ببر حامله اش کن این..

by Fred

 قهرمان ملی شکنجه شده ابراهیم شریفی  از چنگال رژیم پر برکت  گریخت 


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What part of "rape" do you not understand?

by bachenavvab on

Let me spell it out for you: LAVAT. As in: a cardinal sin punishable by death in the mohammadi faith.  You know, the faith that is claimed to be the foundation of the IRI.  I guess those who were shot in the streets of Tehran and other cities were also faking it for a refugee status in paradise, right?

This comment is so transparent that is why no one has responded to it.  I just couldn't help myself.    

I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. That is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.           Martin Luther King, Jr.


It doesn't make sense

by gigapd on

What he said doesn't make sense. I hope he didn't make it up to get a refugee.