America do it!


by Fred

Not that it has ever been a calm tranquil day in the past thirty years but things are getting hot again back in IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic.

The final realization of Islamist Rapists’ total and system wide immunity to any sort of reform even at the hands of ultimate insiders like a two-term Prime Minister, two-term President and former Speaker of what fronts as Parliament is slowly sinking in.

Here comes the avalanche of self professed experts who all, to the one, have documented failure of insight into events and where they are leading to inform all what needs to be not done. That is right, now that their recopies for what needs to be done have been followed resulting in what no one can deny to be an undeniable political dead-end in IRR, now is the time to concentrate on what is not to be done.

Talk about the second, third, fourth and fifth bite of the apple and all from the safety of the sane world while Iranian men, women and children are being raped, tortured and murdered.

The do nothing gang has mobilized to let the sane world know the best possible policy to help matters in Iran is actually the policy of doing nothing. Well, not exactly, the usual package of lets help the civil society, have more trade and give IRR security guarantee is still being pushed, but these experts strongly advise against doing nothing.

When the overseas representative of one of the purported leaders of the “Green Movement” openly asks for the regime to be sanctioned economically, all of the sudden the usual experts become hard of hearing.

U.S. government is at a turning point. Is it going to finally have a policy of openly backing the Iranian people which requires letting go of trying to find a right package to appease and at the same time make IRR safe for the Middle East.  Or is it going to try to implement the failed policies yet again trying to disprove one of the well known definitions of insanity, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome.

Before it is too late and the desperate nuke acquiring Islamist Rapists impose a catastrophe on Iran and Iranians the sane world has to wake up. Imposition of airtight sanctions and not piecemeal watered-down feel good sanction is a must. So is to openly and unremittingly helping the enslaved democracy wanting Iranians with moral and material support to overthrow the beacon of Islamist menaces.   

A democratic Iran will go a long way in solving many regional problems; America should do that which she is really good at, helping nations gaining entry into family of democracies. Time is of the essence.


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Fouzul Bashi

Natalia - legitimacy

by Fouzul Bashi on

The reality is that whether we give "legitimacy and normalcy" to such a view it will continue to be expressed by others.

Dear Natalia, I agree, my point however was about generally identifying the groups or types of individuals who will express such views.  The issue of legitimacy and normalcy is very much bound with that distinction.

Wish you and your family a peaceful and enjoyable XMas and the New Year.  Hope the New Year brings us all hope, peace, sanity and serenity.


Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

Well then......

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

WE do agree on the most important issue then.

The reality is that whether we give "legitimacy and normalcy" to such a view it will continue to be expressed by others.

I have seen the U.S. way of intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq. I do not want to see Iran destroyed.

Best wishes to your friends and family this New Year

I have a cold so I will rest now.


Fouzul Bashi

Dear Natalie, I am not psychic!

by Fouzul Bashi on

I have no divine power, but I am an Iranian, go to Iran, have family in Iran, and keep my eyes open!  If you JUST look at this website which is obviously not a pro-regime website (!) it is easy to see how many contributors express support for economic sanctions in Iran!  You don't need to be psychic to see the obvious.  

I agree we are both against economic sanctions imposed on Iranian people.  Our disagreement is over giving legitimacy and normalcy to a view that is vicious and destructive.  That's all.  I am pleased that you are expressing opposition to sanctions too. 

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez


by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

I just find it ironic that we are both obviously against any further sanctions in Iran.

Yet we keep debating the varying view points issue.

Why do we continue to do this?

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

Can you tell me my fortune too?

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

Obviously you are psychic or have some divine powers to know the exact numbers of  who are pro and against sanctions within Iran and the diaspora.

Now whom is stretching things too far?

Fouzul Bashi

In the diaspora and in the IC !

by Fouzul Bashi on

The support for economic sanctions on Iran is miniscule amongst Iranians in diaspora.  You stretch it too far calling this varying opinions!!  On this website the number of supporters of economic sanctions do not exceed the fingers of one hand and the advocates are suspect characters known for their allegiance to Israel!

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

varying view points......

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

My friends within Iran don't want anymore sanctions or to see their beloved country bombed.

MasoudA on the other hand said that her relatives wanted sanctions.

Therefore I said that there are varying opinions on the matter.

Regardless of how you may feel there does exist varying opinions on the matter within the diaspora. Just take a look at the comments on this thread.

Regardless of whether the ones making the comments are sane or insane.

Fouzul Bashi

Natalia - we May Not agree on that!

by Fouzul Bashi on

The issue of economic sanctions on Iran is not something that people IN IRAN have varying opinions on!!!  Even amongst the diaspora, with much hatred of the regime, there is a very minute, insignificant number who are either seriously sick in the head or Israeli agents with Iranian IDs, (most probably both) who advocate such grave crime against an entire nation.  

As for your 'relatives' MassoudA, don't sacrifice a whole nation for your relatives dear! Not only are you compassionate you are also very generous loool

 Besides, for all those people suffering in poverty, in jails, out of work, or missing, ... etc , economic sanctions make their conditions worse and damage the population's ability and resilience to fight for their rights.  

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

May we agree

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

May we agree that just like there exists varying view points on this web site so too is the case within Iran.

Mola Nasredeen

And who died to make you the boss?

by Mola Nasredeen on

Somebody, somewhere else is missing or imprisoned and just because of it you're the boss!

Note: If we put a sock in it, for sure we'll suffocate. You should try it sometimes. 


try this

by masoudA on

they have had one child in jail another one in hiding have not heared from in 3 months - can you relate to that loafers?   Khejalat bekeshin - sharaf dashteh bashin - ya aghalan put a sock in it.

Fouzul Bashi

MasoudA - your relatives, eh?

by Fouzul Bashi on

"Yes sanctions or tougher actions would have an impact on the population - but not as hard as what they are going through with the mullahs".  And you say your relatives told you so!  Your relatives must be insider figures of the regime then who wouldn't be affected by airtight sanctions and would even make money in the black market.   

Mola Nasredeen

masuouda, then give the names and addresses of your relatives

by Mola Nasredeen on

so United States could have an air tight sanction against them only since everybody else's relatives is against sanctions.


Natalie - It is hard

by masoudA on

to live outside Iran and call for sanctions or military strikes against IRR - but there is one thing that is even harder dear..    It is to live outside Iran and plea for status quo.   Yes sanctions or tougher actions would have an impact on the population - but not as hard as what they are going through with the mullahs.   We must have a change immediately, via whatever it takes and at whatever Cost.  Those are the words of my relatives living inside Iran. 

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez


by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

It is really easy to call for air tight sanctions when you are not living in Iran.

Have you stopped to think what it will do to the average person if such a plan is implemented?

No you haven't because it will not affect you.

marhoum Kharmagas

Fred versus Makhmalbaf (to MVP)

by marhoum Kharmagas on

Not that I like Fred's views, far from it, but Makhmalbaf's views are not that far from Fred's views. Listen to Makhmalbaf's audio (link at the bottom of the following page):



"...As with a number of by

by vildemose on

"...As with a number of

by vildemose on

"...As with a number of well-known Middle Eastern leaders, including the late and largely unlamented Saddam Hussein, President Mahmud Ahmadinejad continues to put what purports to be national pride before common sense or a rational approach to international relations.

The Iranian government, its military and intelligence services go out of their way to needle the West in a manner that suggests that they still harbor the illusion of surviving such a military confrontation.

Iran incapable of defending its strategic targets
The truth is that Iran is quite incapable of defending its air space and strategic targets against a determined Israeli attack, let alone one that involved US air assets.

Iran's air force and air defense forces are a generation or more behind its potential foes. According to the US Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington in May 2009, "Without Russian air defense systems, Iran is a sitting duck."

CSIS said, "Iran's current air defense umbrella is antiquated and could not stop an Israeli or US strike. Iran's air defense network could be easily penetrated by the air forces of Israel and the United States."



Mola Nasredeen

"America did it in Iraq and Afghanistan

by Mola Nasredeen on

and regrets it like a dog!" Said Hazrate shotor.

Fouzul Bashi

Doroughgo doshman-e mardom ast ;)

by Fouzul Bashi on

In the video clips from Makhmalbaaf, in the final video, in speaking to the EU parliament, he is demanding boycott of companies like Siemens and Nokia that he says, he believes,  sell surveillance equipment.  He is asking for a sanction of "instruments of torture and surveillance" to deprive the regime rather than your suggested AIRTIGHT SANCTIONS which will devastate iran and kill Iranian citizens.  

Secondly, Makhmalbaf is not a spokesperson for the people of Iran.  He has never been.  He is an artist, a film maker.  Have reformist figures and Green Movement leaders in Iran asked for EVEN the sanctions Makhmalbaaf is calling for?  NO  Have they asked for foreign interference?  NO.  They have made their opposition to sanctions and foreign interference very clear.  



Inconvenient truth sucks III

by Fred on


Fred, you are dodging the question (what else is new?)

by Q on

nobody has called for "airtight sanctions". Even Batabi and Makhmalbaf who may have opined on "smart diplomatic sanctions" like the kind Shirin Ebaid also talked about, don't mean economic sanctions. In fact, they are talking about lifting "useless" sanctions.

The only legitimate voices are those inside Iran, including the leaders of the Green movement Mousavi and Karroubi (that's what Makhmalbaf calls them).

The person who wants sanctions on fuel affecting every single Iranian: Fred

The person who wants sanctions on computers, technologies and school supplies: Fred.

The person who wants sanctions on medical supplies and equipment: Fred.

The person who wants sanctions on Universities and cultural exchanges: Fred.

Amazing what kind of suffering you are willing to condemn 70M people to without their consent! Your altruism is exemplary!

Let's get one thing straight: The least legitimate person of all here is yourself.


The lies of Fred II


Makhmalbaf: "He said it was important to avoid measures such as blocking petrol
imports because ordinary people would be hurt. "




Continue to spread your nonsense. Only a few likeminded opportunists such as yourself will buy your nonsense.


Inconvenient truth sucks II

by Fred on

Mien Führer writes:


Only the lying frequent bloggers like Fred who have admitted as much to being ant-green movement has called for sanctions.




That would be news to at least Ahmad Batebi who has more credibility than all the low calorie regime opposition put together to the power ten. Also Makhmalbaf who is the representative of one of the purported leaders of the “Green movement” would be surprised to hear such claim.

That is of course just couple of better known Iranians with access to media who have asked for sanctions and done so publically.  As to others, well how about all those what is it 435 in House and 100 in Senate minus a handful who asked for sanctions and are passing legislation to do so as well.

Lets not forget the president who is backing some sanctions too. It is perfectly understandable when you have a president who the usual suspects were rooting for is seeing the truth about IRR, it is a hard pill for them to swallow. Inconvenient truth sucks.    


ps. The above quote is pre Mien Führer’s rewrite.


The lies of Fred


Neither Batebi nor Makhmalbaf have called for airtight sanctions. Only the lying frequent bloggers like Fred who have admitted as much to being ant-green movement have called for "airtight" sanctions.


Inconvenient truth sucks

by Fred on

Mien Führer writes:


“Nobody sane has asked for airtight sanctions. Only you Fred, only you.”


That would be news to at least Ahmad Batebi who has more credibility than all the low calorie regime opposition put together to the power of ten. Also Makhmalbaf who is the representative of one of the purported leaders of the “Green movement” would be surprised to hear such claim.

That is of course just couple of better known Iranians with access to media who have asked for sanctions and done so publically.  As to others, well how about all those what is it 435 in House and 100 in Senate minus a handful who asked for sanctions and are passing legislations to do so as well.

Lets not forget the President who is backing some sanctions too. It is perfectly understandable when you have a president who the usual suspects were rooting for is seeing the truth about IRR, it is a hard pill for them to swallow. Inconvenient truth sucks.


Nobody sane has asked for


Nobody sane has asked for airtight sanctions. Only you Fred, only you.


"backing Iranian people" = "airtight sanctions"? on what planet?

by Q on

That's an extraordinary statement you are making without the slightest hint of legitimacy. Who the hell are you to be asking anything from a foreign government with a shady history in Iran?

But hey, lies aren't new with you and your colleagues, people aren't going to fall for it this time.

Here's a present for you. Happy birthday.