فرقۀ ضاله و بی بی سی

by Fred

اول بخشی از تحلیل جام نیوز:

" بی بی سی در تاریخ ٢٨ ژولای ( ٦ مرداد) درحالی خبر متهم شدن ١١ تن از بهائیان ایرانی به جرم اقدام علیه امنیت ملی را انعکاس داد که گزارشات از نفوذ بهائیان در بدنه بی بی سی فارسی خبر می دهد.

بی‌بی‌سی فارسی با اعزام خبرنگاران خود به سرزمین‌های اشغالی، سعی کرد تا با توسل به ترفندهای مختلف، چهره بهائیت را تطهیر کند. ناگفته نماند نقش بریتانیا در تشکیل این فرقه در تاریخ، بسیار مشهود است."

به عبارت دیگر؛ باورمندان دینی ایران زاده و ایرانی منش که هر کجای این کرۀ خاکی بوده و هستند بجز خدمت به بشریت و سرافرازی برای ایران و ایرانی چیزی در کارنامه ندارند، نیازمند "تطهیر " میباشند.

این نیازمندی از سوی کسانی بیان میشود که به گونۀ جنون آمیز بهائیان را مورد آزار و اذیت بیدریغ قرار میدهند، دلشان با دیار دیگری است و بجز توحش و سیه روزی و سرافکندگی برای ایران و ایرانی در توبره ندارند.

این روزگار تلخ تر از زهر هم خواهد گذشت و رو سیاهی به زغال ماند.



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by Freethought111 on




by divaneh on



Good for you

by Freethought111 on

Just be on notice that this isn't one of those issues that will be allowed to be kicked under the carpet.



by divaneh on

As I stated in my comment to Roger Rabbit, I only enter discussion with people for whom I have respect. I am not going to waste my time one you, so don't linger here, go eat your bone and shake your tail.



by Freethought111 on

My background allows me to have the knowledge that many readers
may not have and armed with that knowledge I have challenged your claim.

I may be much better armed than even you are here so be careful when using your background in this debate and what it allows you. Roger_Rabbit has been extremely gracious to you people throughout this discussion. You know me, I am not gracious towards your lot at all when it comes to you-know-what because I do possess the evidence that Roger-Rabbit in their graciousness here is not going to disclose publicly! What this person says is true.


Whom do you trust?

by Roger_Rabbit on


"A neighbour came to the gate of Mulla Nasreddin's yard. The Mulla went to meet him outside. "Would you mind, Mulla," the neighbour asked, "lending me your donkey today? I have some goods to transport to the next town." The Mulla didn't feel inclined to lend out the animal to that particular man, however. So, not to seem rude, he answered: "I'm sorry, but I've already lent him to somebody else." All of a sudden the donkey could be heard braying loudly behind the wall of the yard. "But Mulla," the neighbour exclaimed. "I can hear it behind that wall!" "Who do you believe," the Mulla replied indignantly. "The donkey or your Mulla?"[


Dear Roger Rabbit

by divaneh on

Someone asked Moa Nasreldin that where is the centre of the earth. Mola replied it is where I have nailed my donkey's rope to the ground, if you don't agree go and measure.

This is exactly what I told another IC member who made a claim and left the burden of the proof to the readers. You can't just make a claim and ask others to investigate it for you. The whole point about this site is that you can be challenged and asked for evidence in support of any claim that you make. It would be mayhem if anyone could claim anything without even a shred of evidence. In IC like everywhere else we need to encourage the truth. Now if some people have secret agendas and want to spread lies, that is something that we should confront.

I think it is only right if you now either provide evidence or retract your statement. Do not worry much about the fate of anyone as IRI probably has all that information at hand. Also BBC is not a secret service and probably the list of their employees can be obtained by interested members of the public. Furthermore, to my understanding, the corporation's charter does not allow it meddling in other countries' affair. If you have evidence that some Bahais are using the BBC for illegitimate political, religious or personal activities, with or without the collaboration of British authorities, then please disclose it and I will promise you that I raise the matter with my MP and ask for clarifications. Otherwise please retract your statement in the name of truth and justice.

I can't understand why you think more people should object to your statement. Do you write to share information of value, debate a point, or just to cause some reactions from a certain group of people?

You seem to link my objection to my background, and you are right. My background allows me to have the knowledge that many readers may not have and armed with that knowledge I have challenged your claim. I do not need to follow the example of anyone as I don't share your view of "all or nothing". I have to repeat that I will hold to those principles that I find of value and therefore if I have lost my belief in god, it does not mean that I ignore the truth, loose integrity and stay quite when a minority is falsely put in disrepute. I would do the same thing for any other minority wherever I feel I have the valid information and someone is attacking a group or ideology out of personal prejudice or ignorance. I have a deep belief that as a nation we can only have a future if we hold the truth and justice in high regard, and that is what guiding me. That is the only cure for prejudice, ignorance and division.



by Truthseeker9 on



Dear Divaneh

by Roger_Rabbit on


One of the interestig features of Iranian-dot-com is that the reality on this site is a relative concept and the there is no such thing as absolute thruth or absolute lie for that matter. For example if I say  2+2 is 4, soon there will be counter arguments that suggest 2+2 is indeed 5 and everyone seems to agree!! 

Besides, we are not in a court of law to prove or disprove any thing. I have invited you to do some research and find the facts for yourself. But I am surprised that you are encouraging me disclose the names of the Baha'i staff of the BBC Persian service. Even if my information is proven to be incorrect (which I assure you it is not) such a disclosure would place the lives of many people and their relatives in serious danger, given the regime of Tehran's readiness to use such data.

In concluion dear Divaneh, it is clear to me that you are still too emontionally attached to the faith of your fathers that makes it difficult to debate this topic objectively. Perhaps you shoud follow the example of the more devout Baha'is on this site, those who believe that Baha'ullah did not harm a single ant, who wisely have  adopted a meaningful silence on the subject of this blog.



Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

با امید اینکه نفرت بین دینها پایان ګیرد

Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

با این آرزو که این نفرت بین مسلمانان و بهاییان پایان بگیرد و قربانیان بیشتری برای خاطر ادیان الهی نداشته باشیم  پایان این نفرت امید همه ماست. ّپایان نفرت بین همه دینها و همه مذهب ها درست مثل کاری که لااقل درآمریک میشود 


Thanks Vildemose

by divaneh on

That was a very interesting article.


"If you repeat a lie often enough..."it becomes fact

by vildemose on

 Divaneh jan: Here is a great article on lies:



"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho Marx


Different kinds of public knowledge

by divaneh on

Dear Roger Rabbit, public knowledge consists of factual knowledge which is based on facts, and made up propaganda that has become public knowledge through repetition of one or more lies.

Linking of the Bahais to the Britain or the BBC is one of those made up lies that is repeated with only one purpose and that is to bolster its belief in the unsuspecting minds. I do not say that this is your purpose but I think you are inadvertently are doing so. No doubt BBC has Bahai employees. Why is it only the Bahai employees that are of concern to you? I am sure there must be Muslims, Christians, Jewish, and employees following other religions and beliefs working there too. If you have evidence to show Bahais have an unbalanced presence in the BBC then why don't you reveal it? I respect a good factual research as much as I disrespect the cheap propaganda. I am not aware of any restriction on this site and if you are in possession of information that may be of interest to the Iranian community, I encourage you to publish it here.

I also think that the choice of words is very important. When you write that Balyusi was a founding member of the BBC Persian Service, the unsuspecting reader assumes that Balyusi created BBC Persian Service with the help of some other members, and not that he was only an employee of the organisation. The truth is that BBC Persian Service was set up by Britain to counter the Persian Service of the Radio Berlin and the Nazi influence in Iran. My little research shows that Balyuzi, Masoud Farzad and Mojtaba Minavi (who resided in London because he was fearing Reza Shah) were all working on the cultural programmes of the Radio. The news and political services are hugely influenced by the Foreign Office although BBC claims that this is no longer the case. Now we have to see who works in the foreign office :)

Have I kept to my sensitivities? You bet I have. Listening to this nonsense for a life time, I need to challenge it wherever someone repeats it. That is of course if I have respect for that person and think that I need to have a discussion about the truth with him/her. Finally, I don’t reject faith or ideology in a black and white manner. I hold to what I find of value and I throw away what I do not find useful. 



Please show me the evidence

by Roger_Rabbit on


Divaneh geraami,

I read my comment again and again but I could not find a single word that can be remotely interpreted as "accusations" against the Baha'i faith or community. I have simply stated a number of facts that are public knowledge. If, in your words, I have accused Baha'is of anything "same" as the IRI is doing please show me the evidence.

You are merely reading between the lines and jumping to conclusions that I have never made. Here, for yor benefit, I repeat and elaborate what I have stated in my earlier comment.

Mr H M Balyusi, a distiguished and high profile member of the Baha'i community, was a founding member of the BBC Persian service in 1940, he was also its frist manager and newsreader. The Persian service of the BBC did broadcast to Iran in support of the Allies and against Reza Shah who was the head of a neutral state. The BBC Persian did have and still has a number of Baha'i employees in "key" positions, therefore the Baha'is have a key presence in this section. Please read my words carefully, I say key presence and not key influence but if you wish to extend it to your liking please go ahead.

Now due to the restrictions on this site I am unable to mention other names but the evidence is there if you bother to research it.

Baha'is were the source of great service to Iran in a number of Industries in which they held "key presence/positions" including the Sabet TV organization, Pepsi-Cola franchise and the most important of all, Iran Air.

I hope I have made myself clear. I must say I am pleased to note that despite rejecting the Baha'i faith you have kept your sesnitivities and your sympathies like the good old days.




haaj agha pendar

by Waders on

next time you go Haj, just stay there, u have all the rights to khodmokh-dary in Saudi since Kabeh is there. what simplistic dissociated self rightous thoughts  


No wall shorter than Bahai's wall

by divaneh on

Dear Roger Rabbit I had difficulty understanding your logic. Let's take your argument at the face value and assume that the religion of the employees of an organisation is a proof of the link between that religion establishment and the organisation. Even in that case and considering only the three names that you have listed in your comment, BBC was founded 66% by Shia Muslims, 33% by Bahais, and the other 1% must have been the British government. As for today, I hope you care to give us a breakdown of the BBC Persian employees by their religions.

This meanness that people cannot tolerate the members of a minority in the posts that are mainly occupied by the members of the majority is not exclusively Iranian.

Now, IRI blames Bahais as supporters of the Shah, and you blame them for the fall of the Shah and his father. As we know BBC was instrumental in downfall of the shah, which means Bahais brought Khomeini to Iran.

Now let's open our eyes and see the reality. Reza Shah left Iran because British won the war in which he favoured Germans. He was a dictator and although in my view was full of good intentions for Iran, had taken the wrong and hurried approach of "change by force". As we know his son reversed some of those changes including the reduced power and influence that Reza Shah had allowed Akhonds. Under the protection of the late Shah, Akhonds increased their influence in the society and use the national radio to level accusations against Bahais without the later being given the chance to defend or be protected by the government. It is dissappointing that you have now repeated the same accusations without having sought a real insight into the matter.


نقش بریتانیا در تشکیل این فرقه""


این بی‌ ناموس بی‌ وطن، این مزدور پلید ولایت وقیح  که این جور بیشرمانه به هموطنان بهایی ما توهین میکنه، اگه جرات داره یک چیز هم در باره نقش بریتانیا در تشکیل فرقه شیعه اثنا عشری به عنوان رقیب عثمانیان ترک در دوره شاهان صفوی هم بنویسه...



BBC and the Baha'is

by Roger_Rabbit on


There are no words strong enough to condemn the treatment of the Baha'is under the Islamic regime of Iran. Absolutely outrageous.

But at the same time there is no denying that the Baha'is have had a founding role in the launch of the BBC Persian service right from its start in 1940 to the present day.

Hassan Movaqar Balyuzi was a prominent Iranian Baha'i who together with Masoud Farzad and Mojtaba Minavi-Tehrani were the founding members of the newly launched  Persian service of the BBC which broadcast anti Reza Shah propaganda to Iran through airwaves,

The late Balyuzi is the only publicly acknowledged BBC Persian  Baha'i staff who can be mentioned but the trend continued through the decades until present. Regardless of the IRI's rant, the Baha'i community still maintains a key presence on the staff list of the BBC Persian.

Mona 19

IRI & its supporters' moto is ...

by Mona 19 on

Think before you act,but they have no brain cells to think & that's why they talk rubbish.



Of Bahais...

by پندارنیک on



هموطنان بهایی ما بی‌ هیچ تردید سزاوار حق خودمختاری در سرزمین مقدس
نیاکانی خویش در "حیفا" میباشند. من صمیمانه امیدوارم که حکومت دمکراتیک
اسرائیل، برادران و خواهران بهایی ما را در تشکیل سرزمین قومی خود یاری