united opposition. Mosaddegh has his own rightful place in Iranian history, like any other historical figure. No one can strip him of his due recognition. 

Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.



noticed u did not vote in Aynak's blog, but here some stats 4 u

by MM on

from Masoud Kazemzadeh's blog:

What do Iranians want?


"3. In early 2000, our own JJ published a poll of the Iranian.com readers for the "Iranian of the Century." The results were most instructive. The respondents were asked to name a person for the Iranian of the century. Judging by the written responses, it appears that almost all those who selected Dr. Mossadegh supported him and like him. But not all those who selected Khomeini also liked him and supported him, but thought that he was the Iranian of the Century. So the numbers for Khomeini do not indicate support for him, rather that he was the most influential (for some a bad and harmful influence). The following were the votes:

42% Dr. Mossadegh

14% Ayatollah Khomeini

11% Reza Shah

10% Mohammad Khatami

4% Mohammad Reza Shah  

putting all those who selected the person as supporting him (not fully correct, but lets do it any way), as supporters of that alternative, we get

42% democracy

24% fundamentalist regime (both Khomeini and Khatami)

18% monarchist

16% others

source: //iranian.com/Opinion/2000/January/Century/index.html"



Make sense

by MRX1 on

why would IRR care about any Iranian hero, real  or fictional? over night  they decided to  delete 1100 years of our history from history bookst. The only question is why did it take them so long to remove 29 esfand?


good job Fred

by mahmoudg on

for posting all the stuff that you post.  Every little bit helps.  The end result is the complete removal of the Evil Rapist Republic, and with it sidelining Islam.  Ofcourse for the pallet of millions like me it would be more desireable to do away with religion all together and Islam in particular.  I know a long process and tall order, but we have to start somewhere.


Stripping a nation

by divaneh on

This is part of the ongoing process of stripping the nation of anything which may give people a sense of national pride. Have they now replaced the stolen statues of Sattar Khan and other national heroes? This time however they will have a number of people cheering for them in LA.

BTW, I did not understand the relevance of Sarkaar Barandeh's comment, but that is not the first time.

Sargord Pirouz

Come on, Fred. Tell us about

by Sargord Pirouz on

Come on, Fred. Tell us about yourself and your family history. Let's get to know Fred the human being, rather than Fred the amateur propagandist and hatemonger.

Don't be insecure. Let it all hang out!